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41. USCIS - G-1041, Genealogy Index Search Request File My Application Online (EFiling) Green Card Based Forms; Citizenship and Naturalization Based Forms; Employment Based Forms; Family Based Forms http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a |
42. Kabristan Archives - Old Irish And Indian Graveyards - Home Genealogical index of memorial inscriptions and photographs relating to graveyards in Ireland and India. Includes list of publications, secondhand books for sale, gallery and contact details. http://www.kabristan.org.uk | |
43. Genealogy Index Site Profile : Genealogy-index.co.nz Genealogy Index Site Profile on NZS.com with business information as well as technical information relating to the genealogyindex.co.nz website. http://www.nzs.com/site-profile/genealogy-index.co.nz/ |
44. Introduction - Canadian Genealogy Centre - Library And Archives Canada Source for Dominion Land grants and on line data base for WW1 enlisters. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/genealogy/index-e.html | |
45. Feedback Firstly, thank you for all the work you are putting in to the Genealogy Index site. I found it easy to navigate and it has helped me fill in 2 death dates of 2nd cousins which I http://www.genealogy-index.co.nz/Feedback.html | |
46. FamilySearch.org - Family History And Genealogy Records The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides an online search of the millions of names in its International Genealogical Index, and of genealogical Web sites. Also information on its Family History Library and local branches. http://www.familysearch.org/ | |
47. Genealogy & Family History Index - Research By Subject Site WVC Library Genealogy Index of Research by Subject site maintained by Wenatchee Valley College Library http://www.wvc.edu/library/Research/gen/RBGenIndex.html |
48. Christopher Yeoman Genealogy Index The following reflects the files of individual family members that Jon E. Yeoman has collected to date. Each person traces their ancestry back to Christopher Yeoman (16361722). http://yeomanclan.net/GenealogyIndex | |
49. Wise County Genealogy County offices offers extensive online capability for genealogy research by paid subscription. http://www.courtbar.org/genealogy/index.htm | |
50. Allen County Public LibraryGenealogy Who We Are INTRODUCTION. This renowned collection includes more than 350,000 printed volumes and 513,000 items of microfilm and microfiche. http://www.acpl.lib.in.us/genealogy/index.html |
51. Marshfield Public Library -- Genealogy Index 211 E. Second Street Marshfield, WI 54449 Phone (715) 3878494 FAX (715) 387-6909 refdesk@MarshfieldLibrary.org http://engagedpatrons.org/database/MPLGenealogy/Brief.cfm?Browse=Grob&FirstN |
52. Dead Persons Society, Melbourne Aims to promote an interest in genealogy via the use of computers and/or the internet in a social environment. To promote the production and distribution of genealogy indexes and other research tools; and to foster cooperation, personal development and entertainment through genealogy. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~dpsoc/ | |
53. FamilySearch.org - Search Home; Search Records. Advanced Search; Record Search pilot; Library Catalog; Historical Books; Web Sites; Index Records; Share. Share My Genealogy; Research Helps http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/frameset_search.asp?PAGE=igi/search_IGI.a |
54. La Crosse Public Library: Books & A Whole Lot More! Main Library 800 Main Street La Crosse, WI 54601 (608)7897100 http://lacrosselibrary.org/genealogy/ |
55. Genealogy.com: Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s-1900s This data set contains over two million records referencing individuals from all regions of Canada, as well as early Alaska. The vast majority of the records fall between http://www.genealogy.com/ifa/co_118toc.html | |
56. Howder, McGaughy, Sylvester, Hull, Whitney Genealogy Introduction Old Howder Homestead, Lower Mountain Road, Cambria (Niagara County), NY. George Howder built the stone house in the 1830's. The family built the barn in the early 20th Century after http://www.howderfamily.com/genealogy/genealogy.html | |
57. Miami Valley Genealogy Index M.V.G.I. Miami Valley Genealogy Index. The Miami Valley Genealogy Index is a huge index of more than half million pointers to records all over Ohio's Miami Valley, not just Miami http://www.tdn-net.com/genealogy/mvgi/mvgi-idx.htm | |
58. Genealogy Index As I have no idea what ads will display here, they are not necessarily endorsed by me but you may well find them useful and by clicking on them it helps to pay to keep this website http://www.ayton.id.au/gary/genealogy/index.html | |
59. GARNEAU GENEALOGY INDEX GARNEAU GENEALOGY INDEX. THIS IS THE CANADIAN GENEALOGY INDEX There is also genealogy information included in the Metis History section. If you can't get rid of the family skeleton http://telusplanet.net/public/dgarneau/gene.htm | |
60. Steve Condarcure's New England Genealogy Index Program to export GEDCOM file to HTML These web pages contains 972,494 Individuals 280,212 Families 8,661 Surnames http://genealogyofnewengland.com/sjc.html | |
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