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41. Activities Of The European Union - Environment Protecting, preserving and improving the world around us Go to main content shortcut key S, by skipping site tools, language selector, navigation path and navigation menu http://europa.eu/pol/env/index_en.htm | |
42. Earth First! Summer Gathering 2008 People involved in radical ecological direct action get together to talk, share skills, strategise, etc. http://www.earthfirstgathering.org.uk | |
43. Environment :: Activities :: Tibetan Women's Association Activities The Central office of the Tibetan Women's Association in Dharamsala and all branch offices in exile are involved in the following activities http://www.tibetanwomen.org/activities/environment/ | |
44. Gravestones For Trees Campaign: Peacefully Protesting Treekilling. A project to bring attention to the many city trees being cut down by giving them gravestones. http://members.fortunecity.com/fortrees/ |
45. Composting Unit: Environment Activities For The Classroom - Printable Guide For Composting is the controlled decomposition of organic materials. This printable guide to the basics of composting – and how it helps the environment – contains great http://www.teachervision.fen.com/environmental-education/printable/63735.html | |
46. Become An Instant Activist - Sierra Club Tips for effective environmental activism. http://www.sierraclub.org/takeaction/toolkit/index.asp | |
47. Teachers Books | Teachers Worksheets | PDF Teaching EBooks Download PDF Teaching Resource Books on the Environment instantly. Printable Lessons Activities. Complete Teachers Books from Major Publishers such as Scholastic, EvanMoor http://www.schoolebookstore.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=6_980_948 |
48. Web Of Creation Fosters the movement for a just and sustainable world, from a religious perspective. Offers resources on ecology and religion, including the Green Congregation project and ways to incorporate eco-justice into church services. http://www.webofcreation.org/ | |
49. BC Education - PE Grade 10: Movement (Alternative-Environment Activities) Grade 10 Movement (AlternativeEnvironment Activities) This sub-organizer contains the following sections Prescribed Learning Outcomes Suggested Instructional Strategies http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/pe810/10alt.htm | |
50. Direct Action *** Organizations Indexed Thereunder San Francisco Bay Area Progressive Directory. http://bapd.org/kdi-on-1.html | |
51. SERI - Think Tank For The State Of Penang :: ENVIRONMENT ACTIVITIES ENVIRONMENT ACTIVITIES. Sustainable Penang Initiative (SPI) The Sustainable Penang Initiative was funded by CIDA through the CanadaASEAN Governance Innovations Network Program http://www.seri.com.my/v2/ap/environment-activities.html |
52. Peace In The Forest | Direct Action Directory | Environment Direct action environmental directory for people who are interested in saving wildlife and preserving natural resources. http://www.designbytes.com/all.html | |
53. Topics :: Environment Activities TBO.com News a comprehensive news and information site from Tampa Bay Online, including breaking news coverage and video from the newsrooms of WFLA Newschannel 8, The Tampa http://www2.tbo.com/topic/k/environment-activities/ | |
54. Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network Provides information on people imprisoned for actions in defence of the earth and its inhabitants. http://www.spiritoffreedom.org.uk | |
55. UNSW Built Environment Activities With Schools The Faculty is involved in a variety of activities with schools, including our participation in career markets, the organisation of educational events, and through our http://www.fbe.unsw.edu.au/schools_and_engagement/activities/ | |
56. ELF (The Original) Interview with the founder of radical environmental cadre known as the Earth Liberation Front. http://www.originalelf.com/ | |
57. Recycling Unit: Environment Activities For The Classroom - Printable Guide For T Your students probably already know the basics of recycling and why it is important. This printable unit focuses on collecting, processing, manufacturing, and purchasing http://www.teachervision.fen.com/recycling/printable/63734.html | |
58. TIME'S UP! :: NYC Direct Action Environmental Organization - HOME Environmental group in New York City with accent on bicycling and pedestrian rights and activities. http://www.times-up.org/ | |
59. Living With The Environment Activities | Moreton Bay Regional Council Living with the Environment activities provide opportunities for members of the public to enjoy a broad range of environmental learning experiences. http://www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/discover.aspx?id=69831 |
60. The Ruckus Society : Index Tree climbing, banner hanging and all manner of Direct Action Training. Committed to making other environmental activists and their campaigns more effective. http://www.ruckus.org/ | |
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