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         Genealogy Index:     more books (100)
  1. Index to Genealogies in New Hampshire Town Histories
  2. DeKalb County, Alabama Marriage Index, 1836-1916 by Duff, 2009-06-01
  3. Indexes to the County Wills of South Carolina
  4. Index to the 1820 Census of Tennessee by Bentley, 2004-01-01
  5. Warren County, Mississippi, Probate Index by Mary Lois S. Ragland, Jane J. Williams, 1993-11
  6. Index to the 1810 Census of Kentucky by Ann T. Wagstaff, 1980-06
  7. Index to the 1830 Census of Georgia
  8. Index to Marriages and Deaths in the New York World, 1860-1865 by James P. Maher, 2006-09-30
  9. Index to the 1820 Census of Maryland and Washington D.C. by Gary W. Parks, 1999
  10. Prince William County, Virginia general index to wills, 1734-1951 by Joan W Peters, 2001
  11. Index to the 1850 Census of Delaware by Olmsted, 2009-06-01
  12. Index to Obituary Notices in the Richmond Enquirer from May 9, 1804, Through 1828, and the Richmond Whig from January 1824 Through 1838 by John Pendleton Kennedy, H. R. McIlwaine, 1996-12
  13. North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal, 1975-1984 : Consolidated Index (9027) by William Doub Bennett,
  14. Index to the 1865 Minnesota State Census for Chisago County by Jay W. Liedman, 1998-06

41. USCIS - G-1041, Genealogy Index Search Request
File My Application Online (EFiling) Green Card Based Forms; Citizenship and Naturalization Based Forms; Employment Based Forms; Family Based Forms

42. Kabristan Archives - Old Irish And Indian Graveyards - Home
Genealogical index of memorial inscriptions and photographs relating to graveyards in Ireland and India. Includes list of publications, secondhand books for sale, gallery and contact details.
GSV are Australian agents for Kabristan Archives books and publications.
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Home About Us Kabristan Publications Other Books ... Contact Us
Memorials Online
Kabristan Archives has records of Memorial Inscriptions online **New** records of Marriages online Home
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As of Monday, October 11, 2010 we have 60,441 burial records online.
Welcome to Kabristan Archives
KABRISTAN ARCHIVES is a non-profit making organisation dedicated to preserving memorial inscriptions from graveyards in the west of Ireland and the Indian sub-continent including many which no longer exist. They are presented here in a form which is easily accessible to the family historian. SEARCH or browse through THE KABRISTAN ARCHIVES for your relatives, find the inscription and we will supply either a copy, or the book, or a photograph if we have it for �4 each, or all three for �12 inc. postage worldwide. Browse through BOOKS and find more old Irish and Indian graveyards and books on related matters. Maybe you are seeking more than just a memorial inscription then return to the past with KABRISTAN PUBLICATIONS and possibly we have the lives of your forbears on record. But remember all good stories may have a hint of embroidery and occasionally a minor error so we hope that you will forgive us if this happens. We are only as good as our sources.

43. Genealogy Index Site Profile :
Genealogy Index Site Profile on with business information as well as technical information relating to the website.

44. Introduction - Canadian Genealogy Centre - Library And Archives Canada
Source for Dominion Land grants and on line data base for WW1 enlisters.
@import url(/000/002/css/base2.css); Library and Archives Canada Skip to content Skip to institutional links
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Welcome to a great place to research your family history. Ancestors Search:
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Social Tagging About Social Tagging RSS Feeds from LAC Add to Delicious ... Add to Technorati Date Created: 2005-06-21
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45. Feedback
Firstly, thank you for all the work you are putting in to the Genealogy Index site. I found it easy to navigate and it has helped me fill in 2 death dates of 2nd cousins which I
Your Feedback
Some samples of feedback from satisfied users of the service. Good job, well done. I just cannot fault the service you provide." Kevin from France "Thanks for your wonderful service. Only to o happy to pay such a reasonable subscription to a most valuable research aid." Lynda from Waipawa "Thank you very much for your research and response. We really appreciate it.
It�s very fascinating once you start on the trail of finding your family connections." Bob and Nora from NZ "The service through your site is very much appreciated." Marilyn from New Plymouth "Many thanks for all your BDM contact this year." Glen from Wanganui "Thank you very much for the great service." Judy from Wairarapa. "Thank you sincerely for all the work you do on your database.
A mammoth effort on your part each and every day a newspaper is distributed.
I, for one, really appreciate what you have created and so willingly share with us genealogists." Maxine from Wairarapa "Thank you for all you have done for me in my research of my family.." Jennifer from Australia

46. - Family History And Genealogy Records
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides an online search of the millions of names in its International Genealogical Index, and of genealogical Web sites. Also information on its Family History Library and local branches.
mboxCreate('fsi-homeBanner', ' - Family History and Genealogy Records', 'pageType=FSI'); Sign In
A service provided by

47. Genealogy & Family History Index - Research By Subject Site WVC Library
Genealogy Index of Research by Subject site maintained by Wenatchee Valley College Library

48. Christopher Yeoman Genealogy Index
The following reflects the files of individual family members that Jon E. Yeoman has collected to date. Each person traces their ancestry back to Christopher Yeoman (16361722).
Yeoman Clan Genealogy Index The following reflects the files of individual family members that Jon E. Yeoman has collected to date. Each person traces their ancestry back to Christopher Yeoman (1636-1722). Christopher was born in Middlesex, England in 1636; married Hannah circa (c) in 1660 at New Haven/Hempstead, Long Island, NY; and died in 1722 in Westchester County, New York. To obtain more information on a particular person, please contact Jon at
Please provide him with all the information from this table, particularly the bookmark/page number - this will enable him to easier look up the entry. Note that entries are in alphabetical order by First Name (since every last name is either Yeoman or Youmans). Index: A B C D ... Z
NAME BIRTH/DEATH BOOKMARK/PAGE Aaltjen Youmans Abi C. Yeoman Abigail Yeoman Abraham Yeoman Ada M. Yeoman Addison Beckwith Youmans Adelaid Yeoman Alan Yeoman Alan Yeoman Albert W. Yeoman Albertie Yeoman Albertus Makeever Yeoman Alfred Ogle Yeoman Alice Irene Yeoman Allen J. Yeoman

49. Wise County Genealogy
County offices offers extensive online capability for genealogy research by paid subscription.
Wise County Genealogy
1999 Unversity of Virginia's College at Wise Intern Program L to R
Ben Franklin III, Heather Yates, Melanie Maggard, and Amy Gibson Completed the marriage and probate index record back to 1856. The Clerk of Court Office has an on premises listing of Wise County Military Veterans of DD-214 discharges. Miss Yates and Miss Maggard continue to work in the Wise Circuit Court Clerk's Office in 2001. The Wise Circuit Court Clerk's Office is 24 x 7 x 365.
Making History for the 21st Century
The Wise County and City of Norton Circuit Court Clerk has developed an extensive online capability for those interested in genealogy research. Probate records and marriage records indices are now on-line in a search query database from 1856 to 2001. To become a User you must complete all the fields in the User Sign-Up and Agreement . The subscription rate is $10 per month or $99 per year. To obtain a certified copy of a marriage record located among the Wise County marriage record index. Please provide a STAMPED, self- addressed envelope along with a

50. Allen County Public LibraryGenealogy
Who We Are INTRODUCTION. This renowned collection includes more than 350,000 printed volumes and 513,000 items of microfilm and microfiche.

51. Marshfield Public Library -- Genealogy Index
211 E. Second Street Marshfield, WI 54449 Phone (715) 3878494 FAX (715) 387-6909

52. Dead Persons Society, Melbourne
Aims to promote an interest in genealogy via the use of computers and/or the internet in a social environment. To promote the production and distribution of genealogy indexes and other research tools; and to foster cooperation, personal development and entertainment through genealogy.
"If you cannot get rid
of the family skeleton,
you may as well make
it dance"
George Bernard Shaw
Site index for non-java browsers
Welcome to the home page of the Dead Persons Society
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Our motto: "Preserving our past for the future" The Dead Person's Society was established by Leone Fabre in 1992

53. - Search
Home; Search Records. Advanced Search; Record Search pilot; Library Catalog; Historical Books; Web Sites; Index Records; Share. Share My Genealogy; Research Helps

54. La Crosse Public Library: Books & A Whole Lot More!
Main Library 800 Main Street La Crosse, WI 54601 (608)7897100

55. Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s-1900s
This data set contains over two million records referencing individuals from all regions of Canada, as well as early Alaska. The vast majority of the records fall between
DisplayAd('top', 728, 90);
My Home Page

Family Finder
First Name: Middle: Last:
Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s-1900s
Explore this Source Jump to page containing surname: Search for a specific individual ( first and last name first middle last
Census Index: Ontario, Canada, 1871 (#116)
Genealogy Library Monthly Auto-Renewing Subscription US/Canada Surname Folder Index (#201) Family Tree Maker
The #1 selling genealogy software for 10 years! About the Data This index helps you locate a particular individual at a specific place and point in time. In general, each record in the index tells you about an event, giving the individual's name, and usually also the year and location where the event took place. Each record typically also tells you what the source of this information is, so you can refer to the original materials for more details about the individual. Knowing a name, location, and year, may help you find your ancestor in other records of genealogical value, which are not necessarily included in this index. (Note that some records refer to entire families rather than individuals, and that many of the events are "Living," meaning that the original record is a census, land record, family history, or other item that does not refer to a specific lifetime event.) This data was provided by The Genealogical Research Library, Inc. of Toronto, Canada. Many of the source documents are available in their collection.

56. Howder, McGaughy, Sylvester, Hull, Whitney Genealogy Introduction
Old Howder Homestead, Lower Mountain Road, Cambria (Niagara County), NY. George Howder built the stone house in the 1830's. The family built the barn in the early 20th Century after
Genealogy Index
A Guide to Genealogy on Howder's Site
Old Howder Homestead , Lower Mountain Road, Cambria (Niagara County), NY.
George Howder
built the stone house in the 1830's. The family built the barn in the early 20th Century after the original frame barn burned. The property remained in the Howder family until about 1945.
Special thanks to Herman Stephan for supplying these photographs.

57. Miami Valley Genealogy Index
M.V.G.I. Miami Valley Genealogy Index. The Miami Valley Genealogy Index is a huge index of more than half million pointers to records all over Ohio's Miami Valley, not just Miami

Home Page
Miami County Page Resources Mailing List
Miami Valley Genealogy Index
The Miami Valley Genealogy Index is a huge index of more than half million pointers to records all over Ohio's Miami Valley, not just Miami County Ohio. Miami County is but one of the twelve counties in Ohio's Miami Valley. The Ohio Counties covered in this index are Butler, Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Hamilton, Mercer, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Shelby, and Warren. Open the index for search List of Abbreviations used in the MVGI List of History and Genealogy books indexed into the MVGI List of Cemetery numbers used in the MVGI ...
Outline map of Ohio's Miami Valley
If there is a problem with this Miami Valley Genealogy Index contact Return to Main Page
email: webmaster

58. Genealogy Index
As I have no idea what ads will display here, they are not necessarily endorsed by me but you may well find them useful and by clicking on them it helps to pay to keep this website
Genealogy index and links Enter your search terms Submit search form Web As I have no idea what ads will display here, they are not necessarily endorsed by me but you may well find them useful and by clicking on them it helps to pay to keep this website alive:
  • this website is a not-for-profit website and it will not cost you anything to browse it or to email me. much of the information has been sourced from the internet or kindly provided to me by researchers or family members. I have added to this with my own research and to assist others in their research, I have attempted to amalgamate as much information as possible with internet links. in particular, I appreciate the photographs which help us all to be reminded that these are people who like us, have had to contend with the trials and tribulations that life throws up, but hopefully they too had positive experiences and overcame their battles in life. whilst I try to ensure the information is accurate, please email me if you feel there are errors.
  • did you know that every French monarch since the 10th century was descended from Charlemagne as was William the Conqueror and every British monarch since 1066.

GARNEAU GENEALOGY INDEX. THIS IS THE CANADIAN GENEALOGY INDEX There is also genealogy information included in the Metis History section. If you can't get rid of the family skeleton
There is also genealogy information included in the Metis History section. If you can't get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance George Bernard Shaw "In all of us, there is a hunger - marrow deep - to know our heritage,
too know who we are and where we came from"
Fran�ais, Deutsch, Italiano, Portugu�ses, Espa�oles
A listing of all Garnaud, Garnauld, Guerineau, Garneau, Garnault, Garno or other like sounding names possibly linked to North America GENEALOGY OF GARNEAU IN QUEBEC
A listing of all early Garnaud, aka Garneau's in New France and Quebec from 1659 to 1900"s
with a rapid drop of interest after 1790 when my family line stayed in the North West. GENEALOGY OF GARNEAU NON QUEBEC
A listing of all Garneau's outside of Quebec 1694-1994 with a primary focus on the North West migration.
It includes but not limited to Gano, Gaunaux, Gerneaux, Geroux, Gourneau, Gournon, Gournon, Gornou, Gorneau, Gornow, Grigon, Grenon, Gurno, Gurneau, etc. GENEALOGY OF GARNEAU STRAY FEMALES IN QUEBEC A listing of all Garneau females that are not linked to a paternal family MATERNAL GENEALOGY OF GARNEAU Listing of maternal lineage's that are too extensive to incorporate into the main line lineage. Were possible I have attempted to include 100% of a given genealogy for the time period of my search. The older the date the more complete.

60. Steve Condarcure's New England Genealogy Index
Program to export GEDCOM file to HTML These web pages contains 972,494 Individuals 280,212 Families 8,661 Surnames
Steve Condarcure's New England Genealogy Index Sept. 4, 2010 - Uploading new version - May not be available These web pages contains
972,494 Individuals
280,212 Families
8,661 Surnames
The purpose of these pages is to help beginners gather raw data for their genealogy project.
I do NOT have any sources on most of the names here.
I would guess that 98% of the information here is accurate, but there is some that I have put here with the idea that questionable data is better than nothing. I would urge that everything you get from here be verified elsewhere. If you would like me to send you a copy of this site on a CD, see below for instructions.
Family Pages
List of Surnames ...
Hotwire Coupons
To receive the CD:
I can send a CD with a copy of this site that can be browsed without an internet connection .
Since these pages are so large, using the CD will be MUCH faster.
Also, if my site goes away you will have the copy for reference. Also included on the CD is: A Genealogical Dictionary Of The First Settlers Of New England By James Savage - Volumes 1 through 4 Send $15 (check or money order) to Steve Condarcure 14736 Stanford St.

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