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1. 4-H Youth Development Organization | 4-H A youth development organization serving more than 6.5 million young people, 4h provides youth development programs with a focus on science, health and citizenship. http://www.4-h.org/ | |
2. Colorado 4-H Youth Development, Part Of CSU Extension 4h programs at Colorado State University 4-h is a community of young people, across America, learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. http://www.colorado4h.org/ | |
3. El Dorado County - 4-H Youth Development General county 4-h information, county newsletters, forms, project resources, awards and pictures. http://ceeldorado.ucdavis.edu/4-H_Program/ | |
4. 4-H - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 4h in the United States is a youth organization administered by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), with the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4-H | |
5. HOME - National 4-H Conference National 4h Conference - the premier youth development opportunity of the Department of Agriculture. If you are interested in becoming a delegate to National 4-h Conference http://4hconf.4-h.org/ | |
6. About 4-H | 4-H 4h youth development programs provide hands-on learning activities to youth in America. 4H youth programs are focused on leadership, citizenship and life skills. http://www.4-h.org/about/ | |
7. 4-H Foundation - About Us | News And Events | Contribute | Alumni | Golf Tournam 4h Foundation Topics Include About Us, News, Events, Contribute, Alumni, Golf Tournament, Scholarships, And Parish Foundations. Sub-Portal page posted in Category 4-h Foundation http://www.lsuagcenter.com/en/4H/4h_foundation/ | |
8. 4H Indiana 4-H Foundation|Bright Green Team|in.4h.org Indiana's 4H Foundation|4- Supports the Indiana state 4h program through charitable contributions, grants, scholarships, and fund raising. http://4h.org/ | |
9. HOME - The Power Of The Wind - National 4-H Curriculum The Power of the Wind Curriculum is part of the National 4h Curriculum Collection and is designed for middle school aged youth to learn about the wind and its uses. Youth work http://online.4-hcurriculum.org/curriculum/wind/ | |
10. 4-H Youth Development - Pinellas County Extension Office – Solutions For Your 4h is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills using an informal, practical, and experiential learning approach. http://pinellas.ifas.ufl.edu/4-H/index.shtml | |
11. 4-H Club: Definition From Answers.com n. A youth organization sponsored by the Department of Agriculture and offering instruction in agriculture and home economics. From its four goals to improve head, heart http://www.answers.com/topic/4-h-club |
12. 4-H Youth Development University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service About Us. Find Us. For the Media. Agriculture. Business Communities. Families Consumers http://kidsarus.org/ |
13. WSU Extension 4-H Youth Development Program The WSU Extension 4h Youth Development Program offers an opportunity for young people to explore the http://4h.wsu.edu/ | |
14. WSU Jefferson County - 4-H HOME 4h - It's More Than You Could Ever Imagine! Join us and develop your leadership skills through hands-on learning and community service http://4h.jefferson.wsu.edu/ | |
15. Missouri 4-H - University Of Missouri Extension 4h in the news Missouri 4-h Volunteers Attend North Central Region Volunteer Forum Vivian Cody, Carolyn Cannon, Mary Jo Wlliams (4-h faculty) and Ruth Mellor attended http://4h.missouri.edu/ | |
16. Georgia 4-H Georgia 4h is a unit of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Cooperative Extension Service. http://www.georgia4h.org/main/join.htm | |
17. Texas 4-H And Youth Development All about 4h in Texas including who we are, what's happening, how to get involved, links, resources, agent information, pictures, news, and announcements. http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/ | |
18. 4-H Clubs Of Orange County California Learn all about the 4h Program in Orange County California. http://oc4h.org/ | |
19. UC 4-H Youth Development Program - Welcome To 4-H Youth Development! Official Site of the University of California 4h Youth Development Program. http://www.ca4h.org/ | |
20. WebGrants - National 4-H Council Grants Management Application Announcements WELCOME NEW USERS You must register before using WebGrants. http://grants.4-h.org/index.do | |
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