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41. Goldmyer Hot Springs Hot springs located on the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River in the Cascade foothills. Provides history, virtual tour, and info about forest ecology and how to make reservations. http://www.goldmyer.org/ | |
42. TRN - Taiga Rescue Network - The Boreal Forest Information on boreal forest ecology and biodiversity, the cultures of the boreal regions, threats faced by boreal forests worldwide. http://www.taigarescue.org/ |
43. Pisgah Forest Institute Offers environmental sciences and forest ecology workshops for educators in elementary, middle and high schools. Includes mission, staff, programs, registration. http://www.pisgahforestinstitute.org/ |
44. Publications Of Team "Mountain Forests Ecology" At The Swiss Federal Research In Section Silvicultural strategies at WSL Teams Couldn't open /www/htdocs/forest/waldman/mfe/../menuteam.en Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden http://www.wsl.ch/forest/waldman/mfe/mfepubl-en.ehtml | |
45. SFU Forestry & Forest Ecology Lab Located in the School of Resource and Environmental Management. Overview, satellite images, program, projects, students and researchers, affiliations and collaborations, products, publication, and downloadable software, tutorials, database, toolkit and models. http://www.rem.sfu.ca/forestry/ | |
46. Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests: Ecology And Conservation The central theses of this book are that tropical dry forests are extremely rich in biodiversity; they are seriously threatened; they represent scientific terrain still poorly http://www.newsouthbooks.com.au/isbn/9781597267045.htm |
47. Welcome To Iwokrama An autonomous international rain forest conservation, research and development organisation based in Guyana. It is set up to demonstrate how tropical forests can be sustainably managed and the biodiversity conserved. Activities in forest ecology, wildlife management, adventure tourism, carbon sequestration, participatory approaches and the use of technology such as GIS in decision making. http://www.iwokrama.org/ |
48. CiteSeerX — Citation Query Fungal-small Mammal Interrelationship CiteSeerX Scientific documents that cite the following paper Fungal-small mammal interrelationship s with emphasis on Oregon coniferous forests. Ecology http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/showciting?cid=2222885 |
49. Biodiversity In Boreal Forests: Ecology And Dynamics Of Species In Complex Lands Biodiversity in boreal forests ecology and dynamics of species in complex landscapes Prof. Ilkka Hanski, University of Helsinki (ilkka.hanski(at) helsinki.fi) http://fibre.utu.fi/activities/publ/3.htm | |
50. Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests Ecology And Conservation Include OP titles http://www.unireps.com.au/isbn/9781597267038.htm |
51. Red Oak Borer In Ozark Forests: Ecology And Assessment Of A Native Tree-killing Wednesday, 17 November 2004 805 AM 0956 Red oak borer in Ozark forests Ecology and assessment of a native tree-killing cerambycid http://esa.confex.com/esa/2004/techprogram/paper_13871.htm | |
52. Rain Forests - Ecology Books Learn about the World Languages, Economies, Cultures, Foods, Customs, and Travel http://www.thirdworld.org/books/ecology-rain-forests-books.asp |
53. CiteSeerX — Citation Query Area-dependent Changes In The Bird CiteSeerX Scientific documents that cite the following paper Area-dependent changes in the bird communities and vegetation of southern Wisconsin forests. Ecology 64 http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/showciting?cid=199516 |
54. CiteULike: Testing Alternative Indicators For Biodiversity Conservation In Old-g Artti Juutinen, Mikko Mnkknen. In Testing alternative indicators for biodiversity conservation in oldgrowth boreal forests ecology and economics, Vol. BIOECON workshop http://www.citeulike.org/user/satbiod/article/502407 | |
55. NCSU Libraries' - What: Forests Ecology Trees Broomsedge, Loblolly pine, L … Andropogon sp., Pinus taeda, … Young longleaf pines in fiel … 0021339 http://images.lib.ncsu.edu/luna/servlet/view/all/what/Forests/Ecology/Trees/ |
56. Kelp Forest Ecology Index Updated September 28, 2009 Biology 161/161L course specifics. Syllabus; Field Guides and Texts required and recommended. Reading schedule and eJournal links http://bio.classes.ucsc.edu/bio161/ | |
57. Links Of Team "Mountain Forests Ecology" At The Swiss Federal Research Institute Section Silvicultural strategies at WSL Teams Couldn't open /www/htdocs/forest/waldman/mfe/../menuteam.en No such file or directory http://www.wsl.ch/forest/waldman/mfe/mfelink-en.ehtml | |
58. Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests: Ecology And Conservation Include OP titles http://www.newsouthbooks.com.au/isbn/9781597267038.htm |
59. Upland Hardwood Ecology And Management Contact Information. Southern Research Station 200 W.T. Weaver Blvd. Asheville, NC 288043454 (828) 257-4832 (828) 259-0503 TTY Contact Us http://www.srs.fs.usda.gov/uplandhardwood/ | |
60. Redwood Forest Institute California Mendocino County , redwoods, forests, ecology, conservation Easements, Land Trusts, environment, selfsufficiency, Off-grid-solar power, save the redwoods, restoration of giant redwoods, , http://www.valuecom.com/acclaim/California/NonProfit_Organizations/Redwood_Fores | |
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