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         Forests Ecology:     more books (100)
  1. Fire in the Forest: A Cycle of Growth and Renewal by Laurence Pringle, 1995-10-01
  2. The Secret Forest (A University of Arizona Southwest Center Book) by Charles Bowden, Jack W. Dykinga, 1993-08
  3. Forest Ecosystems, Third Edition: Analysis at Multiple Scales by Richard H. Waring <b>B.S.</b> 1957ForestryUniversity of MinnesotaSt. PaulMN <br><b>M.S.</b> 1959Forestry (Botany)University of Minnesota<br><b>Ph.D.</b> 1963Botany (Soils)University of CaliforniaBerkeley, Steven W. Running, 2007-07-24
  4. Looking Closely through the Forest by Frank Serafini, 2008-03-01
  5. Principles of Forest Hydrology by John D. Hewlett, 2003-12-11
  6. Day and Night in the Forest by Susan Barrett, 2009-11-02
  7. The Forest for the Trees: How Humans Shaped the North Woods by Jeff Forester, 2009-05-15
  8. Amazon: The Flooded Forest by Michael Goulding, 1990-10
  9. How the Forest Grew by William Jaspersohn, 1992-05-22
  10. The Forest in the Clouds by Sneed B. Collard, 2000-07
  11. Fungi In Forest Ecosystems: Systematics, Diversity, And Ecology (Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Vol. 89) by Cathy L. Cripps, 2004-06-30
  12. A Forest Habitat (Introducing Habitats) by Bobbie Kalman, 2006-10-30
  13. The Ecology and Silviculture of Mixed-Species Forests: A Festschrift for David M. Smith (Forestry Sciences)
  14. Woodland Ecology: Environmental Forestry for the Small Owner by Leon Sherwood Minckler, 1980-05

61. CiteULike: Testing Alternative Indicators For Biodiversity Conservation In Old-g
Artti Juutinen, Mikko Mnkknen. In Testing alternative indicators for biodiversity conservation in oldgrowth boreal forests ecology and economics, Vol. BIOECON workshop
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Testing alternative indicators for biodiversity conservation in old-growth boreal forests: ecology and economics
by: Artti Juutinen Mikko Mnkknen RIS Export as RIS which can be imported into most citation managers BibTeX Export as BibTeX which can be imported into most citation/bibliography managers PDF Export formatted citations as PDF RTF Export formatted citations as RTF which can be imported into most word processors Delicious Export in format suitable for direct import into Setup a permanent sync to delicious) Formatted Text Export formatted citations as plain text To insert individual citation into a bibliography in a word-processor, select your preferred citation style below and drag-and-drop it into the document.

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