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41. Fostering Love For Children Patterns to sew for foster children and agencies. Hats, duffel bags, bandanas are a few of the patterns here. http://fosteringlove.tripod.com/ | |
42. Foster Parenting - Lutheran Child & Family Service Of Michigan Foster Parenting. Have you always wondered what it would be like to be a foster parent, but have never had the information you needed to make an educated decision? http://www.lcfsmi.org/page.asp?ID=26 |
43. Casey Family Programs | Home Source of information, technical assistance, written materials and referrals to both resource families and child welfare professionals who work with them. http://www.casey.org/ |
44. Foster Parenting Foster Parenting Resource Guide What types of Children get into Foster Care Saying good bye How to become a foster parent How to adopt a foster child Glossary Getting ready http://foster-parenting.com/browse-articles/ | |
45. Triad Family Services California corporation that oversees adoption, long-term foster care, guardianship, education, therapy, reunification, and emancipation. http://www.triadfs.org/ | |
46. Foster Parenting - The Official Website Of Henrico County The Official Website of Henrico County Virginia Foster Parenting Foster Care is the provision of temporary care and services for a child who cannot presently remain in http://www.co.henrico.va.us/departments/dss/foster-parenting/ |
47. Foster Parents Community And Online Training, Foster Parents Community Articles, external links on foster parenting and online discussions with professionals in the field of caring for children. http://www.fosterparents.com | |
48. Foster Parenting - Adoption.com Forums Foster Parenting A forum for Foster Parents Welcome to the Forums. Register If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ. http://forums.adoption.com/foster-parenting/ | |
49. Foster & Kinship Care Education Provides training, support, licensing and independent living skills classes for foster parents and others caring for children in out-of-home placements. Information about services, news and contact details. http://www.fkce.net/ |
50. Pressley Ridge - Foster Parenting Foster Parenting What really sold us on becoming treatment foster parents was all the support we would get from Pressley Ridge. We got great training and fair compensation. http://www.pressleyridge.org/fosterparenting/ | |
51. Home - Lutheran Child And Family Service Of Michigan Not-for-profit organization developing and providing services necessary to enhance the lives and productivity of children and families at risk or in need. Foster parent FAQ, myths about fostering, events, and family activity downloads. http://www.lcfsmi.org/ |
52. Arkansas Foster Family Services The Arkansas Foster Family Services website contains information and resources for the foster families of Arkansas. http://www.fosterarkansas.org/ | |
53. NYSCCC Resources for adoptive and foster parents. http://www.nysccc.org/ | |
54. Foster Parenting - Child Welfare Maine DHHS: OCFS This site contains information on services provided by the Maine Department of Health and Human Services. http://www.maine.gov/dhhs/ocfs/cw/fosterparenting.shtml |
55. State Of New Jersey | Department Of Children And Families | Home Information for those considering becoming a Foster Parent in New Jersey. http://www.njfostercare.org/ | |
56. Department Of Children & Family Services | State Of Louisiana About Being a Foster Parent. Introduction to Foster Parenting; Common Questions about Foster and Adoptive Parenting; Foster/Adoptive Informational Guide http://www.dss.state.la.us/index.cfm?md=pagebuilder&tmp=home&pid=120 |
57. The Foster/Adopt Experience Suite101.com - A description of the process involved in being a foster and/or adoptive parent. http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/child_welfare/20318 |
58. Kansas Foster Parenting Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services, Foster Parenting in Kansas, KS SRS, SRS http://www.accesskansas.org/fostercare/FC_Home.html | |
59. Foster Parenting Foster Parenting Has a newspaper advertisement ever changed your life? Well, one sure changed ours. Back in 1993, our own two boys moved back to Arizona to be close to their http://home.hiwaay.net/~gjohnson/foster.html | |
60. Staying With Grandma The challenges faced by relative caregivers; grandparents caring for foster children. Published by Action Alliance for Children. http://www.4children.org/news/7-97grnd.htm |
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