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         Falcons:     more books (99)
  1. Falcon's Captive by Vonna Harper, 2010-08-01
  2. Falcon 4.0 : Prima's Official Strategy Guide by Peter Bonanni, 1999-01-27
  3. Lord of Falcon Ridge by Catherine Coulter, 1995-04-01
  4. Falcon: The New-Size Ford (The Ford Road Series, Vol. 7) by Ray Miller, 1997-04
  5. The Hound and the Falcon: The Isle of Glass, The Golden Horn, and The Hounds of God by Judith Tarr, 1993-05-15
  6. Falcon of Siam, The by Axel Aylwen, 2004
  7. Falcons of France. An Epic Novel of Lafayette Flying Corps of World War I Fame. by Charles Nordhoff. James Norman Hall, 1929
  8. Red Falcons Of Tremoine (Living History Library (Bethlehem Books)) by Hendry Peart, 2007-04-30
  9. Practical Handbook of Falcon Husbandry and Medicine by Margit Gabriele Muller, 2009-09-25
  10. F-16 Fighting Falcon Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom (Combat Aircraft) by Steve Davies, Doug Dildy, 2006-02-28
  11. The Adventures of Dodge Dalton in the Shadow of Falcon's Wings by Sean Ellis, 2010-07-20
  12. Kara, the Lonely Falcon by Joseph F. Girzone, 1997-04-28
  13. On Falcon's Wings by Lisa J. Yarde, 2010-07-09
  14. Battletech:Falcon Rising( Twilight of the Clans VIII ) by Robert Thurston, FASA, 2003-06-01

61. Atlanta Falcons Apparel, Atlanta Falcons Jerseys, Falcons Shop, Atlanta Falcons
Get your Atlanta falcons Merchandise from FansEdge. Same Day shipping on Atlanta falcons Apparel and falcons Jerseys plus our Falcon Shop selection is unrivaled. We are the
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62. University Of Calgary Peregrine Falcon Home Page
Notes and photos of the falcons nesting on campus.
The Peregrine Falcon web page has moved to Please update your bookmark.

63. SCFF Home
Based in Santa Rosa, California.
Chapter of The Falcon Club of America
Dedicated to Preserving the Falcon Automobile built
by the Ford Motor Company from 1960-1970.
ANNOUNCEMENTS The Sonoma County Falcons meet the first Thursday of each month. The Chapter meeting are held
at the Round Table Pizza located at Occidental and Stony Point Roads in Santa Rosa, California.
The meetings start at 7:00 pm, but people usually arrive early for food and refreshments.
Feel free to join us! UPCOMING CHAPTER AND FCA EVENTS 2011 FALCON CLUB OF AMERICA NATIONAL CONVENTION Classified Page CONTINUOUSLY UPDATED! Falcon History and Trivia Members' Cars Visitors' Page UPDATED-See Comet Corner! Events Calendar Who are the Sonoma County Falcons for Fun? Links Back to
This website is best viewed in Microsoft Internet Explorer. For permission to use text or images from this website, please contact If you have any questions or comments please e-mail us at

64. Home
Gyr falcon breeding Centre based in the UK. Also offers hybrids with peregrine and saker.
Gulfstream Falcons CITIES registered breeder SPECIALIST IN HUNTING FALCONS FOR THE MIDDLE EAST ROBERT J H CREESE UK MENU Gyr female, �Singularity� daughter �Maverick� �10 75% Gyr/Peregrine male �09 Gyr female 1650 gms �07 Gulfstream breeding facility based in the east of England North of London 50 mins by train or 2 hours driving. Pure Gyr female �Regate� �08 Gyr male - ultra line - �Bin-Henry� �09 75% Gyr/Peregrine male �The Wizard� �09 �Isis� Gyr female - pure Islandus - �08 Gyr female -pure Islandus - �Europa� 08 Gyr female - islandus white morph �Her Majesty� All our young falcons are raised in family groups by their parents. They are then placed in large Hack pens where they quickly become strong and capable flyers

65. Falcon GT
The history of the GT including the specially modified Tickford models.

66. Falcon 4 Review On GameBlitz - Game Search Engine
Reviewed by James Anthony. It has been many, many years in the making, but Falcon 4.0 is the best modern flight sim around at the moment.

What can we say, falcon awesome! By JAMES ANTHONY
A falcon is small bird of prey weighing several kilos and able to swoop swiftly and kill its prey with razor-sharp talons.
A Falcon, F-16 species, weighing 15,000 kilos can achieve speeds of 2000 kph (just a tad quicker than my 1986 Ford Falcon) and can kill enemies at 20 kilometres with very little fear of getting its landing gear wet.
Now the marvels of modern science/warfare are spectacular and a hang a lot safer for you, in an American plane, than the enemy - but they can reduce the enjoyment of victory with an overload of techno-assistance.
Few things can beat sliding a rattly old SE5A scout into the slipstream of a World War One hun and blowing the tripe out of him, only to find his wingman up your six, your guns jammed, and remembering there is no parachute.
But Microprose brings a heavy dose of reality back into modern flight sims with Falcon 4.0 where an F-16, with all mod cons, still has a difficult time surviving the odds in a series of instant action scenarios or an ever changing campaign.
Take to the skies over the Korean Peninsula and get stuck into sky-sweeping operations against opposing aircraft or apply major collateral damage to ground units in the Moving Mud scenario.

67. Falcon Bird
Falcon General name given for Falconidae , a heterogeneous family of longwinged birds of prey closely related to the Hawk. The size of a Vulcan varies from six and a half
Falcon General name given for Falconidae , a heterogeneous family of long-winged birds of prey closely related to the Hawk. The size of a Vulcan varies from six and a half inches , falconet to the 24 in. gyrfalcon, from the swift merlin to a sluggish caracar . True falcons, are distinguished by their notched beaks , are widely distributed . In flight there wing beats our rapid and powerful, and a they suite from hundreds of feet at speeds of up to 175 mi. an hour to capture their prey is chiefly birds and small mammals. Usually they kill cleanly and breaking the back of their victims'. Some falcons eat insects; the long legged caracaras ( found in South America, with one species, the audubon's caracara or Mexican buzzard, ranging to the extreme south United) also on carrion and sometimes robbing other birds of their prey. The cosmopolitan peregrine falcon (unromantically called duck call in the United States) the gyrfalcon of the Arctic tundra have been used in falconry. The commonest and smallest American falcon is the sparrow hawk (related to the European kestrel). Others are the pigeon hawk (related to the European merlin ) . Falcons , like cliff edges or in the abandoned nests of hawks and crows . Other animal pictures Need more info type in animal name then put info at the end Need more pictures type in animal name then put pics at the end Return to Animal Pictures at Animal Trial

68. Peregrine Falcon, Identification, All About Birds - Cornell Lab Of Ornithology
Learn how to identify Peregrine Falcon, its life history, cool facts, sounds and calls, and watch videos. Powerful and fastflying, the Peregrine Falcon hunts medium-sized

69. The Falcon
The film and other exploits of Michael Arlen s adventurer, freelance troubleshooter and ladies man.
The Falcon
(Michael Waring, Gay Stanhope Falcon, Gay Lawrence, Tom Lawrence, )
Created by Drexel Drake (pseudonym of Charles H. Huff; 1887?-1959); or possibly, Michael Arlen THE FALCON
was the nom de guerre of a true man of mystery. He was either MICHAEL WARING , a shadowy figure who took on the underworld with the aid of his friend Sarge, avoiding the police because they tended to blame him for their unsolved crimes, created by Drexel Drake in 1936 and originally appearing in a series of novels and at least one short story. Or he was GAY STANHOPE FALCON , a sort of freelance adventurer and troubleshooter, definitely on the hardboiled side,.created by Michael Arlen in a 1940 short story. Either way, though, he was a man who made his living "keeping his mouth shut and engaging in dangerous entreprises," according to Otto Penzler et al's Detectionary . And, like Boston Blackie , a long, lucrative and convuluted career in film, radio and television soon followed, as The Falcon's occupation and even his name were changed from medium to medium. Regardless of the date of his first literary appearance, The Falcon was first brought to the screen in a 1941 RKO film, as a replacement for its popular series of B's featuring Leslie Charteris'

70. Falcon (bird) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on falcon (bird), any of nearly 60 species of hawks of the family Falconidae (order Falconiformes), diurnal birds of prey characterized
document.write(''); Search Site: With all of these words With the exact phrase With any of these words Without these words Home CREATE MY falcon NEW ARTICLE ... SAVE
Table of Contents: falcon Article Article Related Articles Related Articles External Web sites External Web sites Citations ARTICLE from the falcon any of nearly 60 species of hawk s of the family Falconidae (order Falconiformes ), diurnal birds of prey characterized by long, pointed wings and swift, powerful flight. The name is applied in a restricted sense, as true falcons, to the genus Falco , which numbers more than 35 species. Falcons occur virtually worldwide. They range in size from about 15 cm (6 inches) long in the

71. Movie/Video Review: The Maltese Falcon
Reviews of the film.
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Other Reviewer Directory Become a Reviewer Take our survey Contact Us Movie/Video Review The Maltese Falcon
out of 4 Starring: Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor Director: John Huston Rated: NR RunTime: 101 Minutes Release Date: October Genres: Mystery Noir Suspense Classic ... *Also starring: Peter Lorre, Sydney Greenstreet, Lee Patrick, Elisha Cook Jr., Ward Bond, Gladys George, Barton MacLane Reviewer Roundup Dragan Antulov review follows Brian Koller read the review Review by Dragan Antulov 4 stars out of 4 Flood of remakes is definitely one of the most annoying trends of contemporary Hollywood. It seems that every outstanding film made twenty-five or thirty years ago is about to get modern makeover. Judging by the way Hollywood handled those remakes in past few years, it is almost certain that many great films are about to have their reputations forever tarnished by uninspired and usually abysmal modern versions. Remakes, same as the sequels in past few decades, are viewed as the manifestation of creative crisis in modern Hollywood and its inability to deliver anything original in their products. However, remaking films is hardly a contemporary phenomenon in Hollywood; movies used to be remade in previous decades same as in our times. And in some rare occasions remakes turned out much better than original. The best example is, of course, one of the best known films of all time - THE MALTESE FALCON, film noir classic directed by John Huston in 1941.

72. Falcone On
Episode guide, cast and crew information.

73. BookPage Interview November 2003: Ian Falconer
Independent booksellers interview with the author, in his own words.
Olivia...and the Missing Toy
By Ian Falconer
Anne Schwartz/Atheneum, $16.95
42 pages, ISBN 0689852916
Read previous BookPage interviews
ProMotion, inc.

74. My '63 Falcon
Photos and story of the featured 1963 Tudor sedan.
This is my car! O.K. I must say I'd never thought of owning a Falcon.I've been more drawn to Mopar cars,but...... My love for old cars came from a place in Florida that my mom took me to alot as a kid.It was in Sarasota, called Cars and Music of Yesterday(now called Classic Car Museum)after I saw the cars there I never quit looking for clasics and antiques. Specifics that I know... 1963 Falcon 2 door sedan hard top 6 cyl originaly 3 speed on the column,converted to floor white(with some surface rust) exterior with interior(what apears to be)grey and white trim with the seats a torquoise color(previous owner was recoloring to burgandy).This seems like a crazy set up but I have to belive what I see.Has the original AM radio but it's not hooked up yet.If any one can give me any advice about rebuilding her please feel free to mail me at Sadly due to the fact that I have a full time(50+ hrs) job and have started going to school ful time,the Grrrl is up for sale(or trade). :( So if you live in the Danville,Il area or know some one who does and are interested,please drop me a line. This Ford Falcon Web Ring site is owned by Carol
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75. The Story Of My Falcon
The story of a special 1963 Sprint convertible.
The Story of my
1963 Falcon Sprint Convertable
Back in 1973, the summer before my senior year at Franklin High in Franklin, North Carolina, my father and I purchased this car for $500. As I recollect, the mileage on the car at that time was somewhere in the mid 40's. For a high school car back then it was pretty cool. Although those were days of real hot cars, this pretty little thing's 260 V-8 did get noticed. Especially when the hood was up and the chrome of the air filter cover and head covers was shining brightly. I took great pride in the car, and washed it practically every day. I helped my father at his concrete plant, Macon Transit Mix, so it got dusty pretty quick. As a matter of fact, I eventually rubbed the paint thin on one of the fenders! I drove the car while in college at the University of Tennessee. After graduation in 1978 the miles were getting up into the 90's and I eventually needed a more reliable vehicle, as I was moving to Houston to start work at Texas Instruments. I took the care home and my father stored it in one of the garages at the concrete plant. My dad was always interested in cars, and through the years had collected a number of Thunderbirds. We still own a '55 and a '57 that are still excellent cars. Somewhere around the late '80s he decided he wanted to restore the old Falcon. I worked for Memorex/Telex in Raleigh by then, and it was about a 6 hour drive home. I looked forward to seeing his progress when I made the trip up there. He did almost all of the work himself, except for getting the engine rebuilt a bit and the car's paint. The undersides were clean enough to eat off of.

76. John's Falcon Page
Photographs and information about a 1964 Ford Falcon Sprint Convertible. Modifications, links.
John's Falcon Page is about my 1964 Ford Falcon Convertible, this page best viewed at 1248 x 768 Member of the Hosted by: This site is a member of WebRing.
To browse visit Here Thanks for visiting my WEB SITE come back again. For question and comments please e-mail me at My '64 Falcon '64 Pictures Other Cars I've Owned Links ... Overflow Reservior You are visitor number counter by This page was last updated on 03/10/10 �1997-2010 John Guerini

77. Insanely Great Falcon 4 - Mac
Reviewed by Mike Brinkman. If there s one thing to be said about Falcon 4.0, it s Wow! Falcon 4.0 is nothing short of spectacular

78. FALCON 4 WebRing
Provides site rankings by page views and information on how to join.

79. Australian Falcon Coupes
Everything about XA to XC Falcon coupes. Photo galleries, mechanical specifications and limited production models.
Build your own FREE website at Share: Facebook Twitter Digg reddit document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard']); document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard2']);
Our on-going feature article of Mad Mark and his awesome US bound XB GT Coupe.
Up coming feature! Do you know how to spot a bargain priced coupe? If not I can tell you what to look for.
Last updated: 3rd October 2000
Designed and maintained by Brian Haines
Well it's a new look site for Australian Falcon Coupes for 2000, in my continual struggle to keep you up to date with what is happening with not only my own coupes but everyone elses, I thought it neccessary to update my site to a more user friendly design and do away with the sometimes confusing frames. This internet site is dedicated to Falcon Coupes made in Australia from 1972 to 1979. I and many others agree that these are some of the best looking vehicles ever made. The falcon coupe line up includes the XA (1972- 1973), XB (1973-1976) and XC (1976-1979). There were also other ford coupes that will be discussed in this page including the limited edition XC cobra (1978) and XB John Goss (1975). An LTD version called a Landau was also introduced in 1973 but was dropped from the lineup in 1976 due to poor selling. Enjoy the site and don't forget to leave a message.
My XC GS coupe is now Sold!

80. Index
Includes news, support, tips and a flight squadron.
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Marijn 'The Guide' de Gids

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