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European Zoos: more books (17) | ||||
21. Vetting Shows European Zoos In Poor Condition | European Voice vetting shows european zoos in poor condition animalwelfare group says many european zoos are failing to meet standards that are already too low and too vague. http://www.europeanvoice.com/article/2008/11/vetting-shows-european-zoos-in-poor |
22. Antillean Manatee In European Zoos 1) included in totals Sources www.isis.org, Sirenews, the above webpages and feedback from some of the zoos. Most manatees in European zoos are related and descend from a few http://www.hans-rothauscher.de/dugong/zoo.htm | |
23. BBC News | EUROPE | European Zoos To Save Siberian Tigers Zoologists from across Europe are joining forces to save wild tigers in Siberia after an exceptionally severe winter. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/1300333.stm | |
24. European Zoos Launch Plant Conservation Network A Plant Conservation Network has been set up to form part of EAZA’s (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria) Zoo Horticulture Group (EZG). Officially launched at the EZG http://www.bgci.org/ourwork/news/0442/?sec=conservation&option=com_news& |
25. Please Try Again! European Zoos Launch Plant Conservation Network. A Plant Conservation Network has been set up to form part of EAZA’s (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria) Zoo http://www.bgci.org/index.php?option=com_news&id=0442&print=1 |
26. Critter News: European Zoos + Dead Animals = Profits! Looking for a tiger skin? How about a stuffed cheetah? Well, now you don't have to rely on those sleazy poachers, because sleazy zoos are selling them as well. http://critternews.blogspot.com/2007/07/european-zoos.html | |
27. European Polecat :: Saint Louis Zoo Range Western Europe to the Ural Mountains (native range in the wild); introduced to New Zealand; domesticated form found worldwide Habitat Forests, meadows (in the wild http://www.stlzoo.org/animals/abouttheanimals/mammals/carnivores/europeanpolecat |
28. Elephants In European Zoos Die Younger: Research - ABC News (Australian Broadcas Research into the welfare of elephants kept in captivity in Europe has found that living in zoos can substantially shorten the animals' lives. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/12/12/2445497.htm | |
29. Rare Frogs Airlifted To European Zoos » Animal Fact Guide’s Wildlife Blog Animal Fact Guide's Wildlife blog features amazing animal photos, videos, and news. http://www.animalfactguide.com/blog/2009/04/21/rare-frogs-airlifted-to-european- |
30. Zoo Life Shortens Elephant Lives In Europe, Study Says A new report asserts that elephants in European zoos are often in ill health, endure considerable stress, and have a much shorter life than their counterparts in the wild. The http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/10/1025_021025_Elephants.html |
31. EarlyDayMotions - EDM786 - European Zoos EDM786 European Zoos was proposed in 19951996 by Tony Banks MP http://www.edms.org.uk/edms/1995-1996/786.htm | |
32. News Article: Born Free Foundation Spain and the European Zoos Directive. 11 April 2007. Categories Zoo Check Campaign News. In March 2007, the European Commission filed an infraction procedure against Spain http://www.bornfree.org.uk/news/news-article/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]= |
33. Elephants In UK And European Zoos: Born Free Foundation Fat, lame and dying young – time to end the suffering Two groundbreaking reports reveal the extent of the problems facing elephants in zoos in the UK and across Europe. http://www.bornfree.org.uk/campaigns/zoo-check/captive-wildlife-issues/elephants | |
34. News - Seven Tuli Elephants Can Be Sent To European Zoos News relating to animals, both local and worldwide SEVEN TULI ELEPHANTS CAN BE SENT TO EUROPEAN ZOOS December 8, 1998 The Brits Magistrate's Court ruled yesterday that http://home.intekom.com/animals/services/news/wildlife/babyelephantsDec898star.h | |
35. Body Weights Of Ruffed Lemurs (Varecia Variegata) In European Zoos With Referenc Authors Christoph Schwitzer, Werner Kaumanns. Citations 6 Body Weights of Ruffed Lemurs (Varecia variegata) in European Zoos With Reference to the Problem of Obesity http://academic.research.microsoft.com/Paper/12262999.aspx | |
36. Rare Species In European Zoos » Europe - General - Page 8 Additions to that list are the three ringed seals (Phoca hispida hispida/botnica) at Burgers Zoo in Arnhem. http://www.zoochat.com/9/rare-species-european-zoos-4948/index8.html |
37. List Of Zoos - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia This is a partial list of zoological gardens around the world. For aquaria, see List of aquaria. For dolphinariums, see List of dolphinariums http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_zoos | |
38. PHYSIOLOGY: EFFECTS OF SOCIAL TRAUMA IN ANIMALS AND HUMANS A Review of the Welfare of Elephants in European Zoos (RSPCA, Horsham, 2002) 2. Schore, A. N. Affect Dysregulation and Disorders of the Self (W. W. Norton, New York, 2003) http://scienceweek.com/2005/sw050408-3.htm | |
39. Safaripark.co.uk SafariPark.co.uk Britain's Safari and Wildlife Park Guide Ananova Elephants suffering in European zoos . The RSPCA says elephants in European zoos die young because of http://www.safaripark.co.uk/news/newsitem.asp?nID=74 |
40. European White Stork Fact Sheet - National Zoo| FONZ Brought to you by the National Zoo FONZ. European White Stork. Order Ciconiiformes Family Ciconiidae Genus/Species Ciconia ciconia ciconia http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/Birds/Facts/FactSheets/fact-europwhitestork.cf |
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