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41. Ethnobotany ethnobotany. the traditional uses of plants by native peoples. The evolution and success of human cultures rest upon a foundation of the uses of particular plants. http://flightline.highline.edu/gbarclay/ethnobotany/ethnobotanyhome.htm | |
42. Ethnobotany ethnobotany (from ethnology study of culture and botany - study of plants) is the scientific study of the relationships that exist between people and plants. http://www.kosmix.com/topic/Ethnobotany | |
43. Ethnobotany -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia ethnobotany, systematic study of the botanical knowledge of a social group and its use of locally available plants in foods, medicines, clothing, or religious rituals. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/194285/ethnobotany | |
44. Ethnobotany - Definition Of Ethnobotany In The Medical Dictionary - By The Free ethnobotany /eth no bot a ny/ (bot ah-ne) the systematic study of the interactions between a culture and the plants in its environment, particularly the knowledge about http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/ethnobotany |
45. Ethnobotany - Wikiversity The study of people and their interaction with plants is broadly defined as ethnobotany. The essay further down this page gratefully accepts factchecking in order to supply the http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Ethnobotany | |
46. Ethnobotany Of The Ahupua'a: Asia-Pacific Digital Library Abstract Ancient Hawaiian land division consisted of mokopuni (larger islands) divided into moku (districts) http://apdl.kcc.hawaii.edu/~ahupuaa/botany/ | |
47. Ethnobotany Of The Americas-Science Tracer Bullet> ethnobotany of the Americas Science Tracer Bullets Research Finding Aids from the Library of Congress, Science Reference Services. http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/tracer-bullets/ethnobotanytb.html | |
48. MGS Ethnobotany - Ethnobotanical Seed And Plants Magic Garden Seeds is a supplier of sacred, medicinal, culinary, ethnobotanical seeds. We offer rare and unusual plants, particularly those which have edible, medicinal or ritual http://magic-garden-seeds.com/ | |
49. WSDOT - Ethnobotany - Shrubs/Trees Acer Circinatum Vine Maple Aceraceae (Vine Family) Deciduous tree, to 20 meters high, it has a short, crooked trunk, with twisted, spreading limbs and a low, irregularly http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Environment/CulRes/ShrubsTrees.htm | |
50. Ethnobotany Dr. Daniel Moerman's ethnobotany Database The definitive catalog of Native American uses. Tico Ethnobotanical Dictionary Alphabetical listing by scientific name. http://medherb.com/ETHNOBOT.HTM | |
51. Ethnobotany | Ask.com Encyclopedia ethnobotany (from ethnology study of culture and botany - study of plants) is the scientific study of the relationships that exist between people and plants. http://www.ask.com/wiki/Ethnobotany?qsrc=3044 |
52. Ethnobotany psychoPharm, a mindbender, a fulllength comedy by playwright Shawn Nacol. Script info (synopsis, monologues, sample scene), Professional info (resume, bios, press) and theater http://www.shawnnacol.com/pP-ethnobotany.htm | |
53. What Is Ethnobotany What is ethnobotany? Indigenous knowledge is as old as human civilisation but the term http://wwfpak.org/ethno_whatis.php | |
54. Ethnobotany - Tribe.net ethnobotany is the study of people and plants. It's an old discipline that goes back to the beginning of human existence. This tribe aims to http://tribes.tribe.net/ethnobotany | |
55. Ethnobotany People Plants Conservation and Training in Applied ethnobotany http://www.wwfpak.org/ethnobotany.php | |
56. Ethnobotany | Organization Of Biological Field Stations ethnobotany is the direct cultural use of plants by people. ethnobotany is an integrated course utilizing an ecological framework to explore the botany, mycology, anthropology http://www.obfs.org/?q=course/ethnobotany |
57. Seattle University - College Of Arts And Sciences - Ethnobotanical Garden - Ethn Generic Page Seattle University ethnobotany Overview. ethnobotany is the study of the relationships between people and plants. http://www.seattleu.edu/artsci/ethnobotanical/Default.aspx?id=15858 |
58. Ethnobotany Centre for International Ethnomedical Education and Research The Centre for International Ethnomedical Education and Research is a nonprofit educational and research http://www.ethnovetweb.com/ethnobotany.htm | |
59. Middle Columbia River Ethnobotany Plant List Traditional uses of native plants in central Washington state. Includes subsistence patterns, land use, fibers, textiles, and building materials. http://www.cwnp.org/ethnobot2.html | |
60. MBG: Research: The Unseen Garden Describes current research, including ethnobotany, medicinal botany, traditional uses of plants, and bioprospecting. Also research policy, discoveries, DNA-banking, Chatham Fellowship, staff, and links. http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/research/ | |
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