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21. 4-H Youth Development UW-Extension Presented by the Wisconsin State Technology Team. Includes project information, national 4h chat, and links to county 4-h web sites http://4h.uwex.edu/ | |
22. 4-H FacebookPrivate ProfileWelcome To The Official Facebook Page About 4-H. Join 4‑H reaches over 6 million youth every year right in the communities where they live. And you can be a part of their success! Give to your state or county 4‑H program and http://www.facebook.com/4-h | |
23. Ohio 4-H Youth Development All about the Ohio 4h Youth Development program. http://www.ohio4h.org/ | |
24. Horse-Equine Science | Missouri 4-H - University Of Missouri Extension Horse Equine Science. The difference between 4-h and many other horse related opportunities is that the various competitions available focus first on youth http://4h.missouri.edu/events/horse/ | |
25. UNL Extension 4-H Youth Development The youth development branch of University of NebraskaLincoln. Information on how to join, camps, programs, events, curriculum, the 4-h Foundation, and a calendar. http://4h.unl.edu/ |
26. Programs|Indiana 4H Foundation|4-H Indiana Website|in.4h.org Indiana's 4H Founda Programs. The Foundation funds programs, scholarships, events and awards for current 4h members, friends and alumni. For information about each of these opportunities, click http://4h.org/programs | |
27. 4-H Equipment, LLC 4h Equipment the largest tractor and equipment dealer in Livingston Parish. We are proud to be a Mahindra tractor dealer as Mahindra is the number one selling tractor worldwide! http://4hequipment.com/ | |
28. UW Cooperative Extension Service - Lifelong Learning 4h Scholarships Complete the attach Wyoming 4-h Scholarship Application and mail to Wyoming State 4-h Office Dept 3354 http://4-h.uwyo.edu/Scholarships.asp | |
29. UW Cooperative Extension Service - 4-H The official state 4h website for Wyoming. Contains program information, photos, links, newsletters, calendar, county contact information, and resources. http://4-h.uwyo.edu/ | |
30. 4-H Energy education took a new and exciting twist at the 2010 NYS Fair. http://nys4h.cce.cornell.edu/ | |
31. UNL Extension 4-H Youth Development - 4-H FAIRPORT (formerly Cyber Fair) Cyber Fair is now . 4h FAIRPORT Your Passport to Fun Learning. Cyber Fair is moving to its new location (Grand Island) for the 2010 Nebraska State Fair. http://4h.unl.edu/cyberfair/ |
32. Kids, Teens & 4-H - 4-H Foundation | About 4-H | Calendar | News | Adults | LSU Kids, Teens And 4h Topics Include 4-h Foundation, About 4-h, Calendar, News, Adults, Camp, Kids, Photos, And Teens. Content page posted in Category Kids, Teens and 4-h on http://www.lsuagcenter.com/en/4H/ |
33. Manitoba 4-H Council Part of the international 4h organization. Its purpose is to co-ordinating 4-h programming throughout the province. http://www.4h.mb.ca/ | |
34. Georgia 4-H Georgia 4h is a unit of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Cooperative Extension Service. http://www.georgia4h.org/ | |
35. 4-H Dog Project Dog Science Series Objectives. exercise responsible pet care and ownership ; practice methods of dog obedience training ; recognize characteristics of dogs http://4h.wsu.edu/projects/dog.htm | |
36. Wisconsin 4-H Foundation WELCOME TO WISCONSIN 4h FOUNDATION Wisconsin Youth are Today's Greatest Resource and Tomorrow's Future Leaders . The Wisconsin 4-h Foundation provides essential funding for 4 http://4h.uwex.edu/foundation/ |
37. 4-H : University Of Minnesota Extension Minnesota 4h is a learn-by-doing youth development program delivered throughout Minnesota. If you are a youth living in Minnesota, 4-h has something for you! http://www1.extension.umn.edu/youth/mn4-H/ | |
38. 4-H Youth Development | University Of Missouri Extension 4h Youth development programs in Missouri Show me the robots. From Robo Dog, a canine-inspired robot that responds to the owner’s commands, to a robot that kicks soccer http://extension.missouri.edu/4h/ | |
39. Tennessee 4-H Homepage Meet the 2010 Tennessee delegation to National 4h Congress. * Fall judging results posted to Web site. * Order your limited edition 4-h print. * Check out the Tennessee 4-h http://4h.tennessee.edu/ | |
40. 4-H House - University Of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign Welcome to 4h House Cooperative Sorority! Thank you for your interest in the 4-h House! For more information on 4-h House contact Lisa Cooper at cooper11@illinois.edu http://4hhouse.com/ | |
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