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         Family Law Fathers Rights:     more books (33)
  1. The Emancipated by George Gissing, 2010-07-29
  3. Poison Parents: When one parent turns a child against the other parent after divorce. by Grace Humphreys, 2010-05-23
  4. I Want to See My Kids!: A Guide for Dads Who Want Contact with Their Children After Separation by Tina Rayburn, Timothy Forder, 2009-06-01

41. Family Law « Fathers Rights Dallas
Fathers Rights Dallas Are you a father or husband involved with pending divorce, paternity, child custody, child support or visitation issues? Perhaps you have issues involving
Fathers Rights Dallas
Are you a father or husband involved with pending divorce, paternity, child custody, child support or visitation issues? Perhaps you have issues involving parental alienation, false allegations of abuse or false paternity claims.
It is important for you to know your legal rights as a father!
A Fathers Rights
Courts, legislatures and juries are becoming more aware of the necessity of father’s being involved in the lives of their children.  Children with positive father involvement have fewer behavior problems, higher levels of sociability, and perform better in school. Recent research suggests that father involvement during pregnancy affects multiple areas of child and family well- being, from prenatal care initiation and mother and child health outcomes, to the likelihood that the father will provide ongoing financial and emotional support.  This body of research is gaining momentum.  Local and regional governmental agencies are focusing more and more on parental father involvement in the lives of children. As a result of the changes taking place in society today, the Courts are now recognizing a father’s ability to care for his children as becoming equal to that of the mother.   Starting out on an equal plane, the Court may look to which parent is more stable, has a superior income, has a parenting plan in place for the child and is capable of providing proper child care and spending more quality time with the child.

42. Seattle Father’s Rights Lawyers | Seattle Family Law Attorneys
The family lawyers at our Seattle firm will provide aggressive representation to fathers who need help with child custody, child support, and paternity.
Child Support Getting Child Support Custody Problems How to Get Custody ... Paternity
Tell us about your case.
Seattle Family Law Attorneys
Washington Lawyers Aggressively Defending Father’s Rights
When practicing family law, attorneys frequently deal with cases involving father’s rights issues. Family law issues such as child custody, child support, visitation and paternity are of an increasing importance to fathers throughout Washington. In the past, fathers were treated unfairly when it came to issues involving children and mothers were usually favored by court officials as the primary caretakers and legal guardians of children in situations of divorce. In recent years, increasing amounts of research have shown the high importance of both mothers and fathers in the lives of children, which is perhaps the main motivation behind the father’s rights movement. No longer content with being “secondary” caretakers, more and more fathers throughout Washington are taking legal action to preserve their rights and play active roles in the lives of their kids. At our Seattle law firm, out family attorneys are proud to provide exceptional legal services to men whose rights as fathers are in danger of being violated or taken advantage of. Our lawyers can effectively handle a variety of father’s rights legal issues, including:

43. Benger Law Fighting For Father's Rights
Family Law. Fathers Rights; Parental Alienation; False Allegations of Abuse; Domestic Violence; Orders Of Injunction; Juvenile Law. Guardian Ad Litem; About Eve Benger
  • Home Family Law
    Benger Law Fighting for Father's Rights
    Father's rights are often disregarded in a divorce, paternity, custody or child support dispute. Traditionally, mothers were viewed as the natural caretakers of children, while fathers were seen as the breadwinners. However, times are changing. At Benger Law Firm, we aggressively represent fathers who understand the importance of taking an active role in raising their children. Our clients want to maintain their right to guide their children toward successful futures. These cases can be very difficult and intense. We specialize in these types of cases. If it were easy, anyone could handle these cases. You need someone who is up to the challenge. We believe that if you were once an involved dad, you have the right to remain an involved and potentially a custodial dad. Contact us today for powerful protection of your right to be a dad, not just a father.  Fill out the contact form to the right and we will get back to you immediately.

44. Divorce And Family Law In Michigan - FRED - Father's Rights For Equality In Divo
Divorce and Family Law in Michigan FRED - Father's Rights for Equality in Divorce - The Eric Pazner Law Firm .

SOUTHFIELD OFFICE - Serving Southeast Michigan and Metropolitan Detroit: 248-356-7775
LANSING OFFICE - Serving Mid-Michigan and Metropolitan Lansing: 517-267-1200
GRAND RAPIDS OFFICE - Serving West Michigan and Metropolitan Grand Rapids: 616-742-8900
The information contained in this web site is neither legal advice nor is it intended to be legal advice. The information contained in this web site is general information designed to give the reader a basic understanding of some legal concepts about what we do in these areas.

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