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61. Audio Recordings Of Great Works Of Art Exploring the aural aura of masterworks as found in the sounds in the immediate locations of highly regarded paintings, sculptures, and other artworks. http://www.auralaura.com/ |
62. Find A Charleston Tutor In Charleston, WV - Care.com Subjects Special Education (General), Art (Art History, Painting, Photography), Test Prep (3rd grade SOL, 5th grade SOL, ACT, Adv. History, Elementary http://www.care.com/tutoring-lessons-charleston-wv-p1049-q1969410.html | |
63. Art History With Michelli The Art Browser divides categories of resources by time period and their movements. http://www.ariadne.org/studio/michelli/ | |
64. Paul Mordetsky General Art, Art History for grades 2 8 1993 - 1998 Rutgers Preparatory School Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Art History for grades 9 - 12 1990 - 1999 http://paulmordetsky.artspan.com/links.php?1818 |
65. Christian Art And Artists From The Late Medieval To Modern Art Examples illustrating the development of Christian art, from the Christian Traveler s Guides. http://www.christian-travelers-guides.com/art/christian2.html | |
66. ArchINFORM - Redirection | Weiterleitung ARCHITECTURE – General; Art; Art – History – General; Exhibition Catalogs; Exhibitions; Fine Arts – Art History; Former Soviet Union, USSR (Europe) http://www.book-info.com/isbn/0-8109-1668-1.htm |
67. Mexican Masks Collection of authentic danced masks from Mexico and Guatemala with discussions and comments on the art of collecting and other curious observations. Antique masks, patination techniques, insect infestation, techniques of collecting. http://www.mexicanmasks.us/ |
68. Preview Selected Works From The Exhibition FSU Cultural Institute offers multiday programs on a spectrum of cultural topics related to the Museum's permanent collection, temporary exhibits, and general art, art history and http://ringling.fsu.edu/uploadedFiles/Resources/Education/Details/InSearchofNorm |
69. Mona Lisa Images For A Modern World A site exploring the enduring fascination of the Mona Lisa, including history, parodies, homages and comments from site visitors. http://www.studiolo.org/Mona/MONALIST.htm | |
70. Les Livres The Books - Flagstaff, Arizona - Bookstore Specializing In Art, Easte Art Art General; Art - Art History; Art - Individual Artists; Art - Painting; Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Oracles; Audio Books; Biography - Autobiography http://www.biblio.com/bookstore/les-livres-the-books-flagstaff | |
71. Provenance Research (Research At The Getty) Collects and disseminates information related to the history of collecting and the provenance of individual works of art. http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/provenance_index/ |
72. Find A Peru Tutor In Peru, IN - Care.com Subjects Special Education (ADD/ADHD, General), Art (Art History, Drawing, Painting, Photography), English (English, Grammar, Language Arts K6), Math http://www.care.com/tutoring-lessons-peru-in-p1049-q2127284.html | |
73. New Deal/WPA Art Project Information and photographs of extant WPA/New Deal art, focusing on Illinois, Ohio, and California. There are biographies, a timeline of the New Deal, and other odd bits of information. http://www.wpamurals.com/ | |
74. Guide To Visual & Performing Arts Resources | Subject & Course Guides | Library General Art; Art History; Art Museums; Artists and Movements; Arts Education; Image Collections Online; Dance. General Dance; Choreography; Performance http://library.csusm.edu/subject_guides/visual_and_performing_arts/index.asp | |
75. Art Historians' Guide To The Movies A record by Craig Eliason of appearances of and references to famous works of art and architecture in the movies, arranged by period. http://personal.stthomas.edu/cdeliason/ahgttm.htm |
76. Art In The Picture.com - An Introduction To Art History Offers an introduction to visual art history. Famous artist s galleries and biographies, movements, major museums. http://www.artinthepicture.com |
77. CGFA- A Virtual Art Museum Broad gallery that includes biographies and images for hundreds of well-known American, French, Spanish, Dutch, German and Japanese artists. http://cgfa.acropolisinc.com/ | |
78. Art Cyclopedia: The Fine Art Search Engine Guide to museum-quality art on the Internet. Search hundreds of art museum sites for exhibits and artists. http://www.artcyclopedia.com/ | |
79. Mother Of All Art And Art History Links Pages A group of internet art links based at the University of Michigan. http://www.art-design.umich.edu/mother/ | |
80. Robert A. Baron, Topics: Copyright, Museum Computerization, Mona Lisa, Art Histo Essays and publications in intellectual property with respect to art history, museology, image resources and computerization. Papers on Mona Lisa and Monalisiana. http://www.studiolo.org/index.htm | |
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