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1. LEARNING AND DISCOVERY IN OUR CLASSROOM Geometry games/puzzles and problem solving; ONLINE MATHS GAMES; Great fun and easy to learn! Introduction to geometry and online activities http://room3ri2008.blogspot.com/ | |
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3. Geometry Information - Www.rakatong.com Geometry Games Puzzles. Request a Free Catalog; Quick Order Form; View Basket This motivating http://www.rakatong.com/vertical-angles-free-geometry.html |
4. Games & Puzzles - Mathematics, Geometry, Games Puzzles, (Games Puzzles)StudySphere Educational Resource for language school, study abroad, education online, education, school, high school, career education, business school, driver http://www.studysphere.com/Site/Sphere_4159.html |
5. Math Sites Really Cool Math Websites! Algebra Sites! Geometry Sites! Even Discrete Math, Trigonometry and Calculus Sites! Math Puzzles and Math Brain Teasers Sites! Math Web Quest Sites! http://cte.jhu.edu/techacademy/web/2000/heal/siteslist.htm | |
6. Geometry - Games & Puzzles A complete problemsolving learning center featuring pentominoes. Includes 48 geometric puzzles and two sets of pentominoes (shapes made of five squares each). http://www.enasco.com/math/Geometry/Games & Puzzles/ | |
7. Geometry Articles, Theorems, Problems, And Interactive Illustrations More than 850 topics articles, problems, puzzles - in geometry, most accompanied by interactive Java illustrations and simulations. http://www.cut-the-knot.org/geometry.shtml |
8. Geometry - Games & Puzzles Discover the gems in geometry! Students develop fluency in naming and identifying the properties of six types of triangles, seven classes of quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons http://www.enasco.com/math/Geometry/Games & Puzzles/?&page=3 |
9. Geometry_Games & Puzzles Taxtic Game 4 by 4 http://countdown.luc.edu/NCTM_cat/Geometry/Games_Puzzles/index.html | |
10. Geometry Games & Puzzles | RamoGames.com Play hundreds of free geometry games and puzzles. Sharpen your brain by learning about geometry today. RamoGames.com http://ramogames.com/category/geometry.htm |
11. Geometry Games, Puzzles, And Fun Facts Geometry is a branch of mathematics that concerns itself with shapes, their size, and their position in relation to space. In the beginning, Geometry was regarded as more practical http://www.guidetoonlineschools.com/library/geometry | |
12. Geometry Help, Online Tutorials, Games & Puzzles Basic Skill Practice Games Geometry - A mega-directory of interactive geometry games, puzzles and activities. http://www.chiff.com/education/geometry-help.htm | |
13. Etoys - OLPC The site's Library Collection has over 1200 projects including stories, geometry games, puzzles, mazes, science books, and more.) Documentation http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Etoys | |
14. Plms.leesummit.k12.mo.us Math websites which include Algebra, Geometry, games, puzzles and brain teasers, math WebQuest, math humor, teacher resources (K12) Graph Paper http://plms.leesummit.k12.mo.us/Melissa.Cunningham/Fun Stuff.htm | |
15. Games & Puzzles - Education Resource - StudySphere CopyCat Home page Votes0 CopyCat CopyCat is a captivating new 3D game designed and developed by Jim Morey . The game revolves around replicating a picture created by several http://www.studysphere.com/education/Geometry-Games-and-Puzzles-4159.html |
16. Heartland AEA 11 ITED/ITBS Level 10 - Form A 6500 Corporate Drive Johnston, IA 501311603 PHONE 515-270-9030 FAX 515-270-5383. Created by L.Osthus 9/19/02 http://www.aea11.k12.ia.us/prodev/math/itbsited/level10/geometry1.html | |
17. I Have… Who Has…? Mental Math Card Game – Angles: Using Protractors To Mea I Have… Who Has…? Mental Math Card Game – Angles Using Protractors To Measure Angles http://www.homeschool-nasco.com/product/TB23403T |
18. LEARNING AND DISCOVERY IN OUR CLASSROOM: BASIC FACTS GAMES - MATHS Geometry games/puzzles and problem solving; ONLINE MATHS GAMES; Great fun and easy to learn! Introduction to geometry and online activities http://room3ri2008.blogspot.com/2008/02/basic-facts-games-maths.html | |
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