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61. Forensic Science FOR MOST PEOPLE, forensic science means cops and fingerprints and DNA analysis. All of that is still true, but these days forensic science encompasses much more. http://www.llnl.gov/str/Forensic.html | |
62. DNA & Forensics Compilation of related links about crime and forensics http://www.karisable.com/crdna1.htm | |
63. Forensic Science Specialization- School Of Science, Technology, And Engineering Specialization in Forensic Science. The forensic science specialization program at St. Thomas University provides a focused curriculum which prepares the student for the http://www.stu.edu/ForensicScience/tabid/1020/Default.aspx | |
64. Ananomouse Software company providing a solution for the identification of victims of a mass disaster or missing persons incidents. http://www.ananomouse.com/ | |
65. Science Technicians Forensic science technicians investigate crimes by collecting and analyzing physical evidence. Often, they specialize in areas such as DNA analysis or firearm examination http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos115.htm | |
66. BioDyn, Inc. Mathematical Models Of The Brain Provides injury investigation professionals with information about biomechanical models, available from Torrance California. http://www.biodyn.us/ |
67. Home Audio services provider, with range and contacts in Baldwin, New York. http://www.gaidecom.com/ |
68. Forensic Scientist - Career Information On a typical day a forensic science technician might perform some of the following duties examine, test, and analyze tissue samples, chemical substances, physical materials, and http://careerplanning.about.com/cs/occupations/p/forensic_tech.htm | |
69. Forensic Science Department Chair Timothy M. Palmbach Associate Professor J.D., University of Connecticut . Graduate Program Coordinator Virginia M. Maxwell Associate Professor http://www.newhaven.edu/5923/ | |
70. Forensic Science - Fun Facts And Information Fun Facts about Forensic Science. Interesting factoids, information and answers. http://www.funtrivia.com/en/scitech/forensic-science-10893.html |
71. E. J. Wagner - Home Page List of programs on criminal history, folklore of crime, forensic science, with details of next public address by crime-historian and storyteller at the Museum of Long Island Natural Sciences at Stony Brook, New York. http://www.forensic.to/webhome/ejwagner/ | |
72. Forensic Science | The University Of North Dakota The University of North Dakota, About The University of North Dakota. http://www.und.edu/dept/forensic/ | |
73. Dr. Henry Lee Overview of the topic from founder and professor of the Forensic Science Program at the University of New Haven, editor of academic journals, article and book author, and Chief Emeritus of the Connecticut State Police. http://www.drhenrylee.com/ | |
74. Western Carolina University - Forensic Science Forensic science is the application of scientific principles and methods to determine facts of legal significance. The B.S. in Forensic Science at Western Carolina University http://www.wcu.edu/4429.asp |
75. Zeno's Forensic Site Extensive listing of links to forensic science, including medicine and psychology. Active message board and index of links to other sites, available in other languages from Den Haag, Netherlands. http://forensic.to/ | |
76. Forensics Forensic Science Activities could be used with middle school students. Have students do this Forensic Science crossword puzzle. http://www.nclark.net/ForensicChem |
77. MAAFS Promoting the exchange of ideas, techniques and standards of performance in forensic science from a regional association of the AAFS. http://maafs.org | |
78. Forensic Science (BS) The major in Forensic Science is designed to provide academic and professional training for students seeking to work in forensic science laboratories, or who are planning to http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/academics/643.php | |
79. American Academy Of Forensic Sciences AAFS represents physicians, attorneys, dentists, toxicologists, psychiatrists, engineers and educators, in the application of science to the law, with searchable journal, seminars and workshops throughout the USA. http://www.aafs.org/ | |
80. Subcommittee For Forensic Science - Charters Charters for the Subcommittee and InterAgency Working Groups. Subcommittee Charter Subcommittee on Forensic Science . Inter-agency Working Group Charters http://www.forensicscience.gov/charters.html | |
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