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1. UMD Geology: Research Dept. of Geological Sciences 229 Heller Hall 1114 Kirby Drive Duluth, MN 55812 phone (218) 7268385 fax (218) 726-8275 email geol@d.umn.edu http://www.d.umn.edu/geology/research/ | |
2. Deadline Approaching For Summer Research Academy The fiveday event offers current high school students the opportunity to stay on campus and participate in special hands-on biology, geography or geology research projects during http://mediarelations.illinoisstate.edu/news_releases/0910/may/researchacademy.a | |
3. Summit Geology & Consulting, LLC Sells high-resolution satellite image wall maps and posters, including popular recreation areas of the mountain ranges and desert parks of North America. Images, descriptions, and geological research project services. http://www.summitgeology.com/ |
4. Keck Geology Consortium Undergraduate Research Projects | Keck Geology Consortiu The Keck Geology Consortium projects involve a mix of field and laboratory research experiences that make meaningful scientific contributions in the areas of structural geology http://keckgeology.org/projects |
5. Dr Dale Research University of Regina – Department of Geology http://www.uregina.ca/geology/People/Dale/Research.htm | |
6. Research Projects - USGS PCMSC Accessibility FOIA Privacy Policies and Notices. U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey URL http//walrus.wr.usgs.gov/research/ Page Contact Information Laura Zink http://walrus.wr.usgs.gov/research/ |
7. Log Book For February 23, 2006 Two ATV EVA's were conducted today to revisit sites of particular interest to the biology and geology research projects. As a reward for having swiftly completed the mission's http://desert.marssociety.org/MDRS/fs05/0223/journ.asp | |
8. Geology Research Geology Research The following are active research projects. Click here for a complete list of active and inactive research projects at the GRC. http://www.geraceresearchcentre.com/geologyprojects.html | |
9. University Of Greenwich Postgraduate Prospectus - Environmental And Earth Scienc Structural Geology; Research projects. Recent topics include Treatment of contaminated soils using cement for redevelopment of brownfield sites; treatment of industrial wastes by http://www.gre.ac.uk/courses/pg/res/envsci | |
10. Earth Sciences And Economic Geology Research Projects - JCU List of earth sciences and economic geology research Topics http://www.jcu.edu.au/grs/topics/JCUPRD_045044.html |
11. Welsh Forest Becomes Latest Geopark.(Brecon Beacons National Park Becomes Member is reviewed every three years, opens the door to potentially lucrative European funding for new themed walks, cycling routes, introductory courses on geology, research projects http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-148717203.html | |
12. Geology & Petroleum Geology, Aberdeen University: Outreach Research themes include sediment flux, climate change and tectonics; tectonics and structural geology; terrestrial ecosystems; deepwater frontiers; geofluids and porous media http://www.abdn.ac.uk/geology/research/research_groups.php | |
13. Projects, Tarbiat Modares University Tarbiat Modares University Faculties Basic Sciences Departments Geology Research Projects http://www.modares.ac.ir/enpage/systems/index/Schools/sci/dep/glg/res/prj | |
14. Department Of Arctic Geology - Research Projects - UNIS - The University Centre Department of Arctic Geology Research projects Longyearbyen CO2 Lab Political and public awareness related to the mission of a CO2-free Svalbard requires http://www.unis.no/20_RESEARCH/2030_Arctic_Geology/research_projects.htm |
15. Centre Of Exchange And Research In Volcanology Isla Socorro. Map; Geology; Research Projects; Archipielago; Volcanoes of Chiapas. Projects; El Chich n; Tacan http://www.ucol.mx/ciiv/nick/personal_en.htm |
16. Eastern Illinois University :: Department Of Geology/Geography Geology Research Projects; Geography Highlights; Geography Research Projects; Department in Action (Videos) Organizations; EIU WeatherCenter; Film Projects http://castle.eiu.edu/geoscience/geol-projects.php | |
17. Bengal Engineering And Science University, Shibpur, Howrah-711 103 1 Cyclicity in the Paleogene facies of AssamArakan orogen its significance in hydrocarbon exploration DST 2 Depositional milieu of the Chandarpur Group of the Proterozoic http://www.becs.ac.in/geology_proj.html | |
18. Wisconsin Geological Survey: Geology Research Projects Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey conducts earthscience surveys, field studies, and research. The Survey provides objective scientific information about the geology http://www.uwex.edu/wgnhs/proj_geol.htm |
19. KU Department Of Geology We specialize in geochronology, thermochronology, geochemistry, petrology, GIS applications, and structural geology. Research projects currently span the globe, including Tibet http://www.geo.ku.edu/programs/tectonics/index.shtml | |
20. Environmental And Earth Sciences - Research, MPhil/PhD Structural Geology; Research projects. Recent topics include Treatment of contaminated soils using cement for redevelopment of brownfield sites; treatment of industrial wastes by http://www.gre.ac.uk/courses/pg/ees/eesres?SQ_DESIGN_NAME=print_friendly |
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