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61. Debunking Myths Article attacking genetic engineering, with references, by E. Ann Clark. http://www.plant.uoguelph.ca/research/homepages/eclark/myths.htm | |
62. Genetic Engineering A Ph.D. with lab experience in genetic engineering examines that subject from a Christian perspective. http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/probe/docs/gen-eng.html |
63. Genetic Engineering: A Guide For Kids By Tiki The Penguin Guide to genetic engineering. What is it? Should you be worried? Is it okay? Is it for need or for greed? http://tiki.oneworld.net/genetics/ | |
64. GNDP Offers assistance to commercialize Cuban biotechnology. Research profile, news and links to other Cuban biotechnology sites. http://gndp.cigb.edu.cu | |
65. Genetic Daemon - Home The first genetic engine server, capable to work in a distributed research environment and with parallel processing. http://geneticd.sourceforge.net/ | |
66. Wombaniaâ„¢ Home Of The Wombies, Wombania, Official Home Of The Wombies A 3D cartoon about a family of genetically-engineered wombats and their struggle to adapt to a human world. http://www.wombania.com/ |
67. What Is Genetic Engineering? - An Elementary Introduction For The Important message to students New section started specially for students (Sep 2007) All useful study materials will be found there. As we have learnt that many students are http://www.psrast.org/whatisge.htm |
68. Transhuman Space Roleplaying game set in a future of genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology by David Pulver. http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/transhuman/ | |
69. EGE InfoNet Egyptian genetic engineering information network has information on databases, news and available publications. http://www.egeinfonet.i8.com |
70. Abd El Nasser Elashry Personal site from a researcher in genetic engineering, with information about his research and publications. http://www.elashry.net/ | |
71. Genetic Engineering Methods, Genetic Engineering. Recently, we have begun to learn how to take evolution into our own hands through genetic engineering, which involves altering or manipulating an organism http://library.thinkquest.org/C004367/be9.shtml | |
72. The Council For Biotechnology Information News, information and research links about biotechnology and genetically engineered organisms. http://www.whybiotech.com | |
73. Human's Playground: Genetic Engineering - History The history of genetic engineering can be traced back to historic times. Animal and plant breeders have found ways to alter and change genes to their advantage for thousands of http://library.thinkquest.org/04apr/00774/en/txt/history.html |
74. National Center For Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology, Thailand (BIOTEC) List of activities, services, and press releases. http://www.biotec.or.th |
75. Genetic Engineering - Lesson Plan Library The Lesson Plan Library offers high school lesson plans covering all major school subjects and special interests. http://school.discoveryeducation.com/lessonplans/programs/geneticengineering/ | |
76. Genetic Engineering — Infoplease.com Encyclopedia genetic engineering. genetic engineering, the use of various methods to manipulate the DNA (genetic material) of cells to change hereditary traits or produce biological http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/sci/A0820468.html |
77. Genetic Engineering, GMO - The Issues - Sustainable Table Sustainable Table Issues. Learn more about genetic engineering, biodiversity and the biotech industry. http://www.sustainabletable.org/issues/ge/ | |
78. Inventor Of The Week: Archive A short biography of the inventors of the method of cloning genetically engineered molecules in foreign cells. http://web.mit.edu/invent/iow/boyercohen.html | |
79. Forsiden | GenØk - Senter For Biosikkerhet Research, distribute information and offer advice in the use of genetic engineering. Includes research projects, news archive, courses and lectures, and publications. http://www.genok.org/ | |
80. Genetic Engineering - EHow.com Learn about Genetic Engineering on eHow.com. Find info and videos including What Is Genetic Engineering?, How to Genetically Engineer Vegetables, Genetic Engineering Schools http://www.ehow.com/genetic-engineering/ | |
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