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61. Top Director's New Endeavour Article discusses the success of the film, its making, and talks to the cast. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2004-12/17/content_400992.htm | |
62. Leeds Met - Film School Homepage - Information on the school which specialises in media, film making and acting. http://www.leedsmet.ac.uk/as/ftpa/ | |
63. Film Making From The Primary English Encyclopedia: The Heart Of The Curriculum, Film Making from The Primary English Encyclopedia The Heart of the Curriculum, Third Edition. Film Making summary with 2 pages of research material. http://www.bookrags.com/tandf/film-making-tf/ |
64. IndieLondon: V For Vendetta - Review - Your London Reviews V For Vendetta may not provide any answers but it does inspire serious thought while providing plenty to entertain. The V could just as easily stand for valiant in terms of film-making. By Jack Foley. http://www.indielondon.co.uk/DVD-Review/v-for-vendetta-review | |
65. Film Making As A Career Option | Professional Film Making This section provides information on film making as a career option and other related aspects http://www.indiaeducation.net/CareerCenter/MassCommunication/FilmMaking/index.as |
66. 'Broadcast News' about his film Broadcast News and his talent of film making....... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/movies/videos/broadcastnewsr | |
67. Slant Magazine City Of God Ed Gonzalez reviews the film, making comparisons with Scorsese and Tarantino and looking at the irony of the title. http://www.slantmagazine.com/film/film_review.asp?ID=562 |
68. Motorsports Camps And Racing Camps On The Camp Channel Take a seat this summer in the director's chair and gain hands on experience with writing, shooting film/video, and post production at a film making camp. Get behind the lens http://www.campchannel.com/campers/browse/specialty_camps_new.shtml?SpecialtyFil |
69. FREC - Bringing The Entertainment Industry To South Florida Association of South Florida professionals in film-making and recording, with membership categories and applications. http://www.FRECouncil.com | |
70. Star Wars Jedi Archives Forums - Home Community about master replicas and collecting, film making, graphics and CG FX. http://forcefx.proboards43.com/ |
71. Film Making 101 - Group Film Making 101 A place to talk about film making. Come get help with your film, or come give your advice to budding film makers. http://filmmaking101.yuku.com/ |
72. Movies Other Review by Jeffrey Gantz of the film that can make a claim to be the most underrated movie of the 20th century. http://www.bostonphoenix.com/boston/movies/trailers/documents/02245282.htm | |
73. Film Making Film Making. Do you think you could be the next Steven Spielberg or George Lucas? Perhaps you dream of being the next Keira Knightly or Johnny Depp? http://www.pgl.co.uk/PGLWeb/individuals/holidays/FilmMaking.htm |
74. Foundation For Asian American Independent Media - About Us Celebrating Asian-American film making talent. Held annually in April. http://www.faaim.org |
75. Film Making Film Making Film Making Learn Basics to Becoming a Film Maker. If you've ever wanted the secrets to making your own film, here it is Indy Film Insider Tips And Basics To Film http://www.buy-ebook.com/film-making/ | |
76. San Francisco Jewish Film Festival Showcasing international Jewish film making with an online database of films and videos. http://www.sfjff.org/ |
77. Wildlife Watching Supplies Run By Kevin Keatley, Wildlife Photography - Wildlife Manufactures and suppliers of equipment for wildlife watching, photography and film making. Hides, clothing, camouflage materials and products. http://www.wildlifewatchingsupplies.co.uk/ |
78. Film Making INTRODUCTION. Film is probably the broadest and most varied creative opportunity in mass media. Films, a blend of creativity and technicality are an important http://www.educationinfoindia.com/Rajasthan/CareerGuidance/filmmaking.htm |
79. Suited And Booted Provide digital film making opportunities to a wide range of the community in the South West and beyond, writing, devising, storyboarding, producing, filming and editing high quality short films. http://www.suitedandbooted.org | |
80. Film Making Education “Discover The Secrets Of The Top Film Makers” And Become A Master Film Maker Yourself http://filmmakingeducation.com/ | |
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