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1. Union Church, Hong Kong - Praying With Scripture Encourage our older women to train the younger in family issues. Teach our women to be virtuous—women with gentle and quiet spirits who put their hope in You. http://www.unionchurchhk.org/content/view/649/9/ |
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3. Teach Self-Esteem - Understanding Strengths, Values, And Character Teaches Self- Parenting Family; Learning Disabilities; Parents and Family Issues; Teach SelfEsteem - Understanding Strengths, Values, and Character Teaches Self-Esteem http://learningdisabilities.about.com/od/socialskills/qt/identityshield.htm | |
4. Community Calendar New family and youth programming will include Family Forums Tue. evenings to help deal with family issues, teach valuable information, and provide opportunities for sharing http://www.southsidepride.com/0104/Nokomis/Calender.html | |
5. Titles TEACH YOUR CHILDREN TABLES 2nd Ed by Bill Handley ISBN10 0731406648 http://www.successcentre.com.au/catalogue/titles.cfm?cur_titleID=3762 |
6. New Creation Bible Fellowship - Intercessory Prayer Ministry Encourage our older women to train the younger in family issues. Teach our women to be virtuous—women with gentle and quiet spirits who put their hope in You. http://newcreationbiblefellowship.org/intercessory_prayer_ministry | |
7. Welcome To WashingtonParent.com We help children solve problems with peers, work through tough family issues, teach guidance lessons, lead counseling groups and meet with parents to discuss specific concerns. http://www.washingtonparent.com/articles/1004/counselor.php | |
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