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41. Suomi.fi General information for Finnish citizens, immigrants and emigrants. http://www.suomi.fi/suomifi/english/subjects/migration/ |
42. Start Page | Parliament Of Finland Members, news, facts, election guide, and some statistics. http://web.eduskunta.fi/Resource.phx/parliament/index.htx | |
43. Suomen Tasavallan Presidentti The president s curriculum, official residences, press releases, events, and speeches. List of former presidents. Finnish, Swedish, English http://www.president.fi/ | |
44. AllRefer.com - Finland: Government (**finland-adj** Government) :Capital, Nation AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on Finland with respect to Government, Country name, conventional long form, conventional short http://reference.allrefer.com/world/countries/finland/government.html | |
45. Korkein Hallinto-oikeus - Etusivu Activities, organization and annual reports of the highest court in administrative cases. http://www.kho.fi/ | |
46. Finland - GOVERNMENT Finland Government and Politics. SINCE THE ESTABLISHMENT of its present system of government in 1919, Finland has been one of the more fortunate members of the Western http://www.mongabay.com/reference/country_studies/finland/GOVERNMENT.html |
47. FINLEX Data Bank Database of laws, decrees, international treaties and precedents. English translations available for some laws. http://www.finlex.fi/english/index.html | |
48. Ministry Of Justice, Finland - Constitution Information on the new constitution and the development of the Finnish constitutional system. http://www.om.fi/en/Etusivu/Perussaannoksia/Perustuslaki | |
49. Finland/Government - Definition Finland has a primarily parliamentary system, although the president also has some notable powers. The main executive power lies in the cabinet headed by the prime minister. http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Finland/Government | |
50. Embajada De La República Bolivariana De Venezuela En Finlandia Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Helsinki, Finland, also accredited to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. With consular and tourist information. http://www.embavene.fi/ |
51. Estemb In Helsinki Featuring a detailed history of the Estonian Embassy in Helsinki. In English, Estonian and Finnish. http://www.estemb.fi/ | |
52. 1Up Travel > Finland Government - Facts On Government Of Finland Is Here. Wanted to find out info about Government of Finland with respect to Country name, Data code, Dependency status, Government type, Capital, Administrative divisions, Dependent http://www.1uptravel.com/international/europe/finland/government.html | |
53. Japan Bilateral relations, events, scholarships, consular information and Japanese language links. http://www.fi.emb-japan.go.jp/ | |
54. Netherlands Contains information about the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Helsinki, its operations and visa requirements. http://www.mfa.nl/hel/ | |
55. Finland Government Type - Government Facts and statistics about the Government type of Finland. Updated as of 2010. http://www.indexmundi.com/finland/government_type.html | |
56. Greece Includes contact information for the Embassy of Greece in Helsinki, and also for the Honorary Consulate in Turku. http://www.greekembassy.fi/ | |
57. Finland: Government — FactMonster.com Encyclopedia — Finland Government. Finland is governed under the constitution of 2000. The president, who is the head of state, is elected by popular vote to a sixyear term http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/world/A0858114.html | |
58. Diplomacy.ro :: Embassy Of Romania - Helsinki The Embassy of Romania to the Republic of Finland, including an essay on how war has fostered Romanian-Finnish relations. http://helsinki.mae.ro |
59. Finland - Government Short facts on government of Finland. Travel in Finland. A total of 23 members have visited 35 locations in Finland. http://www.traveljournals.net/explore/finland/government.html | |
60. Embassy Of Belgium Helsinki, Finland Address and telephone numbers of the Embassy of Belgium in Helsinki, Finland. http://www.diplomatie.be/helsinki/ | |
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