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61. Untitled Page Apologies, we could not locate the page you requested. We have recently updated our web page. If you bookmarked a page on our site in the past, you may need to update the bookmark http://www.aum.edu/Academics/Schools/Liberal_Arts/Departments_and_Programs/Fine_ |
62. Joan Jett WebArt Gallery A fan s collection of photos and his own drawings. Plus various other Joan Jett items. http://home.swipnet.se/~w-77796/JJWebArt/index.htm | |
63. Fine Arts Home - USD Home page for the College of Fine Arts at The University of South Dakota. http://www.usd.edu/fine-arts/index.cfm | |
64. Audible Artworks: Selected African Musical Instruments Pictures and descriptions from the Smithsonian of African instruments including a Yoruba drum, Nuna whistles, a Zande harp, and an Asante drum. http://www.nmafa.si.edu/exhibits/aud_art/index.htm | |
65. Graduate Fine Arts - Otis College Of Art And Design Otis College of Art and Design is a college that offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in fine arts, graphic arts, fashion design, writing, product design, architecture http://www.otis.edu/academics/graduate_fine_arts/index.html | |
66. Facultad De ARTES - Universidad Javeriana Departamentos, programas de pregrado y postgrado. Investigaci n y medio universitario. http://www.javeriana.edu.co/Facultades/Artes/index.php | |
67. Welcome To Butler Community College :: Fine Arts Many students enroll in Butler Humanities / Fine Arts courses to fulfill general education requirements for an associate or four year degree. http://www.butlercc.edu/fine_arts/index.cfm |
68. OKYAO.com´óÃû»ÀÈ»¶ÓÄú¡ôչʾװÊλÓÍ»Öйú»Êé·¨,ËØÃèÉ«²Ê Ⱦ֯ÒÕÊõÏËάÒÕÊõ±Ú¹Ò¡ http://www.okyao.com/art/index.htm | |
69. The National Art Museum Of China Traditional Chinese Painting http://www.namoc.org/en/Collection/Highlights/Fine_Arts/index.html | |
70. Leadville, Colorado Paintings & Sketches, Art DuPont Paintings and sketches. http://www.leadville.com/dupont/art/index.htm | |
71. Fine Arts - Kenosha Unified School District No. 1 - Kenosha, Wisconsin The Kenosha Unified School District seeks to provide a wide range of musical and artistic opportunities and experiences through which each child can develop appropriate skills http://www.kusd.edu/departments/fine_arts/index.html | |
72. West Virginia Commission On The Arts Find information about grants, programs and opportunities for artists in all media. http://www.wvculture.org/arts/index.html |
73. Trobriand Islands Tribal Art The unique tribal art of the Trobriand Islands demonstrates a range of outside influences that combine to produce some of the most detailed and interesting art of Oceania. http://www.janeresture.com/trobriand_art/index.htm | |
74. Fine Arts Library, University Of Virginia We've redesigned VIRGO to make searching easier and faster! Learn more about the improvements HERE. Got questions? We're happy to help! Just contact us. http://www2.lib.virginia.edu/finearts/index.html |
75. List Of Artworks, By Title Auswahl von Bildern des Dadaismus (Arp, Ernst, Picabia, Schwitters u.a.). http://www.peak.org/~dadaist/Art/index.html | |
76. Oaks Christian School: Arts » Fine Arts F ine arts students are actively engaged in creating and exhibiting art work under the direction of dedicated faculty of art experts. The art faculty is fully committed to helping http://www.oakschristian.org/arts/fine-arts/index.aspx |
77. Kreienbuehl Art-Galerie Aquarelle, lbilder, Zeichnungen, Serigraphien und Skulpturen des K nstlers aus Z rich. http://www.kreides.ch/art/index.htm | |
78. VDOE Fine Arts Instruction Instruction description goes here. Knowledge and skills that students acquire through instruction in the fine arts include the abilities to think critically, solve problems http://www.doe.virginia.gov/instruction/fine_arts/index.shtml |
79. Title . http://www.nanya.ru/art_index/18.html |
80. B & R Fine Arts B R Fine Arts is the place to buy, sell fine art. We specialize in the works of 19th and 20th century masters. http://www.bnr-art.com/fine-arts/index.htm |
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