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81. Desert Hills Dairy – CleanTechnica: Cleantech Innovation News And Views Fossil Fuels; General Technology; General Technology; Green Jobs; Health; Improving Efficiency; Interviews; Manufacturing; Media; New Technology; Policy; Politics; Products http://cleantechnica.com/tag/desert-hills-dairy/ | |
82. TRAX International | TRAX Simulator Systems - Power Plant Operator Training Simu Supplier of simulation based products. Including services for fossil fuel power generation, industrial steam generation, chemical processes, pulp and paper processes, wastewater treatment, and HVAC. http://www.traxcorp.com/ | |
83. Earth-Space Final 1 Flashcards | Quizlet fossil fuels general term for any hydrocarbon that may be used as a fuel including coal oil and natural gas helped protect drinking sources what type of pollution did the clean water http://quizlet.com/127188/earth-space-final-1-flash-cards/ | |
84. Vermont Organic Wines & Natural Foods Produces organic wines with no sulfites added, no microfiltering or use of fossil fuels in making the wines. Online sales. Orleans. http://chateautarbox.com | |
85. Video - Video Categories fossil fuels; general environment; green design; green products services; gulf oil spill; human health; lakesriverswetlands; mining; oceanseascoastlines; peace http://www.earthprotect.com/videos/categories.html |
86. Dinosaurs Against Fossil Fuels Colourful community group who dresses up as dinosaurs and rides bicycles around Vancouver, B.C. to draw attention to the environmental problems with cars. http://bikesexual.org/dinos/ | |
87. Environmental Issues - By Category An index to renewable energy information on the internet. http://environment.about.com/od/energysources/ | |
88. Earth Science For Schools From Plate Tectonics, Earth History..... Earth science for schools including the rock cycle, plate tectonics, planetary structure and origins, volcanoes, atmosphere, fossil fuels and polymers. http://www.moorlandschool.co.uk/earth/ | |
89. Carbon Dioxide Control An environmental book with a detailed technical approach for recycling carbon emissions at fossil fuel power plants and reducing automotive emissions using plug in hybrid vehicles with more power generators. http://www.carbondioxidecontrol.com | |
90. Relocalize Supports post-carbon groups working to make their communities more sustainable for the period after affordable fossil fuels. Events, publications, and newsletters. http://relocalize.net/ | |
91. Carbon Cycle - CO2 And You Sections concisely summarize the history of the element and its presence on earth, from its discovery in 1594 to topics such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, fossil fuels, and carbon credits and sequestration. http://www.carboncycle.biz | |
92. THE END OF SUBURBIA A movie that discusses the dwindling supply of cheap energy in the form of fossil fuels and its effect on society. http://www.endofsuburbia.com/ | |
93. ASPO International | The Association For The Study Of Peak Oil And Gas Dedicated to discussing the issues surrounding the supplies of fossil fuels. http://www.peakoil.net |
94. NETL: Onsite Research NETL researchers are seeking technical solutions to pressing problems related to fossil fuel extraction, processing, and utilization. To this end, laboratory-scale facilities are used to prepare, test, and analyze sorbents and catalysts used in fixed-, moving-, and fluid-bed reactors three types of reactors often used in advanced fossil-fueled power plants. http://www.netl.doe.gov/onsite_research/Facilities/sorbent-catalyst.htm | |
95. DOE - Fossil Energy: Energy Lessons And Study Guides For Younger Students Information from the U.S. Department of Energy about coal, oil, and natural gas. http://www.fe.doe.gov/education/energylessons/ | |
96. ESA - Energy Systems Associates ESA provides engineering and consulting services primarily to electric utilities focusing on solutions to air pollution and operational problems of fossil fuel boilers. ESA specializes in NOx control, boiler testing, stack testing, CFD Modeling, emissions testing, FLGR, SNCR, Methane De NOx. http://www.energysystemsassoc.com | |
97. Technocrats, Inc. - An Energy Conversion Technical Consulting Firm Consultants for all phases of energy conversion in the combustion of fossil fuels for steam generation, control of gas emissions resulting from combustion, solid fuel slagging and fouling prediction, analysis and control, and high temperature bulk material management. http://www.technocrats-inc.com | |
98. Accusonic - Home Page Manufacturer of flow measurement systems for hydroelectric power stations, fossil-fuel power stations, river flow measurement and other applications. http://www.accusonic.com/ |
99. Enencom - Environmental Pollution Free - Gravity Electricity Generator - Perpetu A new technology which produces electricity that will replace fossil fuel and nuclear energy without using any conventional fuel, it is powered by gravity and kinetic energy. http://www.enencom.biz/ |
100. Clyde Bergemann GmbH - Maschinen- Und Apparatebau Design, manufacture and maintain engineering systems to improve heat exchanger thermal efficiency in fossil fuel installations. Includes details of products and services. http://www.clydebergemann.co.uk/ |
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