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41. University Of West Florida Libraries John C. Pace Library Bldg. 32 11000 University Pkwy. Pensacola, FL 32514 (850) 4742424 Campus Map Text Only Site Map http://library.uwf.edu/index.cfm |
42. Florida Libraries | Libraries In Florida, NY - YP.COM Find Us on Facebook 2010 AT T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT T, AT T logo and all AT T related marks are trademarks of AT T Intellectual Property and/or AT T http://www.yellowpages.com/florida-ny/libraries | |
43. Blogs At The University Of Florida Libraries This is the main blog page for the UF Libraries blogs, which share news and document projects at the Libraries. See the links below for the other blogs or see the Libraries http://blogs.uflib.ufl.edu/ | |
44. Florida Libraries | Libraries In Florida, MA - YP.COM Find Us on Facebook 2010 AT T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT T, AT T logo and all AT T related marks are trademarks of AT T Intellectual Property and/or AT T http://www.yellowpages.com/florida-ma/libraries | |
45. Florida Libraries And Grants Search by keywords that appear in the project number, project name, library name, manager, year, or grant type http://fllibraries.org/ |
46. Topics :: Florida Libraries HernandoToday.com A local news and information website for Hernando, county including local news coverage, weather, classifieds, and more. http://www2.hernandotoday.com/topic/k/florida-libraries/ | |
47. Save Florida Libraries! Facebook Welcome to a Facebook Page about Save Florida Libraries! Join Facebook to start connecting with Save Florida Libraries! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Save-Florida-Libraries/101309369909598?v=wall |
48. Treasures Of South Florida Libraries Treasures of South Florida Libraries Home Introduction. Introduction. This exhibit and catalog are tributes to the efforts of many individuals and institutions across Florida. http://scholar.library.miami.edu/treasure/chapters/intro.html | |
49. Treasures Of South Florida Libraries. University Of Florida. Special Collections Divison Treasures of South Florida Libraries Home University of Florida Next. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. Varmints. Typescript with manuscript corrections. http://scholar.library.miami.edu/treasure/chapters/chaptr23.html | |
50. Links On "Save Florida Libraries!" | Facebook Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited http://www.facebook.com/posted.php?id=101309369909598 |
51. George A. Smathers Libraries - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The University of Florida Digital Collections are a constantly growing collection of digital resources from the University of Florida Libraries' collections as well as partner http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_A._Smathers_Libraries | |
52. . : Southwest Florida Libraries.com : . Collier County Librairies Collier County Libraries .Com East Naples Library .Com Estates Library .Com Everglades City Library .Com http://southwestfloridalibraries.com/ | |
53. Welcome - Oral History Program (OHP) - Campus Guides At University Of South Flor The USF Libraries Oral History Program The University of South Florida Libraries Oral History Program Vision Statement http://ohp.lib.usf.edu/ |
54. Economic Recovery And Florida Libraries / FrontPage Resources for Libraries to Understand Opportunities in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) NTIA Notice of Funding Availability for Round Two of Broadband http://floridarecovery.pbworks.com/ |
55. E-Government At Florida Libraries: More Support, Coordination Needed Norman Oder Library Journal, 08/22/2008. Residents asks librarians for help with tax forms, child welfare benefits; Some librarians wary of liability, lack training http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA6589469.html |
56. Law-lib_log9710: Florida Libraries Will someone please let me know the name and number of the publisher of the Florida Jury Instructions? Thank you in advance for responding. Beth http://listproc.ucdavis.edu/archives/law-lib/law-lib.log9710/0114.html | |
57. University Of Florida Libraries: Chemistry Librarian | CALA - Chinese American L University of Florida Libraries. Position Chemistry Librarian Rank Assistant University Librarian Peports To Chair, Marston Science Library Salary Minimum Salary $42,000 http://www.cala-web.org/node/639 |
58. Daily Kos: Florida Libraries WE WON, WE WON, WE won. Ok, I posted my first two action diaries ever over the last five days. It's over. Due to overwhelming citizen response, Gov. Crist himself was at http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2009/5/4/182021/3989 |
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