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1. Books On Florida Genealogy Florida Genealogy Books on American Family History from Brough's Books http://www.dropbears.com/books/history/florida_genealogy.htm | |
2. Florida Genealogy, Family Trees And Family History Records Online Visit publicrecordcenter.com to discover your ancestors and family history, start a family tree, browse ancestry, genealogy, census records and more online http://www.publicrecordcenter.com/florida_genealogy_search.htm | |
3. Florida Genealogy & Family History - About Genealogy Explore Florida genealogy and family history resources, including free online Florida genealogy databases, with these helpful guides for tracing your Florida surnames and http://genealogy.about.com/od/florida/Florida_Genealogy_Family_Trees.htm | |
4. Florida Genealogy Societies Florida Genealogy Society Directory. Links for all the genealogy societies and historical societies in Florida. Find the Florida Historical or Genealogical society in the http://www.censusfinder.com/florida_genealogy_societies.htm | |
5. Free Access To Florida Genealogy Generalized specific searches of Florida genealogy databases, Florida marriage records, Florida birth records, Florida death indexes, Florida Censuses, much more! http://www.searchgenealogy.net/florida_genealogy.html | |
6. FLORIDA_GENEALOGY POSTLINK 548 QWK 54 FTSC R_FLORIDA.GEN NNTP RIME.FLORIDA_GEN ELIST NO ELIST HOST HOST DESCRIPTION Discussion of all things related to researching one's Family History and Heritage in the http://www.relaynet.org/FLORIDA_GENEALOGY.HTM | |
7. Florida State Genealogy Links - FL StateGenSites Links to Florida genealogy web sites in 27 different categories. http://www.genealogytoday.com/genealogy/states/florida.html | |
8. Florida History And Genealogy Florida Genealogy is being developed as a genealogical and historical resource for your personal use. While the original thought was to provide this website as a resource http://floridagenealogy.com/ |
9. Madison County, Florida Genealogy Society (MCFGS) - Family History & Genealogy M Madison County, Florida Genealogy Society (MCFGS) family history genealogy message board. Hosted by Ancestry.com. Forums of community contributed messages helping members http://boards.ancestry.com/localities.northam.usa.states.florida.mcfgs/mb.ashx |
10. Www.rootsweb.com/~flleon/index.html, Leon County Florida Genealogy Resources Dedicated to genealogical research. It consists of data, queries and links to other research sites. http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~flleon/ | |
11. Genealogy: Florida Genealogy Sites Florida genealogy sites with surnames, look ups, marriage records, census sites, biographies, death records, military, and libraries to help with your Florida genealogy research in http://www.genealinks.com/states/fl.htm | |
12. Amelia Island And Nassau County Florida Genealogy And History nassau county florida genealogy and family history web http://www.aigensoc.org/started.asp |
13. Florida Genealogy Free Florida Genealogy Data and Links Florida African American Genealogy. Florida African American Cemeteries http://www.accessgenealogy.com/florida/ |
14. Florida Genealogy Pages Florida Genealogy Pages; A Visitors and residents guide to Florida Genealogy Pages http://www.nefla.com/rtbl/ | |
15. East Central Florida Genealogical Society Co-op Not for profit group of genealogical societies in nine east central Florida counties. http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~flecfgsc/index.htm | |
16. Free Florida Genealogy Search Engines | Surname Search Search for ancestors in free Florida genealogy search engines. A starting point for Florida genealogy research. http://www.ancestorhunt.com/florida-genealogy.htm | |
17. Florida Genealogy And History - Presented By Genealogy Trails Welcome to Florida Genealogy Trails The Sunshine State 1893 Florida Boat Ride at Silver Springs This Site is Available for Adoption! Your Temporary Host is Brenda Wiesner http://genealogytrails.com/fla/ | |
18. Florida State Society, Daughters Of The American Revolution Serving over 108 local chapters and 9,000 members. Offers clickable list of chapters arranged by county and town, state events and programs, Florida genealogy research sites, FAQ, and links to CAR, SAR and the NSDAR. http://www.fldar.org/ | |
19. Florida Genealogy And History Guide Florida Genealogy guide to free records in census, marriage, birth, death, and other records databases. http://floridagenealogysearch.com/ | |
20. The New West Florida Genealogy Library In Pensacola, Florida The growth of the Pensacola, Florida population, as well as lack of space has prompted the move of the Tryon Branch Library on 9th Ave. and College Blvd. to the new location at http://www.genealogyblog.com/?p=6300 |
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