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         Family Farms:     more books (100)
  1. Haymakers: A Chronicle Of Five Farm Families (Minnesota) by Steven R. Hoffbeck, 2002-03-01
  2. Food and Everyday Life on Kentucky Family Farms, 1920-1950 (Kentucky Remembered: An Oral History Series) by John Van Willigen, Anne Van Willigen, 2006-06-16
  3. A Year With Farm to Family: A Journal of Rural Life by Curt Arens, 2009-09-24
  4. Our Farm: Four Seasons with Five Kids on One Family's Farm by Michael J.Rosen, 2008-09
  5. Century Farm: One Hundred Years on a Family Farm by Cris Peterson, 2009-12
  6. Willard Cochrane and the American Family Farm (Our Sustainable Future) by Richard A. Levins, 2003-12-01
  7. Quite a Sightly Place: A Family Dairy Farm in Vermont by David Middleton, 2010-07-01
  8. During Wind and Rain: The Jones Family Farm in the Arkansas Delta 1848–2006 by Margaret Jones Bolsterli, 2008-04-01
  9. Winter on the Farm (My First Little House) by Laura Ingalls Wilder, 1997-10-30
  10. Potluck at Midnight Farm: Celebrating Food, Family, and Friends on Martha's Vineyard by Tamara Weiss, 2002-04-23
  11. Grandfather Stories: The Family Farm of the 1930's and 40's by Perry Treadwell, 2000-03-14
  12. My Dad Works on a Farm (My Family at Work) by Sarah Hughes, 2000-08
  13. Every Farm Tells a Story: A Tale of Family Farm Values by Jerold Apps, 2005-03-31
  14. Food and the Mid-Level Farm: Renewing an Agriculture of the Middle (Food, Health, and the Environment)

21. Welcome To NAFDMA
supporting family farms through farm direct marketing education, resources and fellowship
Your N etworking A ssociation for F arm D irect M arketing and A gritourism. xx
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Why family farms?
Food security. Farmland preservation. Quality of life. Locally grown foods. Taste. Quality. Freshness.
These are all great reasons to support family farms. How about also the preservation of farmers Once upon a time, this great continent was a land of farmers by necessity and by desire. Farmers colonized the New World. They broke ground. The fed their families. They moved west (or north or south) and broke more ground. Through the centuries, they fed other families. Their numbers became fewer and yet they fed more and more people. Today, farmers represent less than 2 percent of the U.S. population�yet 100 percent of the population eats. Fewer and fewer people remember what it was like growing up on the farm or even visiting a grandparents� or other relative�s farm. As life has become crazier, more and more people yearn for the country, for a big, juicy tomato warm off the vine, for the season�s first sweet strawberry fresh from the field, for a visit to a farm, where life is simpler than at home. Without farmers, we have no farmland preservation. We have no food security. Our quality of life declines. Forget locally grown food. Don�t even think about knowing the farmer who grew the fruits and vegetables you have no choice but to buy from the grocery store. Forget taste, quality and freshness.

22. Rust Family Farms Wagyu Beef And Kobe Cattle
Nestled amongst the gentle hills of central Ohio is a sight you wouldn't expect to see pleasant fields full of Wagyu cattle. Wagyu are the American decendants of Japanese Kobe
Nestled amongst the gentle hills of central Ohio is a sight you wouldn't expect to see- pleasant fields full of Wagyu cattle.
Wagyu are the American decendants of Japanese Kobe, bred for centuries and known worldwide for their superior marbling and tenderness. For more information on the Wagyu breed, click here.
Here at Rust Family Farms, we are dedicated to delivering the finest beef available. Wagyu is the only breed we raise, and our herd has been carefully chosen and bred for the genetic traits that result in a grade of beef that is unbelievably tender.
If you have any questions you can contact us here.
Questions about the website? Click here to contact the webmaster.



23. Shoeman Road Farm
Family farm. Learn how to ride horses. Has a unique round barn, indoor arena, round pen, stall and pasture boarding.
Contact Us Search for:
We are based out of the S hoeman Road Farm in Haslett, Michigan (just East of Lansing in the heart of the State).  We offer lessons and horse training for Dressage, Show jumping, and Cross-country. We specialize in Eventing, travel to Events all over the country as well as to Show Jumping Shows. Our farm also offers outstanding facilities including a huge indoor arena, two outside dressage rings (large and small), giant outside show jumping ring, and a WORLD CLASS cross-country course with a water complex, sunken road, banks, corners, coffin complex, tables, steeplechase, and ditches for all level. XC Course designed by ROLEX Course designer Mike-Etherington-Smith. Jumps are built by Bert Wood and Jay Hambly. Please explore our site and contact us with any questions.  We love horses, people, and working hard for you and your success.
Madison Foote / Trainer / USEA ICP Level I Instructor   517-712-7049
Theresa and Fred Foote / Owners   517-655-6407 Barn Contact Us
Shoeman Road Farm 5820 Shoeman Road Haslet, Michigan 48840

24. Jones Winery | The Harvest Kitchen | Jones Family Farms | Shelton, CT
The Jones Family Farms and Jones Winery, in the White Hills of Shelton, Connecticut is a working farm that specializes in pick your own strawberries, blueberries, pumpkins and
Jones Family farms Search this site: G The Jones Family Farms is one of the oldest and largest harvest-your-own Christmas tree farms in the state of Connecticut. With 200 acres of beautiful Christmas trees, families enjoy exploring our wooded hillsides as they look for their perfect Christmas tree. Thank you for visiting the Jones Family Farms - where memories are always in season!
Jones Winery
Enjoy CT's best wines and our lovely tasting room. Please see our Hours for more details. Christmas Tree Season Find the perfect Christmas tree Hours of Operation for more details. . .
Follow Us On
Strawberries Blueberries Pumpkins Christmas Trees ... Directions

25. Botetourt Family Farms -- Growing For The Future!
Mission Statement Here in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Botetourt County, in southwest Virginia, we work to bring you healthy grass fed livestock, free range
Mission Statement: Here in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Botetourt County, in southwest Virginia, we work to bring you healthy grass fed livestock, free range poultry and eggs, and produce in season. Our goal is to provide our customers with superb alternative choices in meat, poultry, and eggs, as well as quality breeding stock. We are a cooperative association of independent small, family farms in the county. We run a Saturday Farmers' Market, offer classes, and are open to cooperative projects of interest to farmers. We maintain a blog, which you can access by clicking here

26. Klauke Family Farm And Floral
Small organic family farm with greenhouse facilities. Lists livestock and crops.
Klauke Family Farm and Floral
Welcome to our small, family-based farm in the hilly, northeastern corner of Iowa. Our farm-land is organic, and our livestock is raised in the most natural way possible for us at this time. Along with our philosophy of working with nature, we employ a practice of diversification and rotation, which allows us to remain productive in years that prove detrimental to a certain aspect of our program.
  • National organic standards regulations need major overhaul. Please read this action alert and respond promptly to the USDA.
    What we raise.
    A list of the livestock we raise includes:
    • sheep
    • beef cattle
    • chickens
    • Angora goats
    • horses
    • dogs
    • cats
    We also grow:
    • wheat
    • vegetables
    • plant starts and flowers
    If you would like more information about our products, or if you have a question, please Email us!
    Why do we do what we do?
    Nature has taught us that life is fragile, that it depends on healthy soil, water and air, and that every decision we make contributes to that life or its destruction. While this is true for every person in our society, it is easier for us to see than most because we live so close to the earth. We see first-hand what happens when the soil and water are healthy, and we experience the trauma when they are not. We want our world to be in better condition for the next generation than when we first came to Northeast Iowa; starting with our farm, our family, and our community. So....
  • 27. Christensen Family Farms - Home Page
    Christensen Family Farms is the largest familyowned swine business in Minnesota and one of the top five pork producers in the United States, with operations in Minnesota, Iowa

    28. Family Farms |
    Ezra Klein on Industrial Ag Asking the Wrong Questions. On Monday, domestic policy wonk Ezra Klein published a short piece over at his Washington Post blog entitled “Industrial
    @import "/sites/default/modules/textsize/textsize.css"; @import "/modules/node/node.css"; @import "/modules/system/defaults.css"; @import "/modules/system/system.css"; @import "/modules/user/user.css"; @import "/sites/default/modules/cck/content.css"; @import "/sites/default/modules/nice_menus/nice_menus.css"; @import "/sites/default/modules/nice_menus/nice_menus_default.css"; @import "/sites/default/modules/cck/fieldgroup.css"; @import "/sites/default/themes/commondreams/style.css";
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    Sunday, November 14, 2010

    29. Hallsford Farm Produce | Shorthorn Beef | Rare Breed Lamb | Rare Breed Pork, Hal
    A family farm in the border region of N.E.Cumbria. Beef Shorthorn, Pedigree Llanwenog and Berrichon du Cher. In organic conversion. Wool and meat Products. Newsletter.
    DetectFlashVer = 0; To go shopping click Piggly Wiggly Testimonial: 'They don't get any better' - talking about our beef and chestnut sausages. Eric Welcome to Hallsford , our family farm and online/mail order shop. We are situated just south of the Scottish Border in Northern Cumbria. We supply top quality shorthorn beef, llanwenog lamb and saddleback pork from traditional breeds suited to their environment. Our production is not forced and as a result the product has real flavour. Our beef is hung for a minimum of three weeks and our lamb for 5 days. All our meat is skilfully cut and presented before being vacuum packed and labelled prior to despatch. Our animals are fed largely on grass, with some GM free concentrate when they are young and in the winter, barley to finish. We are always on hand to help, just give us a call Hi Andrew, some feed back on the meat Saddleback sausage - fabulous Bacon - devine Pork - devine Sirloin Steak - the very best i have ever tasted and i eat my steak blue Beef Mince in shepherds pie, no fat and again wonderful. We both agree that the box was full of a wondeful surprise and the quality has exceeded all of our expectations, Thank you very much and i have left the box at reception for you. We will order again when we return from our holiday in November. Kindest regards

    30. Family Farms CSA | Community Supported Agriculture | Home
    Family Farms CSA — Home page, selling, organic vegatables east of Sherman, Texas .
    FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).
    Community supported agriculture
    Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) gives you the opportunity to know your North Texas farmer. When you know your farmer you get to learn about where your food and vegetables comes from and exactly how and just as importantly where it is grown. Through CSA programs families can receive a yearly share of the fresh seasonal produce grown on our farms. It is our mission to provide you, our community, with fresh produce grown locally and naturally. read more
    What do you receive?
    We currently offer shares in two different sizes including; small shares feeding about 2 people and large shares which feed about 4 people. Large shares receive a variety of 6 to 8 different types of produce each week during the growing seasons. Along with your shares you will receive recipes on how to enjoy and store your fresh produce... read more
    In the Media
    Family Farms CSA has been recognized by the media. See the list of news articles and images in the local media. read more
    Veggies Are Ready
    Share Extras
    We network with other family farms that have committed themselves to the same high standards we do. By coordinating with these farms our members can receive a larger selection of local foods throughout the year.

    31. Ela Family Farms
    Located on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains outside of Hotchkiss, Colorado, our ninetynine acre organic fruit farm is dedicated to growing the best-tasting peaches
    Photo Tour
    Click to see the photo tour
    Featured Product
    Apples Aplenty Dried Fruit
    This mix of our sweet and tart apples captures the "peak of flavor" of our fresh apples and they can be enjoyed year round. We add nothing - no sweeteners, no preservatives - to our apples. We just dry them and let their enticing flavor speak for itself. 4 oz. package Price: Case Price: Shop Our Organic Product Line: New, fresh products will be available throughout the fall season. Concerned About Sugar? Learn More Here We Support The OFRF Learn More Here
    Welcome to Ela Family Farms
    Located on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains outside of Hotchkiss, Colorado, our ninety-nine acre organic fruit farm is dedicated to growing the best-tasting peaches, apples, pears and cherries around. The mouth-watering fruit we grow is the result of four generations of farming wisdom, innovation, and experience. Remember, all our products are certified organic and are only made from fruit we grow on our family farm. We only use fruit picked at its peak of flavor. And, best of all, we don�t add any sugar or other flavorings to our great tasting applesauces, fruit butters, and cider. For our jams, we use a reduced sugar recipe that lets you taste our fruit. We invite you to use this site to learn more about us, read about our

    32. Dunton Family Farm - Home Page
    A fifth generation family farm offering seasonal farm fresh items - heirloom vegetables, nuts, hay, eggs, beef, and miscellaneous craft items.
    Home Page About Us Our Business Farm Work Pics ... Contact Us
    Live Action Cam Click for Our Weather Local Community Liberal, Oregon Liberal Church Wilhoit Springs O. P. Railroad ... for more history and ordering information.
    Welcome to Dunton Family Farms
    Since 1909
    Home of the Victory Seed Company
    Welcome to Dunton Family Farms' web site. Established in 1909, we have been online since 1996. Our mission is to hold on to what we can of our agrarian past while gently moving forward into the future. We believe that we are simply stewards of this land and therefore nurture it accordingly. It has reciprocated by sustaining five generations of our family - three of which are still actively working here. We have farmed using organic and sustainable practices since it was a grassroots movement in the 80s. In that vein, we have chosen to become Certified Naturally Grown instead of assimilating into the collective of the USDA's National Organic Program. To learn more and our thoughts on this subject, please

    Breeding, training and selling polo ponies. Details of the family, the farm, the brood mares and sires used, and photos and performances of some of their ponies. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Click here to go to Click here to go to

    34. Home - Lundberg Family Farms
    The Lundberg family farms organic brown rice products in an ecofriendly, sustainable manner, we feature rice recipes and gourmet rice blends.

    35. Welcome To The Morgan Family Home Page
    Images of the family s horse related activities, with information on recent Plantation Walking Horses of Maryland club activities.

    36. Russell E. Koeller Family Farms
    Welcome To Our World! We're on top of the big changes in agriculture today.
    Welcome To Our World!
    We're on top of the big changes in agriculture today.
    About Us
    GPS Lime 3 Sons Anhydrous ... True American Heros!
    24767 240th Street / New Canton, IL 62356
    (217) 426-3501 / fax (217) 426-4500


    You are visitor number:
    Please check back often as we are always under construction and/or remodeling!

    37. Welcome To Woodsmith Farm
    Family farm near Harrodsburg, Kentucky offering cattle, horses, and boarding and training services. Includes farm profile, weblog, photographs, and webcam.

    38. Family Farms
    The vast majority of farms and ranches in the United States are family owned and operated. USDA classifies family farms as “any farm organized as a sole proprietorship
    You are here: Home Agricultural System / Family Farms Overview
    Family Farms Overview
    Family Farm Report The census makes the following useful distinctions among these family farms, based initially on their gross annual sales:
    • Very large family farms (101,265) gross over $500,000 Large family farms (86,551) gross between $250,000 and $500,000 Small family farms (1,925,799) gross under $250,000
    Many people are surprised that farms are classified as small, large, and very large based on their annual sales rather than on their physical size. While a size-based measure seems intuitive, farm acreage can mean very different things in different places. An acre of non-irrigated land in a low rainfall area, such as southern Utah, is hard to compare to an acre of very fertile, high rainfall land in the Pelouse region of eastern Washington. Most of the U.S. domestic production of food and fiber comes from relatively few large operations. The 2007 Ag Census showed that large and very large family farms produced over 63 percent of the value of all products sold (though they accounted for less than 9 percent of all family farms,) while non-family farms produced approximately 21 percent, and the nearly 2 million small farms and ranches (sales under $250,000) produced approximately 15 percent. Operations with over $1 million in annual sales are particularly productive. A recent report from the Economic Research Service (ERS) (

    39. Gypsy Horse | Gypsy Horses | Gypsy Cob | Gypsy Cobs | Gypsy Vanner
    The original Romany Gypsy Vine family farm located in Kent, England. Breeder, seller, and buyer of gypsy horses for generations.
    27 October - New mares, stallions, geldings, colts added!
                     Blue and White Colt
    Welcome to Vines Gypsy Horses translate - traduire - vertalen - übersetzen For six generations the Vine family has been breeding gypsy cobs . With that experience it is no accident that other breeders all across the UK and Ireland have sought our horses to add to their own herds for 100 years and more. Our breeding stock comes from generations of well known horses within the breed going back 100 years. Our ancestors and our family today know, own or have owned many of the finest horses within the breed. Those horses have a solid background of known breeding lines and produce the consistent quality of horses we have today.
    Gypsy Cobs
    Gypsy horse in the pedigrees of many famous horses all across the world. When the breed first became popular in the US., our horses were among the very first to be exported. We can now offer to export premier quality Gypsy cob all across the world direct from our farm. When considering buying a gypsy cob it is important the horses that what you choose should be the best possible examples, this is what the Vine family strive to achieve.

    40. Family Farms, Inc. - Company Info
    Family Farms, Inc. delivers highquality wholesale food products throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin on a daily basis.
    Family Farms, Inc. delivers high-quality wholesale food products throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin on a daily basis. Serving a smaller geographic area helps us to provide excellent service on-demand. Family Farms Service Area
    Memberships Family Farms, Inc. is proud to be a member of the following organizations:

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