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1. Ferret - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The ferret is a domesticated mammal of the type Mustela putorius furo. Ferrets are sexually dimorphic predators with males being substantially larger than females. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferret | |
2. Censuses And Surveys - Wild About Utah - A Production Of Utah Public Radio/KUSU/ American Black Bear, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, wildlife.utah.gov/publications/pdf/bearnew.pdf (tracking) Blackfooted Ferrets, Wildlife Review Utah Division of Wildlife http://bridgerlandaudubon.org/wildaboututah/100325census.htm |
3. Detailed Pet Portraits Alive By Creative Design! Detailed pet portraits, in graphite and colored pencil, of cats, dogs, ferrets, horses, small animals and wildlife. The index page of the ferret/wildlife gallery. http://www.estherspetportraits.com/ferretindex.htm | |
4. YouTube - Black Footed Ferrets Pets Animals. Tags black; footed; ferrets; wildlife; South; Dakota http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IOXtYmtRG8 |
5. Mammal Populations Of The Colorado Plateau Mammal Populations. Adapted from Mac, M. J., Opler, P. A., Haecker, C. E. P. and Doran, P. D., editors. 1998. Status and Trends of the Nation's http://cpluhna.nau.edu/Biota/mammals.htm | |
6. San Diego Wildlife Reviews - Find Wildlife In San Diego, CA Creating A Contempory Bland Of Fine Art amp; Photo Journalism For Weddings, Events amp; Family Por http://sandiego.sddt.com/tag/wildlife/san-diego/ca |
7. DFG - Nongame Wildlife Program - Ferrets - Biology And Uses biology and uses of the ferret. taxonomy; description; biology, physiology, and diseases; history of ferrets in the u.s. uses of the domestic ferret http://www.dfg.ca.gov/wildlife/nongame/nuis_exo/ferret/ferret_issues_1.html | |
8. Ferrets - Offbeat - Ferrets - Offbeat - Care2 News Network Offbeat (tags environment, animals, protection, ferrets, wildlife) Cher 124 days ago - wildlifeextra.com http://www.care2.com/news/category/other/ferrets | |
9. Art By Stef Art by Stef, aka Ferretstef. An artist specializing in paintings of nature, ferrets, wildlife, and other animals, in many types of media. http://artbystef.com/ | |
10. AdoptaPet-Directory -Animal Shelters Directory Preview Of Org#5515 Animal Shelters in All States Adopt a Pet.Com Helping to unite loving families with homeless animals http://www.adoptapet-directory.com/org/5515 | |
11. The Wildlife Society The Wildlife Society (TWS), founded in 1937, is an international, professional nonprofit scientific association dedicated to excellence in wildlife stewardship through science and http://joomla.wildlife.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=569 |
12. Veterinary Jobs - Animal Care And Control Half Time Veterinarian Jobs of livestock including but not limited to horses, goats, fowl, and cattle; small domestic mammals including but not limited to rabbits, guinea pigs, rodents, and ferrets; wildlife http://www.jobs.vetclinics.net/Veterinary-Part-Time/Animal-Care-and-Control-Half | |
13. Putney RSPCA Animal Hospital There are birds, reptiles, amphibians and lots of small mammals guinea pigs, rabbits, rats, hamsters and ferrets. Wildlife and exotic casualties include foxes, water birds http://www.putneysw15.com/community/rspca.htm | |
14. YouTube - Rochester Raccoon Rehab Pets Animals. Tags raccoon; motor; city; ferrets; wildlife; rehab http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWMK7m_mZn8 |
15. Animal Health - Inspect And Licence - Movements Pet Travel Scheme (dogs, cats and ferrets) Wildlife and endangered species (CITES and wild bird registration) Livestock Movement and Identification http://www.defra.gov.uk/animalhealth/inspecting-and-licensing/movement/index.htm | |
16. Chinchillas — Blogs, Pictures, And More On WordPress months ago A governmentissued recall on exotic pets has citizens in an uproar. The recall, issued Monday morni … more → Tags Earth-based Nature, Exotic Pets, Ferrets, wildlife http://en.wordpress.com/tag/chinchillas/ |
17. OSU College Of Veterinary Medicine To Host Pet Day On May 1 | News & Research Co and others who will provide information on animal health and wellness, nutrition, adoption and therapy. Other booths and displays will feature llamas, goats, ferrets, wildlife http://oregonstate.edu/ua/ncs/archives/2010/apr/osu-college-veterinary-medicine- | |
18. Wildlife-Education Owners of pet ferrets should have their animals vaccinated against canine distemper which is fatal in ferrets. Wildlife rehabbers should quarantine any new rehabs until they get a http://www.wildlife-education.com/raccoon-diseases.php | |
19. Saginaw Texas Veterinary, Vet Hospital, Animal Clinic Not only dogs, but also cats, ferrets, wildlife, and rarely humans. Adult heartworms are less common in cats, but there is strong evidence that larvae (immature heartworms) can http://www.crpethospital.com/links.asp | |
20. Detailed Pet Portraits Alive By Creative Design! Pet Portrait Galleries Cats Color Dogs Ferrets/Wildlife Horses Multiple Pets Creative Background1 Creative Background-2 Puppies More Llamas Two Pets http://www.estherspetportraits.com/wildcougar.htm | |
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