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         Galapagos Geography:     more detail
  1. Galapagos (Smithsonian Natural History Series) by John Kricher, 2002-09-20
  2. Galapagos in 3-D by Mark Blum, 2001-06-01
  3. Island Days: Galapagos Island, Christmas Island, Tristan da Cunha by Roger Perry, 2004-09-30
  4. Endangered Animals and Habitats - The Galapagos Islands by James Barter, 2002-02-28
  5. GALAPAGOS: A Natural History.(Book review): An article from: The Geographical Review by Melissa Wiedenfeld, 2010-04-01
  6. Animal Geography: South America (Cover-to-Cover Informational Books: Natural World) by Joanne Mattern, 2002-08
  7. Plundering Paradise: The Hand Of Man On The Galapagos Islands by Michael D'Orso, 2003-11
  8. Galápagos: Webster's Timeline History, 1890 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2010-03-10
  9. Galapagos: Webster's Timeline History, 1686 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2009-07-08
  10. Animal Geography (Cover-to-Cover Books) by Joanne Mattern, 2002-06
  11. Galapagos Islands: A Unique Ecosystem (Natural Wonders) by Erinn Banting, 2006-07-30

21. Galapagos Guide - Galapagos Geography - Resources - Peru For Less
Peru For Less Building Magical Memories. Travel to Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Ecuador. Quality Travel with Unbeatable Prices
Recommend to Friend FAQs Work For Us Deutsch ... Travel Guides / Galapagos Guide :: GALAPAGOS GUIDE :: :: PERU TRAVEL GUIDES :: Testimonials Dear Peru For Less We had a terrific time in Peru. Thank you Peru For Less for a memorable vacation. We are very satisfied and would recommend your services to our friends and family. Shirley Fung and Anil Sharma
Galapagos Geography
The Galapagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic isles containing 13 primary islands, 6 smaller isles and 107 islets and rocks. The islands are made up of about 5,000 square mile (8,000 km) that spread across more than 28,000 square mile (45,000 km) of South Pacific Ocean. The Galapagos are a province of Ecuador, with its capital being Puerto Baquerizo Moreno located on San Cristobal Island. The oldest island is thought to have formed some 6 million years ago, while the youngest isles – Fernandina and Isabela – are still being formed, with volcanic eruptions occurring very recently. As a result of distinct wind patterns and differences in elevation on each island, four diverse ecosystems exist in the Galapagos: Open forests of very large cacti; subtropical forests; dense, extremely moist forests; and lastly, treeless areas characterized by grasses and ferns. Volcanic activity on the islands has left behind thousands of cones and calderas. These unique formations on some of the isles cause the island landscapes to have lunar qualities. Unfortunately, the introduction of non-native species such as pigs and goats has resulted in the destruction of large amounts of vegetation on the islands, leaving some of the archipelago bare today. These distinct ecosystems, land formations and interesting volcanic activity make the Galapagos Islands one of the most exciting places to visit not only for naturalists, geologists or the like, but for any traveller in search of a unique experience.

22. Galápagos Islands - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
The Gal pagos Islands (official name Archipi lago de Col n; other Spanish names Islas de Col n or Islas Gal pagos) are an archipelago of volcanic islands distributed around the
Galápagos Islands
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Galapagos Jump to: navigation search This article is about the Pacific islands. For other uses, see Galápagos (disambiguation) This article needs additional citations for verification
Please help improve this article by adding reliable references . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed (July 2010) The title of this article contains the character . Where it is unavailable or not desired, the name may be represented as Galapagos Islands. Galapagos Islands UNESCO World Heritage Site Ecuador Type Natural Criteria vii, viii, ix, x Reference Region Latin America and the Caribbean Inscription history Inscription Session Extensions 2001 and 2003 Endangered Name as inscribed on World Heritage List.
Region as classified by UNESCO.
The Galápagos Islands (official name: Archipiélago de Colón ; other Spanish names: Islas de Colón or Islas Galápagos ) are an archipelago of volcanic islands distributed around the equator in the Pacific Ocean Ecuador , of which they are a part. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site : wildlife is its most notable feature.

23. Gal�pagos Islands 2004
Gal pagos Geography Like it or not, it is essential that you have the basic features of Gal pagos geography in your head. Here's a map of the islands and a list of names and

The Global setting
John Merck
map of the islands and a list of names and features that you need to be able to locate a/o identify on a map. Islands: Learn all of the major islands. Today, people typically refer to them by their Spanish names, but in some cases, you need to know the English names as well. We've indicated where you need to learn these. The names in boldface are the ones we'll routinely use:
  • Baltra
  • Daphne (major and minor)
  • (Hood)
  • Fernandina (Narborough)
  • Genovesa (Tower)
  • Isabela (Albemarle)
  • Marchena (Bindloe)
  • Pinta (Abingdon)
  • Pinzon (Duncan)
  • (Jervis)
  • (Chatham)
  • Santa Cruz (Indefatigable)
  • (Barrington)
  • Santa Maria (as often as not " Floreana " in Spanish, "Charles" in English)
  • Santiago (James)
  • North and South Plaza
Isabela volcanoes:
  • Sierra Negra
  • Cerro Azul
  • Puerto Baquerizo Moreno
  • Puerto Ayora
  • Puerto Villamil
Submarine features:
  • Carnegie Ridge
  • Cocos Ridge
Trust us. Soon, all of these names will be meaningful. Now for Geology Plate Tectonics . But first, some basics: Rocks: What is a rock? A purely descriptive definition is that a rock is - A naturally occurring aggregate of minerals and other solid material. - Usually, there are several minerals in the aggregate, though some rocks may have only one. The other materials may include natural glasses, organic material, or fossils.

24. Geography Of The Galapagos Islands
Geography. Officially named the Archipelago de Colon after Christopher Coulombs (Cristobal Colon). The Galapagos Islands are located in the eastern Pacific Ocean approximately 600
Officially named the Archipelago de Colon after Christopher Coulombs (Cristobal Colon). The Galapagos Islands are located in the eastern Pacific Ocean approximately 600 miles (1000 km) off the west coast of South America. The closest land mass is the mainland of Ecuador to the east (the country to which they belong), to the North are the Cocos Islands 432 miles (720 km) and to the South is Easter Island and San Felix Island at 1920 miles (3200 km). Click to see enlarged version The islands are found at the coordinates 1�40'N-1�36'S, 89�16'-92�01'W. Straddling the equator, islands in the chain are located in both the northern and southern hemisphere with Volcan Wolf and Volcan Ecuador on Isla Isabela being directly on the equator line. Espa�ola the southernmost island and Tower the northernmost island are spread out over a distance of 132 miles (220 km). The Galapagos Archipelago consists of 4,897 square miles (7880 square km) of land over 28,000 square miles (45,000 square km). The largest of the islands, Isabela, measures 1,771 square miles (4,855 square km) and making up half of the total land area of the Galapagos. Volcan Wolf, on Isabela is the highest point with an elevation of 5,600 feet (1,707 meters) above sea level. The principle islands in the Galapagos include Spanish Name English Name Size Isabela Albemarle 1771mi� (4587 km�) Santa Cruz Indefatigable 380 mi� (984 km�) Fernandina Narborough 248 mi� (642 km�) Santiago James 226 mi� (585 km�)

25. Ecuador Galapagos - Location, Geography Climate
Ecuador is located on the northwestern coast of South America, between Peru to the south and east and Colombia to the north. onclick=sa_m

26. Galapagos Islands - ESPANOLA
ESPANOLA island Galapagos islands Ecuador South America.Travel and tourism information of Espanola and the Galapagos islands. Travel guide in the Galapagos islands. cruises
GALAPAGOS ISLANDS - ESPANOLA Galapagos Tours Galapagos travel info Getting there info Getting around Galapagos Vacations facts The islands ... Galapagos weather Galapagos Islands map Galapagos hotels Cruises Luxury cruises Galapagos tours 1st class Cruises Tours superior Cruises tourist Galapagos tours economy Galapagos diving Galapagos diving tours Scuba diving courses Yacht charters Travel reservations Get listed Advertising - Travel guide Post cards / Pictures Travel newsletter How was your tour ? Travel agents ... Why choose us Islands FAQs Islands news Film support Testimonials ... Website map info Con ta ct us Islas Galapagos (Spanish) Last minute deals Send this page to a friend
Galapaguide ESPANOLA OTHER ISLANDS ACCOMMODATION RESTAURANTS - BARS CRUISES SCUBA DIVING SHOPS OTHERS GENERAL INFORMATION Area: Maximum Altitude: 206 mts Population Geography: Oldest island (3.4 million years old). Because it is arid and has no fresh water source, it is basically inhabitable by humans, though a haven for sea birds.

27. Galapagos Islands Wilderness, Wildlife & Adventure Travel Tours - Galapagos Crui
galapagos, galapagos islands, Galapagos climate, Galapagos wildlife, Galapagos flora, Galapagos natural history, Galapagos geography, Galapagos geology, The Galapagos Islands
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  • Galapagos Yachts
    The Galapagos Islands The Galapagos Islands are unique amongst other islands around the world, wildlife and its behaviour make the Galapagos Islands an attraction for scientists and nature lovers. Gracious blue footed boobies and the endemic giant tortoises, sea lions, mysterious islands creatures like birds that lost their ability to fly (flightless cormorants), penguins at the equator, armies of marine iguanas and other species, endemic to the Galapagos islands help us learn how friendly animals can be when not threatened. Come and learn to live in harmony with nature at the Galapagos islands.
    Galapagos Islands Information
    Islands Descriptions
    Galapagos virtual tour with description and photos of each island, list of activities, wildlife and attractions at each visitor site, maps and resources.

28. Volcanic Eruption Threatens Already At-Risk Galapagos
Iguanas, Sea Lions in Danger; Background Galapagos geography and volcanic activity ; Reference Material; Historical Context Darwin reaches the Galapagos Islands

29. Galapagos Geology And Volcanoes.
A description of the geography, geology and climate of the Galapagos islands.
Index Lodging Tours Amazon ... Travel Information Advertising Links Website Forum ... Game Island Geology Visitor Sites

al Cruises

Galapagos Volcanoes
are islands o f volcanic origins located in the Pacific ocean 1000 km straight west of mainland Ecuador. The archipelago consist of 19 main islands and numerous smaller ones, spread over an area of The islands are actually the peaks of underwater volcanoes, rising from a so-called hotspot, some 2000m below sea level. Isabela is the largest island with 4200 km2, more than half of the landmass of the islands combined and formed by five major active volcanoes . That island together with Fernandina are the youngest and most active islands still being built up by continous eruptions whereas the geological older eastern islands are nowadays already inactive and heavily eroded.
There are two distinct types of shield volcanoes found i n the Galapagos islands. On

30. Galapagos
Galapagos geography. The Galapagos Archipelago consist of thirteen large islands, (greater than 10
History of Galapagos
The Galapagos Islands were officially discovered by Fray Tomas de Berlanga, the Bishop of Panama, in 1535. He was on a journey from Panama to what is now Peru. The Bishop and his crew were low on supplies when they came upon the island and had trouble finding food and water. He sent accounts of his discovery to Emperor Carlos V of Spain. These are the fist known accounts of the Galapagos Giant Tortoise and the incredible iguanas . He told Carlos V that the birds were so tame they didn't run from his men and many were actually caught by hand. He didn't even bother to give the islands a name. It wasn't until 1574 when the name "Islands of Galapagos" (Island of Tortoises) or "Encantadas" first appeared on a map and has remained ever since. Most of the other, non-explorers, to visit Galapagos during this time were pirates and whalers. Pirates found Galapagos was a great place to base raids on Spanish colonies. They brought their raided goods back to the islands- perhaps there are still gold and silver caches to be discovered. The Galapagos were officially annexed by Ecuador in February 12 1832 and were named "Archipelago del Ecuador." It is still today officially a province of Ecuador. Ecuador claimed the Galapagos Islands just three years before their most famous visitor

31. Galapagos: Beyond Darwin - Lesson Plan Library
The Lesson Plan Library offers high school lesson plans covering all major school subjects and special interests.
var addthis_pub="sarafisher"; Classroom Resources Lesson Plan Library Grade level: 6-8 Subject: Plants Duration: Two class periods
Materials Procedures Adaptations ... Credit
Find a video description, video clip, and discussion questions.
Galapagos: Beyond Darwin

Students will understand the following:
The term endemic, as applied to animal and plant life, means �native,� or �restricted to certain geographical areas� The presence of introduced species, or animal and plant species not endemic to a certain area, can endanger endemic species in that area. Many unusual animal species are endemic to the Galapagos Islands. The presence of introduced animal and plant species in the Galapagos is endangering the endemic animal and plant populations. Materials
For this lesson, you will need:
Research materials on the Galapagos Islands Research materials (e.g., a field guide or materials available from your state department of agriculture) on plant and animal species in your area Computer with Internet access Pictures of the Galapagos Islands and of some of the animals endemic to the islands (e.g., giant tortoises, iguanas, blue-footed boobies)

32. Geography And Climate
The Galapagos Islands are volcanic in origin and are situated in the Pacific Ocean, straddling the equator, 612 miles west of Ecuador in mainland South America. Isla
Galapagos: Geography and Climate The Galapagos Islands are volcanic in origin and are situated in the Pacific Ocean, straddling the equator, 612 miles west of Ecuador in mainland South America. �There are no sedimentary rock on the Galapagos, instead all rock formations are the result of lava flows stemming from volcanic eruptions. The climate of the Galapagos is unusually dry for the tropics, although there are considerable differences between the islands and much annual variation. �There are two distinct seasons: the warm/wet season which spans from December to May. �During this season the skies are usually clear and the temperature can exceed 86 degrees fahrenheit, it is also humid at times with heavy rainfall. �The Garua season spans from June to November, bringing a subtropical climate with an average temperature of 77 degrees fahrenheit. �Rainfall is concentrated on the souther and eastern slopes of the higher islands, which usually have thick cloud cover. �The norther and western slopes are generally drier. � During El Nino years (an average of every 7 years), the relative flow of warm currents is much greater than usual, the surface temperature of the sea is much higher and there is greater rainfall. �This results in the rapid growth of vegetation and an increase in the populations of many of the landbirds. �El Nino years also suppress the upwelling of cold waters, reducing the amount of food available for seabirds and marine mammals, which results in a significant decline in the population of these species.

33. Galapagos Geography & Geology I Andean Discovery
Geography Geology Located 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador, the Gal pagos Islands are made up of 13 main islands and 48 islets. Scattered over an area of 36,000 square

34. The Galapagos Islands
Galapagos Geography

Wildlife in the Galapagos is unique from other areas in the world. With such remote and extreme elements of isolation, each island's species of animals adapted differently over
The Galapagos Islands
Island Wildlife
Iguana Blue Footed Booby Sea Lion Wildlife in the Galapagos is unique from other areas in the world. With such remote and extreme elements of isolation, each island's species of animals adapted differently over time. Charles Darwin noticed this during his time here, and the wildlife sparked his theory of evolution. Along with the animals isolation came little human contact, therefor all the animals are really calm and content with people near them because they have no reason to be scared. Unlike most places, the animals will either interact and play with the people, or just not mind when people are near them. Galapagos wildlife are among the most unique and beautiful in the whole world, and that is why so many people are working to keep them from extinction. Birds
Great Frigatebird
The Magnificant Frigate Bird otherwise known as the Man-o-War Bird is a characteristic bird of the Galapagos.It spends most of its time at sea, although it can't swim and rarely lands on the water. The red inflatable pouch pictured is used by the males for mating displays, and is a distinctive attribute to this beautiful bird.
Flightless Cormorant
The Flightless Cormorant evolved in isolation on the islands of the Galapagos. Without predators on the islands during this time there was no need to fly, and they developed into flightless birds with little nubs for wings. Today there are sadly few flightless cormorants left.

35. Galapagos Islands Cruises, Santa Cruz
Galapagos cruises Santa Cruz The M/V Santa Cruz was remodeled specifically to enhance your cruise in the Galapagos Islands. Additions to the boat deck include two luxurious
VISIT OUR FORUM Galapagos Cruises
Santa Cruz cruise
Info Specifications Accommodation Itinerary ... Pictures
INFORMATION The M/V Santa Cruz was remodeled specifically to enhance your cruise in the Galapagos Islands. Additions to the boat deck include two luxurious master suites with private balconies in addition to junior suites and superior cabins. This first class ship built extensively for cruising the Galapagos waters, offers a wide range of cabins for 3,4, and 7- night cruises for the optimum Galapagos vacation. The Santa Cruz offers large common areas as you relax aboard, all in a friendly and informal setting. Remodeled extensively in 1997 inside and out. The Sun Deck features a bar and Jacuzzi, along with the observation platform for dolphin and whale watching. The dining room, lounge and bar are elegantly appointed, as is the well-stocked library/reading room. As an alternative to snorkelling, the glass-bottom boat offers another opportunity to observe the marine life. The entire ship is air-conditioned. A carefully planned itinerary includes the Galapagos' main highlights plus a flexible program allowing guests to enjoy several alternatives for their daily activities. In essence, an expedition to the best National Park, aboard the only ship exclusively built for exploring the Galapagos.

36. Lesson Plans - The Galapagos Islands: A Special Place
This lesson begins by having students find out where the Galapagos Islands are located and learn about the islands’ volcanic origin. Students will then turn their attention to
Check out:
X8: The Eco-Cycle

Standard #8:
The characteristics and spatial distribution of ecosystems on Earth's surface
Be an Explorer Every Day!
Preserving Biodiversity

The Galapagos Islands: A Special Place Antarctica: A Cold Desert Ecosystem Aquarium Habitats At Home Under the Cretaceous Seas Changing With the Tide Design a Regional "Eco Park" Does the Hammer Help? Dugongs and ElephantsCousins? Eco-Cycle: Finding the Parts of an Ecosystem Ferocious Felines Geographical Dog Show How Do Leopard Seals Hunt? Lighting Up the Sea People and Endangered Species Pilot Whales' Place in the Ocean Sable Island's Seals, Sharks, and Sand Lances The Ocean and Human Medicine The Water Column: Where Do Ocean Animals Belong? Weather Complaints What Did They Eat? What Do We Know About Nurse Shark Mating? What's So Key About a Keystone Species? Which Turtle for the Tiger Shark? Why Do Whales Make Sounds? Complete Index The Galapagos Islands: A Special Place Overview: If you are teaching this lesson in the spring, you may wish to have students write their letters to coincide with the annual Earth Day celebration on April 22. These lesson plans were developed for the National Geographic Channel film

37. Lesson Plan Contest For Teachers
Galapagos Travel Brochures Explorations in Design and Communications Developed by Beth Schultz, preservice teacher at St. Norbert College, De Pere, Wisconsin.
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Galapagos Travel Brochures:
Explorations in Design and Communications

Developed by Beth Schultz, preservice teacher at St. Norbert College, De Pere, Wisconsin.
Grade Level: Middle school Basic Concepts:
Descriptions, classifications, persuasion Content Areas: Geography, science, art, language arts Time: 4 hours (Day 1: 1 1/2 hours; Day 2: 1 hour; Day 3: 1 1/2 hours) Objectives: Students will utilize various research materials to learn about the different islands of the Galapagos. They will also practice both written and verbal communication skills. Materials: An assortment of travel brochures Chalkboard and chalk Computer and Internet connection Various reference materials (books, periodicals, etc) Paper Crayons, markers, colored pencils Procedure
  • Provide students with an assortment of travel brochures. After giving the students time to look through them, discuss what makes a travel brochure effective (i.e., they encourage tourists to visit the destination, they include pertinent information that help readers make informed decisions, etc.)
  • 38. Geography Of The Galapagos Islands - Go Visit Galapagos
    Geography of the Galapagos Islands A province of Ecuador and officially known as the Archipelago de Colon, in honor of Christopher Columbus’ discovery of the Americas, the

    39. Galapagos Islands - Geography And Climate Of The Galapagos Islands
    The Galapagos Islands are part of the country of Ecuador and are located on the equator about 600 miles west of the South American coast. The Galapagos are an archipelago of
    zWASL=1;zGRH=1 zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zDO=0
  • Home Education Animals / Wildlife
  • Animals / Wildlife
    Geography and Climate of the Galapagos Islands
    Photos and Facts About the Wildlife of the Galapagos Islands
    By Laura Klappenbach , Guide
    See More About:
    of Gallery Index Prev Next The Galapagos Islands are part of the country of Ecuador and are located on the equator about 600 miles west of the South American coast. The Galapagos are an archipelago of volcanic islands that includes 13 larger islands, 6 small islands, and over 100 islets. Prev Next More Wildlife Photo Galleries Wildlife Photo Essays / Galleries Readers Wildlife Photo Galleries Submit Your Wildlife Photos Related Articles zSB(3,3) if(zSbL<1)zSbL=3;zSB(2);zSbL=0

    40. Spanish School Quito Ecuador - Galapagos
    Climbing Cotopaxi Itinerary Day 1 Departure from Quito for Cotopaxi National Park. Trek to the refugee for lunch. We’ll go to the glaciers for some climbing practice with

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