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41. Museum Anna Nordlander Centre for art created by women, with exhibitions and research focused on sex and gender issues. http://man.skelleftea.org/ |
42. Gender Issues: Living Abroad: Overseas Study: Indiana University Both male and female students abroad will discover that growing up in the United States has prepared them for different roles in society than the ones their contemporaries in http://www.indiana.edu/~overseas/living/gender.shtml | |
43. Workplace Training | Interfacet, Inc. Provide training for management and staff on discrimination, cultural and gender issues. http://www.interfacet.com/ | |
44. Gender Issues In Children's Literature How genders are portrayed in children's books contributes to the image children develop of their gender roles. http://www.kidsource.com/education/gender.issues.L.A.html | |
45. Amanda's Transgender Garden Personal website containing crossdressing, transgender life, glamour and gender issues. http://www.amandarichards.com/ | |
46. Chestnuts A critique of scientific and media reporting of sex and gender issues. http://www.gender.org.uk/chstnuts/index.htm | |
47. Redirect Page Redirecting http://www.psychologymatters.org/gender.html |
48. CBMW, The Council On Biblical Manhood And Womanhood An organization helping the church to deal Biblically with gender issues; includes articles and book reviews. http://www.cbmw.org/ | |
49. Gender Issues United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Official Web Site http://www.unece.org/stats/gender/genpols.htm | |
50. African Gender Institute Facility supports equality for women and men through education, research, create teaching materials, develop communication networks, and leadership training. Page lists courses offered and list of publications. Located on the campus of the University of Cape Town, South Africa. http://web.uct.ac.za/org/agi/ |
51. IRIN | Gender Issues humanitarian news and analysis a project of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs http://www.irinnews.org/Theme.aspx?theme=GEN&Service=ENG |
52. SwopNet.com -- Talented And Gifted Bibliography A list of articles about gifted and talented children. Social and emotional needs, gender issues, learning disabilities, parents, families, teachers, counselors. http://www.swopnet.com/ed/TAG/TAG_Bibliography.html | |
53. Women And Gender A website containing extensive resources on issues relating to trade, biotechnology, development, Third World, NorthSouth issues, and sells books and magazines online. http://www.twnside.org.sg/women.htm |
54. Tufts University - Women's Center - Home Page To promote a greater understanding of gender issues in the workplace and the academic community by supporting committees, policy development, and other administrators or advocates dealing with gender conflicts and problems. http://ase.tufts.edu/womenscenter/ | |
55. Gender Issues | The Center For HIV Law And Policy Gender Issues. Genderrelated issues should inform HIV advocacy at every level. Gender inequalities—reflected in socioeconomic status, traditional gender roles, and domestic http://www.hivlawandpolicy.org/resourceCategories/view/8 | |
56. Massachusetts Lesbian And Gay Bar Association A statewide association of lesbian, gay, and bisexual lawyers, paralegals, law students, and others. Offering legal services and attempting to advance gender issues. http://www.mlgba.org/ |
57. The Hindu : Other States / Rajasthan News : Gender Issues Awareness Project Maki Oct 31, 2010 It was launched in July this year to make the elected representatives of Panchayati Raj institutions sensitive to such issues http://hindu.com/2010/10/31/stories/2010103160510600.htm | |
58. PopMatters | Television | Reviews | The West Wing In-depth review and analysis of the series, focusing on gender issues. http://popmatters.com/tv/reviews/w/west-wing.html | |
59. Kansas City Gender Issues Articles, Kansas City Gender Issues News - Examiner.co Read the latest Kansas City Gender Issues news and view Kansas City Gender Issues pictures from our team of local insiders. http://www.examiner.com/gender-issues-in-kansas-city | |
60. The Women Parliament Of Slovakia Non-governmental organization aiming to address gender issues in Slovakia. Contains declarations and statements on women s issues. http://www.zenskyparlament.host.sk/UK/index_uk.htm | |
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