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21. Expressionism Nolde's use of frenzied brushwork and clashing colors complement his subject the biblical theme recounting the worshipping of the Golden Calf http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Arts/painting/20th-century/expressionism/exp | |
22. Elizabeth Romhild - Works From 2009 Shades of the baroque, romanticism, fauvism and expressionism dance across her heavilypainted and richly-colored surfaces and sometimes she employs chiaroscuro. http://www.elizabethromhild.com/script/site/page.asp?artid=22&cat_id=25 |
23. ダンス・イン・キャンヴァス/DANCE IN CANVAS From the wallwalking, roof-stomping experimentations of Trisha Brown to the jumbled beauty of Pina Bausch's neo-expressionism, dance has evolved to include much more than just http://wwwa.pikara.ne.jp/canvas/index.html | |
24. Global Gallery - Product Index dance / expressionism; dance / figurative; dance / folk art; dance / illustration; dance / impressionism; dance / modern; dance / photography; dance / pop art http://www.globalgallery.com/product/subject/dance/ |
25. REVIEWS Pascal窶冱 simple, cleverly designed and movingly acted production throws naturalism and expressionism, dance, music and dialogue (in English and Yiddish) into http://www.pascal-theatre.com/pascrevdybb.htm | |
26. Flickr: Prmod Bafna About Prmod Bafna / Prmod Bafna . Photostream. I like my tea with a dash of Dylan. I dabble in Music.Poetry.Art.Expressionism.Dance.Music.Crazy People.Photography.Human http://www.flickr.com/people/pbafna/ | |
27. Global Gallery - Product Index expressionism / dance; expressionism / exteriors; expressionism / figures; expressionism / floralflowers; expressionism / flowers/plants-floral; expressionism / flowers/plants-gardens http://www.globalgallery.com/product/genre/expressionism/ |
28. YouTube - Northernstar4's Channel Conceptual Art, Minimalist Expressionism, Dance, Radio Interviews, Lighting in Film/Photography http://www.youtube.com/user/northernstar4 |
29. Rochester Grammar School ::: Subjects ::: Music ::: GCSE Music ** Serialism expressionism. Dance music 1985 present. Indian Raga. Rondo. Experimental Electronic. Songs from musicals. African music. Ternary. Minimalism http://www.school-portal.co.uk/GroupHomepage.asp?GroupID=53620 |
30. Cully Cully Bio Cully is a 32 year old Writer/Producer from Manchester. He has been Expressionism Dance 0 Comments Rate it! - Add to favorites! http://www.unsignedbandweb.com/music/bands/13865/ | |
31. Delta RA窶冓 | Touch & Play Festival He started his autodidactic dance studies by experimenting on stage and specializing in the German 窶廣usdruckstanz窶 (expressionism dance). In 1986 he started practicing Butoh http://touchandplay.eu/who/creation/delta-rai/ |
32. "Nazca Symmetry" : New Geoglyphic Painting 2007 サ Forum Post By Bobotaro alt= Abstract Dance Movements New, abstract expressionism, dance, dnacing movements, afterimages of dance movements, human body movements, abstract human figures, a series of http://forums.joeuser.com/168219 |
33. Charliebenjohnson.de - All About Www.charliebenjohnson.de In Dataopedia expressionism; dance of life; sick child; madonna; angst; anxiety; death; melancoly; love; arles; art; artist; artists; auvers; auverssur-oise; biography; blu; cafe terrace; color http://dataopedia.com/charliebenjohnson-de |
34. The Tragedy Of Maria Macabre (2010) - IMDb Upon dying, Maria Macabre is not granted eternal slumber, but instead a whirling Plot Keywords Expressionism Dance Clown Hades Waltz See more http://www.imdb.com/rg/tt-recs/image/title/tt1701182/ | |
35. Creation Team | Touch & Play Festival He started his autodidactic dance studies by experimenting on stage and specializing in the German 窶廣usdruckstanz窶 (expressionism dance). In 1986 he started practicing Butoh http://2010.touchandplay.org/who/creation/ |
36. 2007 Publications Questions cover the three new topics `Expressionism`, `Dance music from 1985` and `Britpop`. The first two questions contain 24 short extracts which cover a wide range of http://www.renrec.co.uk/new publications.htm | |
37. Thesis Matrix サ Blog Archive サ Transposing Movements Into Architecture I intend to use the dance techniques of two choreographers, which both find their root in German expressionism dance Pina Bausch from the Tanztheater aus Wuppertal in Germany and http://www.arch.mcgill.ca/prof/davies/arch671/winter2008/?p=180 |
38. Lost & Found.(Features) - Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland) | HighBeam Research - The Columbian; June 19, 1997 ; 301 words expressionism, dance and music will be featured in the Imago Theatre production of Half Light, a story influenced by http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-139193042.html | |
39. Sarma Homepage 'Expression and Expressionism', Dance History (second edition), Janet Adshead and June Layson (eds. ), London Routledge, 1995 'Coming to Grips with the Other, A Discussion Among http://www.sarma.be/nieuw/critics/jowitt.htm | |
40. FwE_dRvita1 since 1985 he autodidactically experiments with dance, especially with the German Ausdruckstanz (expressionism dance) of the 1920th since 1986 - he studied the Japanese Butoh http://www.feetwash.de/html/fwE_dRvita1.htm | |
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