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1. Foster Parenting - Associated Content - Associatedcontent.com There are many children that do not have permanent homes for various reasons. Foster parenting is a way to help these children live in a productive loving family. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/47137/foster_parenting.html | |
2. Youth & Family : Foster Parenting Foster Care in Chico, CA. and Anderson, CA. with programs in Shelter Care, Transitional Housing, Group Care, Independent Living Programs of Butte County. Help our children by http://www.youthandfamily.info/foster_parenting/ | |
3. HRC | Foster Parenting Over 500,000 children are in foster care in the U.S. Learn about your rights as a prospective foster parent. http://www.hrc.org/issues/parenting/foster_parenting.asp | |
4. Foster Parenting The work and stress of being foster parents can hurt your marriage and family. Take time to fully explore the pros and cons of sharing yourselves in this way. http://marriage.about.com/od/fosterparenting/Foster_Parenting.htm | |
5. Foster Parenting - Fostering, Care, Parents, Kids, Homes, Information, Agencies, Information for foster parents and those considering foster parenting. http://www.fosterparenting.com/ | |
6. The National Voice Of Foster Parents A non-profit agency striving to support foster parents and to be a strong voice on behalf of all children. http://nfpainc.org/ | |
7. Foster Parenting - ClermontForKids.org Foster Parenting. Foster parents are considered part of a professional team, along with Clermont County Children’s Services staff, who work together for the benefit of children. http://www.clermontforkids.org/FosterParent.aspx | |
8. Welcome To The: CANADIAN FOSTER PARENT HOME PAGE A resource guide for foster parents to access information and to network with other caregivers around the world. Find links to chat with other caregivers and become a member of a fostercare listserv. http://home.ica.net/~sharyn/ | |
9. How Do I Become A Foster Parent? | AdoptUsKids What is the difference between foster care and adoption? Foster care is a temporary arrangement for a child who cannot live safely with her birth family. http://www.adoptuskids.org/resourceCenter/aboutFosterCare.aspx |
10. Foster Parenting Read on for more information about foster parenting… Foster Parenting. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/foster-parenting.html | |
11. Adoption.About.com - Learn About Baby Adoption, International Adoption, Adoption If you are just starting out in your quest to become a foster parent, there are some available links to nationwide fostering agencies. http://adoption.about.com/cs/adoptstart/ | |
12. Foster Parenting, Care, Adoption. Information, Resources, Help - Agency, Blessin Foster care homes are important for children who need a safe place to live. These homes are only provided temporarily and usually in an urgent situation. http://www.fosterparenting.net/ | |
13. Lucas County, OH - Official Website - Foster Parenting Foster Parenting (from Adopt.com) Foster Parent Network Foster Care Adoptive Community How Do I Become a Foster Parent? (Adopt US Kids) National Foster Parent Association http://www.co.lucas.oh.us/index.aspx?NID=1724 |
14. Foster Parenting Foster Parenting Resource Guide Foster care is basically a system set up by the government that puts minor children in the care of a neutral party, when their own family http://foster-parenting.com/ | |
15. Foster Parenting - Ask.com Top questions and answers about FosterParenting. Find 3008 questions and answers about Foster-Parenting at Ask.com Read more. http://www.ask.com/questions-about/Foster-Parenting |
16. Colo State Foster Parent Assoc Resource for training and education for foster parents, child welfare legislation, and links to other resources in Colorado. http://www.csfpa.org/ |
17. Becoming A Foster Parent - Care, Children, Foster, One, Parental, Parents, Peopl About Foster Parenting. There are two very unfortunate misperceptions about foster parenting One is that it is somehow inferior to adoption, and the other is that there is only one http://www.fosterparenting.com/foster-care/foster-parenting.html | |
18. Foster Parenting Indianapolis And Surrounding Counties Adult & Child Center - Foster parents provide consistent nurturing care for children placed out of their home due to abuse and/or neglect. http://indyfostercare.org/foster-parenting.php | |
19. ASSOCIATIONS The Foster Parent Community offers this list of contact names, addresses and phone numbers for state foster parent associations nationwide. http://www.fosterparents.com/states3/ | |
20. Become A Foster Parent Foster parenting is filled with challenges and opportunities. It can be challenging to parent children with difficult histories. Becoming a foster parent is an opportunity to http://www.dshs.wa.gov/ca/fosterparents/be_FosterIntro.asp | |
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