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41. The Fathering Project: Welcome To The Website Of The Fathering Project Welcome to the website of The fathering Project The fathering Project is a Universitybased non-profit team of professionals whose aim is to help fathers realize how important http://www.thefatheringproject.org/ | |
42. Father Of The Blog A journal about Aaron Crall. Writing about his family, marriage, parenthood and fathering. An authoritative voice that is witty, thoughtful and sincere. This blog is about an average dad questioning his parenting abilities. http://fatheroftheblog.com | |
43. Fathering - Definition Of Fathering By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And fa ther (f r) n. 1. a. A male person whose sperm unites with an egg, resulting in the conception of a child. b. A man who adopts a child. c. A man who raises a child. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/fathering |
44. The Resource Center For Fathers And Families Exists to provide the community with fathering information, education, support, and prevention programs focused on positive parenting. http://www.resourcesforfathers.org/ | |
45. Welcome To Fathering Impact International-Fathering The Unfathered Father’s Haven. A place of solace, love and encouragement for orphans, abused and neglected children providing a congenial ambience for a child’s development. http://fatheringimpact.com/ | |
46. Fatherwork Ideas About fathering; Metaphors About fathering; Metaphors About fathering The most important work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes. http://fatherwork.byu.edu/metaphors.htm | |
47. Fathering, Activities For Dads And Kids, Learn How To Be A Better Dad, Grandpare Learn more about available fatherhood resources. Resources for Dads The National Fatherhood Initiative. A Full Day of Fun 16 Hours of Activities Bringing Parents and Kids http://www.coloradodads.com/index.cfm?page=37 |
48. Strategic Fathering, Index Christian author Jay Cookingham offers books with a focused, purposeful call to demonstrate the Father s love. http://www.strategicfathering.com/ | |
49. Edwards Admits Fathering Child With Mistress - TODAY People - TODAYshow.com For the first time, the former presidential candidate is publicly admitting that he is indeed the father of a 2year-old daughter conceived with Rielle Hunter, a campaign http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/34963767/ns/today-today_people/ | |
50. Centre For Fathering Singapore | Turning The Hearts Of The Fathers Toward Their English language site for Singapore residents. Services, events and support for promoting responsible fatherhood. http://www.fathers.com.sg/ | |
51. Welcome To Fathering Adventures fathering Adventures Turning the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers. http://www.fatheringadventures.com.au/ | |
52. The Fatherhood Alliance The goal of the Fatherhood Alliance is to educate fathers on how to enhance their fathering skills therefore, enhancing their family life. http://www.fatherhoodalliance.freeservers.com/ | |
53. Divorce Helpful articles on parenting for single parents with. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/single_fathers/ |
54. Father's World | Where Dads Live, Work & Connect Information, resources, support, and education for fathers and their families. http://www.fathersworld.com/ | |
55. Fathers Are Forever - A Co-Parenting Guide For The 21st Century A co-parenting, self-help book for the divorced fathers. http://fathersareforever.com | |
56. The Fatherhood Institute The UK's Fatherhood Think Tank News for fathers in Australia. http://www.fathersdirect.com/ |
57. Like Father Like... Diary of a first time father. http://www.likefatherlike.blogspot.com | |
58. Honor Thy Father Features Christian tribute to fatherhood and links. http://www.entourages.com/barbs/Father.htm | |
59. Afterhours Inspirational Stories : Fathers Individual stories and reports about a father who inspired them. http://inspirationalstories.com/fathers-1.html | |
60. Whinydad Chronicle, WHINYDAD CHRONICLE: YOUR DAILY DABBLE IN POP CULTURE Eccentric commentary on the news and reviews of the world s fathers and their children. http://whinydad.blogspot.com/ | |
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