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1. FATHERS.COM - Home Tips, programs and training for fathers looking to become a better dad. http://www.fathers.com/ | |
2. Home Page - The Center For Successful Fathering Research based, tested and proven effective curriculum for parent educators to get and keep dads involved with their children. http://www.fathering.org/ | |
3. Fathering Magazine | Fatherhood | Fathers | Dads | Family The online magazine for fathers who enjoy family and value fatherhood. fathering resources for involved dads who want to strengthen their fathering relationship with their sons http://www.fathermag.com/ |
4. Fathering Magazine fathering Magazine The online magazine for men with families. http://www.fathermag.com/contents.html | |
5. Fathering: NYM Ministries Resources on fathering to encourage Fathers and give guidance and support to fulfill their rolls in the lives of their families. http://www.nymministries.org/catalog/Fathering-1-1.html | |
6. National Center For Fathering -- Fathers.com: Thanks for visiting fathers.com! Use these quick links to This site is dedicated to all men who seek to be better fathers and fatherfigures. http://support.fathers.com/ |
7. FATHERING fathering resources from Dr. Sears, author of many popular child care books. http://www.askdrsears.com/html/10/T110100.asp | |
8. Forestdale - Fathering Initiative Forestdale provide services to children and families in the borough of Queens. Serving the community since 1854. Our programs include Foster Care, Adoption, Preventive, and the http://www.forestdaleinc.org/programs/fatheringinitiative.html | |
9. Christian Fathers, Fathering From A Christian Perspective Articles and resources to help Christian fathers. http://www.christianfathers.com | |
10. Fathering | Define Fathering At Dictionary.com –noun 1. a male parent. 2. a fatherin-law, stepfather, or adoptive father. 3. any male ancestor, esp. the founder of a race, family, or line; progenitor. 4. a man who http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fathering |
11. Father - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia fathering redirects here. For the journal, see fathering (journal). A father is defined as a male parent of any type of offspring. The adjective paternal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fathering | |
12. Fathering Resources: Your Child: University Of Michigan Health System fathering Resources. Why are dads important? More and more research shows that involved fathers provide something special in their children’s lives. http://www.med.umich.edu/yourchild/topics/father.htm |
13. Fathering And Family Institute: Parent And Community Education The fathering and Family Institute is a place for parents with children of all ages to learn new skills, share experiences and develop community ties. http://fatheringinstitute.com/ |
14. RESPONSIBLE FATHERING: An Overview And Conceptual Framework William J. Doherty, Ph.D., Edward F. Kouneski, M.A., and Martha Farrell Erickson, Ph.D. of the University of Minnesota. September, 1996. This report was prepared for the http://fatherhood.hhs.gov/concept.htm | |
15. Welcome To Fathering Impact International | Fathering Impact Int. You are welcome to fathering Impact International! We are a dynamic movement that is sweeping the nation with the message of quality fatherhood – calling all fathers to a http://fatheringimpactint.org/ | |
16. FATHERS.COM Fathers.com is the premier online resource for every day dads. Created by the National Center for fathering, fathers.com provides researchbased training, practical tips and http://www.fathers.com/content/index.php?option=com_content&task=section& |
17. Single Issue (International Research On Fathering) fathering A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers Volume 6 *umber 2 Spring2008 Special Issue International Research on fathering Guest Editors Rudy Seward http://www.ncfr.org/pdf/zippy_news/FatheringJournal.pdf |
18. Fathering National fathering Resources AtHome Dads at SLOWLANE.com Slowlane.com is the online resource, reference and network for Stay At Home Dads (SAHD) and their http://www.themenscenter.com/national/national05.htm | |
19. Fatherwork fathering Activities; Infants (018 months) Toddlers (18-36 months) Three Year Olds; Four and Five Year Olds; Six to Eight Year Olds; Eight to Twelve Year Olds http://fatherwork.byu.edu/activities.htm | |
20. Divorced Father's Network Dedicated to improving the lives of children, fathers and mothers by supporting engaged, effective fathering during and after divorce. http://divorcedfathers.com/ | |
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