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21. 1st SPOT Fatherhood On fatherhood, first time fathers, at home dads and single fathers. Lots of links to fathering sites. http://1st-spot.net/topic_fatherhood.html | |
22. Fathering (journal) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia fathering A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers, is a peerreviewed academic journal established in 2003 as the third of four published by Men's Studies http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fathering_(journal) | |
23. Fathering Articles - Find Fathering Related Articles On ArticlesBase.com Find fathering articles at ArticlesBase.com a free articles directory. Submit your articles for free distribution and find fathering content for your website, Ezine or newsletters. http://www.articlesbase.com/fathering-articles/ |
24. Fathering - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition of word from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fathering |
25. Fathering fathering By David Delk, President of Man in the Mirror. There are many goals we have as fathers for our children, but what is it we ultimately want for http://www.maninthemirror.org/topics/fathering.htm | |
26. Faithful Fathering A faithful father prioritizes his physical presence, is engaged emotionally and leads spiritually by example. Being a faithful father is a journey that begins wherever you are, and http://www.faithfulfathering.org/ | |
27. Fathering Booklist Alternadad the True Story of One Family’s Struggle to Raise a Cool Kid in America. Neal Pollack, $16.95. Pollack, a selfstyled party guy known http://www.parentbooks.ca/Fathering.html | |
28. Fathering | Www.xyonline.net Myth Women routinely make up allegations of domestic violence and rape, including to gain advantage in family law cases. And women use protection orders to remove men from their http://www.xyonline.net/category/article-content/fathering | |
29. A Fantastic Journey Into Learning Healthy Fathering. A 13week evidence-based fathering program designed to teach parenting and nurturing skills to men http://nurturingfathers.com/ | |
30. Centre For Fathering Singapore | Turning The Hearts Of The Fathers Toward Their News Our June Camp is open for registration now. Encounter the bonding experience of a lifetime to build a strong connection and relationship with your child. http://www.fatheringmatters.com/dpl/ | |
31. Other Online Resources For Fathering | Centre For Fathering Singapore “Dads for Life” is engaging fathers of diverse groups to understand their aspirations and needs. We would like to seek your participation in a focus group discussion they are http://www.fatheringmatters.com/dpl/links | |
32. Pregnant - A Field Guide To Fathering Hearing the words, “Honey, I’m pregnant,” will change your life more than almost anything you can imagine. It is the first step of a lifelong journey. http://www.fatheringfieldguide.com/ | |
33. CEO Of National Center For Fathering To Speak At…18 Hours AgoOct 29, 2010 Care Healthy fathering Collaborative The Healthy fathering Collaborative believes in supporting and empowering fathers to develop their assets as nurturers, caregivers and providers http://www.kansascity.com/2010/10/29/2370209/ceo-of-national-center-for-fatherin |
34. El Paso County, Colorado - Human Services Center on fathering . The Center on fathering is located at 325 N. El Paso Street (COF Location Map). I t opened in June 1995 and offers a continuum of services designed to meet the http://dhs.elpasoco.com/NR/exeres/F58FA109-BA8F-4F38-9CF7-0E9255E79A13,frameless | |
35. Fathering America.org // Advocacy & Research For The American Father One Man March . This year's One Man March included synchronous marches at the Texas state capital and Wisconsin state capital. Several founding members, their friends and families http://www.fatheringamerica.org/ | |
36. Father's World | Fathering And Parenting Resources Father's World Online Resources. fathering. The AbuseExcuse The Ultimate Weapon provides resource information and more to adults unjustly accused of child abuse, child http://www.fathersworld.com/resources/fathering.html | |
37. BruceRobinson.com - Fathering From The Fast Lane Publications etc. on fathering and men click on relevant text or image Books Daughters and their Dads (2008 fathering from the Fast Lane 2001 http://www.brucerobinson.com.au/book.html | |
38. Fathering Forum View 1000's of Pictures Videos of Single Parents Online. Join Free! http://fatheringforum.com/ |
39. Strategic Fathering, Index A site to discover how to become a stronger dad, husband and brother! http://strategicfathering.com/ | |
40. Family Violence Prevention Fund: Features: Fathering After Violence fathering After Violence (FAV) is a national initiative developed in 2002 by the Family Violence Prevention Fund and its partners to enhance the safety and wellbeing of women http://www.endabuse.org/content/features/detail/803/ |
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