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21. Resource Guide For Kansas Studies The Historical Scoiety library collects materials in the subject areas of Kasnas, genealogy, Native Americans, the West, Kansas State documents and U.S. documents. http://www.washburn.edu/reference/cks/lists/resourceguideksstudies.html | |
22. African-Native American Genealogy Forum - Message Index Messageboard on the Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes. http://www.afrigeneas.com/forume/ | |
23. Tribial ProfilesTribal Profiles genealogy, websites, homepages, homepages, NA, NA, Indians, Indian, tribe, tribes, tribal, powwow, indigenous, links, rings, Peoples, NA, Indians, genealogy, Native Americans http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/ferndale/61/states.htm | |
24. Native American/First Nations History Collection of how-to articles focusing on tracing Native American ancestors. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/native_american_genealogy |
25. Resources On The Chippewa People of the Three Fires Native Genealogy Native Americans in Michigan Established in 1996. People of the Three Fires There are three major tribal groups in Michigan today the http://www.mongabay.com/indigenous_ethnicities/north_american/Chippewa.html | |
26. Native American Genealogy: Reconnecting With Your American Indian Heritage Different advice for Indians taken from their tribes as children, mixed-bloods searching for living relatives, and Indian descendants researching family trees. http://www.native-languages.org/genealogy.htm | |
27. Indian Tribes Of The United States Index of genealogical links, forums, rolls, and other information for several different tribes. http://www.accessgenealogy.com/native/tribes/index.htm |
28. Mifflin County PAGenWeb - Native Americans You are here Rootsweb USGenWeb PAGenWeb Mifflin Native Americans . Mifflin County Genealogy Project . Mifflin County Native Americans ~Indigenous People of Central PA The http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~pamiffli/indian.html | |
29. N A T I V E N O R T H - A M E R I C A N D O T N E T - H O M E Genealogy of a French-Abenaki-Pennacook family, also with wigwam pictures and links. http://www.native-northamerican.net/ |
30. Black Genealogy Conference - Program Return to main page PreConference International Black Genealogy Summit Schedule Overview for the Conference. CONFERENCE SCHEDULE. FRIDAY - October 30, 2009 http://www.blackgenealogyconference.info/program/conference.php | |
31. Researching Your Indigenous Roots May Be Emotionally Challenging Regardless Of Article on tracking down indigenous roots, including definitions of the major rolls and a checklist of research questions. http://sweetgrasstraditions.tripod.com/genealogy.html | |
32. Native Americans - Education Resource - StudySphere Among The Creeks Votes0 A STUDY of THE PEOPLES of the CREEK TRIBES of SOUTHEASTERN AMERICA of THOSE WHO LIVED AMONGST THEM The Muscogees we call them Creeks to identify them http://www.studysphere.com/education/Genealogy-Native-Americans-2076.html |
33. ITGenWeb Oklahoma-Indian Territory Project. http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~itgenweb/ | |
34. The AAGHSC 27th Annual Family History Conference - Professor Spencer R. Crew To The following news release was received from Janis Minor Fort The year 2009 is a historic time in more ways than one. In addition to other historic events, 2009 is also the http://www.genealogyblog.com/?p=5610 |
35. Native American Ancestors Web ring for anyone researching Native American ancestors, regardless of tribe. Form to join and list of member sites. http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=cherokee3 |
36. Student Handout http//users.efortress.com/genealogy/native_americans_and_the_t.htm. Excerpt from Chief Seattle's Letter to President Pierce (1854) http//www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/1224 http://www.pbs.org/weta/thewest/lesson_plans/railroad_handout_4.html | |
37. Cherokee By Blood Tennessee GenWeb site for people searching for their Cherokee roots. http://www.tngenweb.org/cherokee_by_blood/ | |
38. Alexa - Top Sites By Category: Regional/North America/United States/Society And All Categories Regional North America United States Society and Culture Genealogy Native Americans http://www.alexa.com/topsites/category/Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/ |
39. Cherokee Indians - Arkansas Genealogy Family History Chickamauga Cherokee genealogy research in the Arkansas Territory. Free rolls and census lookups, query systems and mailing list. http://www.comanchelodge.com/chickamauga-cherokee.html | |
40. DONNA'S NATIVE AMERICAN GENEALOGY HOME PAGE A descendant sharing and searching for information. http://members.tripod.com/~DONNAHICKS/index-12.html | |
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