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61. Down Syndrome Online - Reliable, Up-to-date Information About Down Syndrome Includes an online library of books and articles. http://www.down-syndrome.net/ |
62. Mitchell H Finer Ph.D. | LinkedIn Developing treatments for severe genetic disorders. General Partner, Biotechnology Strategy L2M Associates (Privately Held; Management Consulting industry) http://www.linkedin.com/pub/mitchell-h-finer-ph-d/8/a33/b94 | |
63. About Down Syndrome Living with Down syndrome explained for new and expectant parents and relatives. http://www.about-down-syndrome.com/ | |
64. EHealthForum.com :: littlespringshowers's forums http://ehealthforum.com/health/user_profile_forums_all_193509.html | |
65. Down Syndrome - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Encyclopedia article with comprehensive information on this condition. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_syndrome | |
66. Home - Daniffs - 50% Grate Dane 50% English Mastiff base genetics since the great dane is origanlly from the mastiff line,where todays Pure Bred Danes have been bred thin and have aquired many undesireable genetic disorders. http://daniff.webs.com/ | |
67. Home - The Down Syndrome Pages Provides a directory of resources and information useful for people with Down syndrome, their families and professionals. http://www.downsyndromepages.com |
68. Index: YC: Merck Manual Professional Y chromosome. see also Genetic disorders General Principles of Medical Genetics Structure. abnormalities of. Sex Chromosome Anomalies 47,XYY Syndrome http://www.merck.com/mmpe/index/ind_yc.html |
69. Down Syndrome Fundacio Catalana SĂndrome Down Non profit foundation in Spain offering support, services and training. http://www.fcsd.org/ |
70. Ta_blank University of Iowa Hardin Library for Health Sciences Genetic Disorders. General Websites. Disease InfoSearchTM from Genetic Alliance -excellent gateway to resources http://org.newtrier.k12.il.us/library/teacher_assignments/geneticdisorders2008.h |
71. National Association For Down Syndrome In Chicago. Includes a bulletin board. http://www.nads.org | |
72. Littlespringshowers`s Profile Summary At EHealth Forum littlespringshowers`s profile summary at eHealth Forum Hi, I was raped in the past and i have now had a borderline result smear test and am waiting for the result of the repea http://ehealthforum.com/health/user_profile_193509.html | |
73. DSAT Information on education and health as it relates to Down Syndrome. http://dsat.ca/ | |
74. Bio2_Ch12_genetics_web_sites Genetic disorders General information MedLine Plus of the National Institutes of Health Genetic disorders Genes and Disease National Instutes of Health http://www.wilton.k12.ct.us/~steadhams/bio2_Ch12_genetics_web_sites.html | |
75. Down Syndrome Association Of Greater Cincinnati Information on the programs they offer, and upcoming events. http://www.dsagc.com/ | |
76. Barrington High School Websites for Genetic Disorders. General Medical Websites with information for all of the listed disorders. Medline Plus from the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National http://www.barringtonhighschool.org/media_folder/library/GeneticDisorders.htm |
77. Sharing Down Syndrome AZ (SDSA) - Welcome! Has a listing of Down Syndrome events in their area, also many poems and stories. http://sharingds.org/ | |
78. Code Of Conduct BHCN breeders will not repeat a combination which has resulted in puppies with proven genetic disorders. General rules. 10. If a member ignores the rules set out in this document http://www.belgischeherder.nl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article& |
79. Down Syndrome Association Of The Low Country - Charleston - Down Syndrome Associ Offering support meetings, information for new parents and calendars of events. http://www.dsalowcountry.org | |
80. The Hypermobility Syndrome Association • Information helpful someone like sanguine emma could possibly elucidate on the meaning of the word nonsense in genetics rather than the venacular! PTC 124 nonsense genetic disorders general http://www.hypermobility.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=8117 |
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