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21. VoS: German General Resources in German Literature • Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe • Hermann Hesse • E. T. A. Hoffmann • Franz Kafka • Kassandra Project Visionary German http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=1226 |
22. The Polyglot Paleontologist: Home Page A library with English translations of French and German literature on vertebrate paleontology. http://www.paleoglot.org/ | |
23. German Literature: Information From Answers.com German literature, works in the German language by German, Austrian, AustroHungarian, and Swiss authors, as well as by writers of German in other countries. Old and Middle http://www.answers.com/topic/german-literature | |
24. German Literature: The 20th Century: LITERATURE AFTER WORLD WAR II German Literature LITERATURE AFTER WORLD WAR II The Nazi era, the war, and its aftermath profoundly affected the course of German literature after 1945. http://www.uv.es/EBRIT/macro/macro_5002_64_19.html | |
25. Free English Translations Of Eddas And Sagas On The Internet List of links to resources of Germanic literature, history, and mythology, including the Eddas, sagas, and Beowulf. http://www.squirrel.com/squirrel/asatru/free.html | |
26. Ifkud, Institut Für Kulturwissenschaftliche Deutschlandstudien The institute is devoted to the study of contemporary German literature, politics and culture. Main fields of research are GDR literature, citizens movements. Read / download our journal, lectures and articles. The institute is located at the University of Bremen, Germany. http://www.deutschlandstudien.uni-bremen.de/ | |
27. German Literature -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia German literature, German literature comprises the written works of the Germanspeaking peoples of central Europe. It has shared the fate of German politics and history http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/230881/German-literature | |
28. German Literature — FactMonster.com Encyclopedia German literature. German literature, works in the German language by German, Austrian, AustroHungarian, and Swiss authors, as well as by writers of German in other http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/ent/A0820629.html | |
29. Gerhart Hauptmann Biografie in Stichworten und Verzeichnis der Werke. http://www.sewanee.edu/german/Literatur/haupt.html | |
30. German Literature - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles At German Literature Scholarly books, journals and articles German Literature at Questia, world's largest online library and research service. Subscribe now and do better research http://www.questia.com/library/literature/literature-of-specific-countries/germa |
31. German Literature: The 18th Century German Literature The 18th century THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT Rationalism. If religion was the dominant factor in German intellectual and spiritual affairs in the 17th century http://www.uv.es/EBRIT/macro/macro_5002_64_9.html | |
32. Walther Von Der Vogelweide Stichworte und einige Gedichte. http://www.sewanee.edu/german/Literatur/vogel.html | |
33. German Literature - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About German The literature of Germany. The earliest written records date from the late 8th century and consist of glosses and translations from Latin of religious and philosophical works. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/German literature |
34. German Literature The periods of Medieval German Literature span two or three centuries, those of Early modern German literature span one century, and those of Modern German literature each span http://www.germanlanguageguide.com/german/culture/germanliterature.asp | |
35. Wolfram Von Eschenbach Stichworte, Links. http://www.sewanee.edu/german/Literatur/eschen.html | |
36. Literature GSW - WESSWeb Online Text Collections in German Literature and Related Fields. Projekt Gutenberg The project began with a M rchenbibliothek, but has grown to include a broad selection of authors http://wess.lib.byu.edu/index.php/Literature_GSW | |
37. German Democratic Republic Archive for students and researchers to support academic research of East German literature, social and political history. http://freenet-homepage.de/DDR-Forschung.English/homepage_01.htm |
38. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Kurzbiographie, Werke. http://www.sewanee.edu/german/Literatur/lessing.html | |
39. German Literature Cyber encyclopedia of Jewish history and culture that covers everything from antiSemitism to Zionism. It includes a glossary, bibliography of web sites and books, biographies http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0007_0_07199.html | |
40. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: The Heliand The oldest complete work of German literature. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07205b.htm | |
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