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         Gerbils Pet Care:     more books (41)
  3. Your Pet Gerbil (True Books) by Elaine Landau, 2007-03
  4. Gerbils: Everything About Purchase, Care, Nutrition, Diseases, Breeding, and Behavior/a Complete Pet Owner's Manual (Barron's Pet Care Series) by Raymond Gudas, 1986-11
  5. Care of Uncommon Pets: Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Mice, Rats, Gerbils, Chickens, Ducks, Frogs, Toads and Salamanders, Turtles and Tortoises, Sn by William J. Weber, 1979-06
  6. Hamsters and Gerbils (Great Pets) by Carol Ellis, 2008-10
  7. Hamsters: Golden Hamsters, Dwarf Hamsters, Gerbils : Everything About Acquisition, Care, Nutrition, and Diseases (Pet Care Manuals) by Helga Fritzsche, Arthur Freud, et all 1987-05
  8. Gerbil (My Pet) by Carol Koopmans, 2010-07-15
  9. Caring for Your Gerbil (First Facts) by Feeney, Kathy, 2008-01-01
  10. Is My Hamster Wild?: The Secret Lives of Hamsters, Gerbils & Guinea Pigs by Rain Newcomb, Rose McLarney, 2008-07-01
  11. Children's mystery rash traced back to pet gerbils. (Five Children Infected).(avian mites transmitted from gerbils to children): An article from: Skin & Allergy News by Norra MacReady, 2002-03-01
  12. Hamsters, Gerbils, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Ferrets, Mice, and Rats: How to Choose and Care for a Small Mammal (American Humane Pet Care Library) by Laura S. Jeffrey, 2004-10
  13. Gerbils:Everything About Purchase, Care, Nutrition, Diseases, Breeding, & Behavior/a Complete Pet Owner's Manual by RaymondGudas, 1986-01-01
  14. Gerbils: with Internet Links (First Pets) by Laura Howell, 2005-07-07

21. Shawsheen River Gerbils - Gerbil Breeders & Rescue MA & CT - Home
Based in Massachusetts, a gerbil rescue and adoption site with a current list of available pets. Also includes extensive care guides.
Shawsheen River Gerbils
Home Why Gerbils? Gerbil Care Available ... Contact Us Gerbils* Placed in New Homes!
*and other small furries Rescue Alert!
Our Philosophy
Shawsheen River Gerbils is committed to improving the situation of gerbils in need. We encourage the adoption of older animals who still have much love to give. We specialize in introducing solo gerbils to new friends. We serve as an official breed rescue to area humane societies and assist pet owners who find themselves with gerbils they cannot keep. By adopting an older animal from us, you are guaranteed our ongoing assistance in maintaining your gerbil clan, adding new animals as your older ones pass on. We breed to maintain founder lines , to continue our show lines, or to allow a rescued pet to build his or her own family. This provides us with new young animals to join older animals who are left alone. We also work with reputable area breeders and families who find themselves with surprise litters to obtain high-quality, healthy young animals as needed.
Shawsheen River Gerbils began by innocently adopting three aged gerbils at a 4-H Fair in August, 2002. Eight years later, we have more than a dozen pet and show gerbils, and a constant stream of visiting gerbils, rescues, and the occasional non-gerbil rodent pet needing a new home. Look over our site and find out

22. The Mongolian Gerbil Website
Facts about history, taming, introduction methods, breeding, and diseases.
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23. Gerbils Pet Care Book (Hardcover), Discovery Channel DVDs & Books , Discovery Ch
From the Animal Planet Pet Care Library Series Gerbils are active and charming pets that can provide enjoyment to the whole family. Written by an expert, Gerbils discusses

24. Garden Of Eden Gerbils - HOME
An American Gerbil Society registered breeder in Eden, Wisconsin. Includes show results and photographs.
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Garden of Eden Gerbils
Please show your opposition to HR 669 (or opposition to HR 669 ) by contacting your house representative and those supporting this bill! If it passes, it could mean the end to our beloved pets! 2009 New England Show Results 2009 Midatlantic Show Results 2008 Midwest Show Results American Gerbil Society Virtual Show 2008 ... AGS Virtual Show 2007 Results I am a hobby breeder, registered with the American Gerbil Society. I love Mongolian gerbils as pets. My first concern in breeding and raising gerbils is their health. Secondly, I handle my gerbils regularly and breed for good temperament. Third, I work toward maintaining or improving body types. I also have plans to breed for certain colors and long-term goals to improve color to conform to AGS color standards. Please see Available Gerbils to see which gerbils are currently available. I will occasionally take in rescue gerbils. See my gerbil album in My Gerbils , visit the Show Page , see if I have any Available Gerbils , find out about Gerbil Food and Diet at Garden of Eden Gerbils, and check out my favorite

25. Gerbils (Pet Care, 3) By Rebecca Sjonger
Learn more about Gerbils (Pet Care, 3) by Rebecca Sjonger, Bobbie Kalman. More book information, what your friends think and Shelfari member reviews.

26. The Snooty Agouti Pup Den
Dedicated to inspiring others to appreciate the beauty of gerbils and promoting responsible gerbil care.
Welcome to The Snooty Agouti Pup Den "Giving love to a pup will fill your heart up" ..Snooty "Updated regularly...please be sure to check in often!" C o l o r s of The Snooty Agouti The Agouties Wild Agouti Grey Agouti The Foxes Red and Blue Foxes Polar Fox Nutmeg Observe the molting of a Nutmeg. The photo to the left shows a young Nutmeg...notice the tan body, dark snout and paws as well as the rich red brow. Later, middle photo, Nutmeg is molting her tanish coat for a darker coat...see how the brow is the last part to molt. The photo to the right shows two almost fully molted except for the brow (r) and one fully molted (and beautiful) (l). Black Dark Eyed Honey (DEH) (Sooty Fawn) Lilac Can you tell the colors of these teenage gerbils? The top gerbil is a Grey Agouti...the bottom gerbil is a Blue Fox still molting from a white body color and a greyish tail color at birth. The Blue Fox will have a fairly uniform color scheme all over it's body(see above) at maturity. The Grey Agouti will have grey coloring on it's face and back going about half way down the sides of it's body. The belly area generally will be a cottony white How about this photo?

27. CM Magazine: Pet Care Series
Gerbils. (Pet Care). Rebecca Sjonger and Bobbie Kalman. Photographs by Marc Crabtree. St. Catharines, ON Crabtree, 2004. 32 pp., pbk. cl., $9.86 (pbk.), $20.76 (RLB).
CM . . . . Volume X Number 18 . . . . May 7, 2004 Puppies. (Pet Care). Rebecca Sjonger and Bobbie Kalman. Photographs by Marc Crabtree.
St. Catharines, ON: Crabtree, 2004.
ISBN 0-7787-1783-6 (pbk.), ISBN 0-7787-1751-8 (RLB). Subject Headings:
Puppies-Juvenile literature.
Dogs-Juvenile literature. Kindergarten-grade 5 / Ages 5-10. Review by Dave Jenkinson. Kittens. (Pet Care). Nikki Walker and Bobbie Kalman. Photographs by Marc Crabtree.
St. Catharines, ON: Crabtree, 2004.
ISBN 0-7787-1782-8 (pbk.), ISBN 0-7787-1750-X (RLB). Subject Headings:
Kittens-Juvenile literature.
Cats-Juvenile literature. Kindergarten-grade 5 / Ages 5-10. Review by Dave Jenkinson. Hamsters. (Pet Care). Rebecca Sjonger and Bobbie Kalman. Photographs by Marc Crabtree.
St. Catharines, ON: Crabtree, 2004.
ISBN 0-7787-1785-2 (pbk.), ISBN 0-7787-1753-4 (RLB). Subject Heading: Hamsters as pets-Juvenile literature.

28. Eva S Gerbil Page
A site about pet gerbils with links to the author s other animal pages. Advice and pictures included.

29. The Gerbils .com - Everything About The Gerbil - Home
Includes photographs, videos, and articles on care and maintenance, breeding, health, colours and genetics.
J c Site map Hello and welcome to! Here, you will find information on gerbil maintenance, reproduction, gerbil genetics and on many other interesting subjects! I'm a gerbil breeder located in Quebec, Canada and I have completly fallen in love with those funny little critters! This site is a long term project so, it�s constantly under construction! Your questions and comments fuel my brain and give me ideas for new pages and updates. Everyday, I work towards making this site more complete. Don't hesitate to send me your comments as well as your questions. This website is here to assist you! I hope you'll enjoy it! I'm a gerbil breeder from Quebec city, Canada. What is a gerbil? Entertening The gerbil is a very nice little rodent. They are as interesting to watch as your T.V.! They interact with each other by playing, boxing, jumping, chewing and climbing. You don't like rats The gerbil is a totally different animal. Their bushy tails make them more appealing to most people who don�t like rat or mouse tail.

30. Introducing Gerbils - Pet Care Experts Answer!
Introducing gerbils i am thinking about volunteering at a local animal PETlover3 on 3/20/03, 218 pm. Introducing gerbils. i am thinking about volunteering at a local

31. House Of Eeyore & Piglet - Home
Singapore-based site with photos and personal experiences.
WHAT IS A GERBIL? The Mongolian Gerbil is an inquisitive and handsome looking rodent. The coat of the wild gerbil is a natural camouflage brown and grey. Now, domesticated pet gerbils come in a variety of colors. A similarity in size and appearance often causes a mistaken identity with the mouse. Experienced owners of these gentle creatures, however, will be glad to point out differences, such as the abundantly furred tail and ears of the gerbil.
WHAT THIS PAGE IS ABOUT This is for sharing my own experience of keeping these charming critters. It does not contain general gerbil-keeping information. If you are looking for material on the care of gerbils, there are numerous excellent sites out there with detailed advice. Eeyore and Piglet are a pair of female gerbils that I own. Read on to learn how I got acquainted with them, their lives in my home, and perhaps pick up a clue as to what makes gerbils such endearing animals! TO BEGIN Click on the tabs on the left, or use the site guide below!
UPDATES 2005, May 13 - Links checked, dead links noted, will probably be removed if still not working by next update.

32. Gerbils - Pet Care Experts Answer!
gerbils will gerbils eat fish or should i stick to meal wormsA gerbil

33. Phoebe's Art
Homepage of Phoebe, a gerbil who creates sculptures from cardboard tubes.
Home Dedication Preface Phoebe at Work Meditation ... Contact Information
PHOEBE Sculpture
�Art is a glimpse into the soul of the artist.�
Sculptures by Phoebe
Spanish translation by Laura Pim�s
Web site design by Janet Morrow

34. Gerbils - Pet Care From Readers
Pet, Animal, Aquarium, Information Resource Pet Type Gerbils Mongolian Gerbils, often referred to as just Gerbils , are the best kept secret of the pocket pet world!

35. World Of Spectrum - Sinclair Infoseek - Search Results
Game information and download.^Gerbil Riot of '67, The$

36. Hay On Wye Booksellers : Second Hand Books : Nature & Pets : 19
Hayon-Wye Booksellers. We have an extensive back catalogue of books. A huge Gerbils (Pet Care) by Rebecca Sjonger (ISBN 0778717844) Our Price 1.30
Hay-on-Wye Booksellers
We have an extensive back catalogue of books. A huge selection of titles can be found on the shelves of our two shops in Hay-on-Wye. The rest are housed in warehouses on the outskirts of Hay and we upload our inventory to this website at the end of everyday. This guarantees the results you receive here are current. If for some reason you can't find the title you are looking for on our website it is always worth phoning the shop. New stock arrives everyday, and it is quite possible we will be able to find the title you are looking for. Category: (1240 records) Page 19 of 50 10 results per page 25 results per page 50 results per page 75 results per page 100 results per page Go to page: Category Description: Books covering natural history
  • Getting to Know Your Puppy (Getting to Know Your) (New Ed)
    by Gill Page (ISBN: 1842860860) Our Price £1.00
    Published by : Interpet Publishing, 2004

37. - �wiat Myszoskoczka
Serwis i forum po wi cone myszoskoczkom. Porady hodowlane, ciekawostki o myszoskoczkach, galeria zdj .
Zbiornik 27 maja 2010, 17:40 Rozpoznawanie p�ci 16 listopada 2008, 19:39 Umaszczenie 30 wrze�nia 2008, 16:25 Zapoznaj si� z innymi gryzoniami... 14 lutego 2008, 23:08 O myszoskoczku mongolskim 25 lipca 2007, 14:32 Jak wykona� odpowiednie terrarium dla... Dzisiaj, 21:59 "Kenamyszowe" stadko Dzisiaj, 21:59 [Sprzedam] HP Dzisiaj, 21:54 Dyskusja na temat materia��w do wykonania... Dzisiaj, 21:47 Gerbil's Dream- mioty A-M :) Dzisiaj, 21:27
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Przypominam o funkcjach hostingu zdj�� dost�pnych w naszej myszoskoczkowej galerii. Po dodaniu ka�dego zdj�cia do galerii udost�pnione zostaj� kody, kt�re mo�na skopiowa� i wykorzysta� gdzie tylko chcecie. Wi�cej informacji tutaj 5 wrze�nia 2007, 15:40

38. Gerbils | Pet Care Tips, Pets Advice
When your gerbil is in health it enjoys its time with you, it has got a frolicsome attitude and is really calm to observe ; however any sickness can infrequently turn out to be

39. Welcome To Twin Squeaks Gerbils!
A collection of tips about toys, care, handling, taming, food, and housing. Includes photos and links to related content.

40. Click The Logo To Enter
A religion centered around the belief that God is a gerbil who has influenced all of history and changed the course of mankind.

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