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         Germany Government:     more books (100)
  1. Bread and Democracy in Germany (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs) by Alexander Gerschenkron, 1989-09
  2. Oppression and Scarcity: The History and Institutional Structure of the Marxist-Leninist Government of East Germany and Some Perspectives on Life in a Socialist System by Peter W. Sperlich, 2006-01-30
  3. Modern Germany: Politics, Society and Culture by Peter James, 1998-05-07
  4. The Politics of Constitutional Review in Germany (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions) by Georg Vanberg, 2009-06-11
  5. How Institutions Evolve: The Political Economy of Skills in Germany, Britain, the United States, and Japan (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics) by Kathleen Thelen, 2004-09-06
  6. Medieval Justice: Cases and Laws in France, England and Germany, 500-1500 by Hunt Janin, 2009-10-01
  7. Radical Perspectives on the Rise of Fascism in Germany, 1919 to 1945
  8. Honecker to Kohl: Social and Economic Modernisation in East Germany (New Germany) by Mike Dennis, 1993-10-21
  9. Suicide in Nazi Germany by Christian Goeschel, 2009-04-15
  10. Germany Transformed: Political Culture and the New Politics by Kendall L. Baker, Russell J. Dalton, et all 1981-05-18
  11. From Yalta to Berlin: The Cold War Struggle Over Germany by W. R. Smyser, 2000-09-16
  12. Pre-electoral Alliances, Coalition Rejections, and Multiparty Governments: Evidence from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands by Marc Debus, 2007-07-24
  13. Dignity and Liberty: Constitutional Visions in Germany and the United States (Issues in Comparative Public Law) by Edward J. Eberle, 2001-11-30
  14. Behind the Berlin Wall: East Germany and the Frontiers of Power by Patrick Major, 2010-01-25

61. Germany Government | GlobalEDGE
Germany Government PRINCIPAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Chief of State President Horst Koehler Head of Government Chancellor Angela Merkel
Your location is: > Countries Region: Europe > Germany > Government
Key Facts
GDP (ppp) per CAPITA
$35,374.00 (2008 est.)
Inflation Rate
0.00% (2009 est.)
82.33 million (2009 est.)
Country Risk Ratings Ease of Doing Business Rankings
25 out of 181 (2008 est.)
Global Competitiveness Report
5.37 (7 out of 133) (2009 est.)
Germany : Government
PRINCIPAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Chief of State: President Horst Koehler Head of Government: Chancellor Angela Merkel The government is parliamentary, and a democratic constitution emphasizes the protection of individual liberty and division of powers in a federal structure. The chancellor (prime minister) heads the executive branch of the federal government. The duties of the president (chief of state) are largely ceremonial; the chancellor exercises executive power. The Bundestag (lower, principal chamber of the parliament) elects the chancellor. The president is elected every 5 years on May 23 by the Federal Assembly, a body convoked only for this purpose, comprising the entire Bundestag and an equal number of state delegates. President Horst Koehler (Christian Democratic Union - CDU) was re-elected on May 23, 2009. Germany has an independent federal judiciary consisting of a constitutional court, a high court of justice, and courts with jurisdiction in administrative, financial, labor, and social matters. The highest court is the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court), which ensures a uniform interpretation of constitutional provisions and protects the fundamental rights of the individual citizen as defined in the Basic Law.

The Lawyer from Munich gives information about forensic services, trade secret protection and economic law.

63. Articles About Germany Government - Page 3 - Los Angeles Times
Germany Government News by Date. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Germany Government from the Los Angeles Times (Page 3 of 5)

64. Max Planck Institute For Comparative Public Law And International Law
Information on history, organization, staff, research and publications.

65. Max Planck Institute For Foreign And International Criminal Law
Based in Freiburg im Breisgau. Information in English about projects and staff.
Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law ...
Welcome to the homepage of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg i. Br., Germany
The Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law is located in Freiburg, Germany. It is dedicated to researching the fields of German, foreign, and international criminal law and criminology. Its primary focus is on basic research, but the Institute contributes to the development of legislation and conducts applied research as well.
Below you can find a collection of recent news from the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law. For additional news items, please click on "News" in the menu on the left. Additional German news items are provided on the German version of this page.
Below you can find a collection of recent news from the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law.

66. LG2G
A guide to legal issues of interest to expatriates living and working in Germany.

67. German Antitrust
Literature on German Antitrust Law in English Language, by Joachim Rudo.

68. Juristisches Internetprojekt Saarbrücken
A guide to German Law resources available on the Internet in the English language. Lots of useful links on all areas of German law.
Available languages: German English Japanese Chinese ... Romanian Prof. Dr. Maximilian Herberger
Saraviensis Bundesverfassungsgericht Heranziehung glaubensverschiedener Ehegatten zur Kirchensteuer
Japanisches Rechtswort

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69. Willkommen In Der Botschaft Von El Salvador In Deutschland
With limited contact and tourism information in English, but more in German and Spanish.
AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,0,0','width','742','height','136','src','a','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','a' ); Willkommen! Suche Sitemap Bilder auf dieser Seite ...
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Willkommen in der Botschaft von El Salvador in Deutschland
Auch zuständig für: die Russische Föderation, Polen, Tschechische Republik und die Türkei
22.08.2010: Teilnahme am Tag der Offenen Tür des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung.
El Salvador war anwesend am Tag der Offenen Tür des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung. Bei dieser Gelegenheit wurde der Dokumentarfilm „Ausentes“ vom Direktor Tomás Guevara vorgeführt. Am Stand der Botschaft wurde über Tourismus -und Wirtschaft in El Salvador informiert.

70. Welcome Page | Page D'accueil
Provides directory to the services and assistance available to citizens of Canada and overview of country relations.

71. Germany - Government
Short facts on government of Germany. Travel in Germany. A total of 164 members have visited 201 locations in Germany.
Explore Pictures Stories ... Germany / Government
Germany Government of Germany Travel in Germany A total of 164 members have visited 207 locations in Germany. Together they have written 540 travel stories and uploaded 4253 pictures from Germany. Last visit in Germany was made 2010-11-09 by sauntering who was in Berlin. Have you been to Germany? Click here to join and share your pictures and stories.
Short facts about the government of Germany
Country name:
conventional long form:  Federal Republic of Germany
conventional short form:  Germany
local long form:  Bundesrepublik Deutschland
local short form:  Deutschland
former:  German Empire, German Republic, German Reich Government type: federal republic Capital: Berlin Administrative divisions: 16 states (Laender, singular - Land); Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thueringen Independence: 18 January 1871 (German Empire unification); divided into four zones of occupation (UK, US, USSR, and later, France) in 1945 following World War II; Federal Republic of Germany (FRG or West Germany) proclaimed 23 May 1949 and included the former UK, US, and French zones; German Democratic Republic (GDR or East Germany) proclaimed 7 October 1949 and included the former USSR zone; unification of West Germany and East Germany took place 3 October 1990; all four powers formally relinquished rights 15 March 1991

72. CGI Frankfurt
Consulate General of India in Frankfurt, with information on commerce, and on visa and passport services.
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73. Nazi Germany - Government Structure
NAZI GERMANY GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE. MINISTRIES AND PARTY ORGANIZATIONS . The books listed on this page provide insight into the activities and workings of some the most of nazi govt.
E-MAIL: , PHONE 703-329-3006, INTERNET:
The books listed on this page provide insight into the activities and workings of some the most important ministries and organizations of the Third Reich. Each section offers the name or names of the leaders associated with the ministry or organization, as well as a small description of the ministry or organization in question. In assembling the information for this page, it became apparent that research on the bureaucratic power-structure and administration of the Nazi State has not been adequately researched. After a promising start in this direction in the 1950s and 1960s, professional scholarship on this subject has all but disappeared. In certain places below we have made an effort to identify subjects about which more research is needed. We hope that in pointing out the areas we will stimulate scholarship on these subjects. NOTE: A BRIEF STATEMENT OF PUBLICATIONS PRINCIPLES The World Future Fund serves as a source of documentary material, reading lists, and internet links from different points of view that we believe have historical significance.

74. Botschaft Von Sri Lanka In Berlin
Includes information about Sri Lanka, operations of the embassy and related links.

75. Government - Germany - Europe
government, germany, europe Germany, Government. After Germany was defeated in World War II, the Allied forces of France, Britain, the United States, and the USSR divided
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Europe Germany Government
Germany, Government
After Germany was defeated in World War II, the Allied forces of France, Britain, the United States, and the USSR divided the country into four zones. In 1948 France, Britain, and the United States merged their zones into one region while the Soviet Union imposed Communist rule over its zone. In 1949 this division of Germany was perpetuated by the creation of East and West Germany. In West Germany, a council composed of members of the state legislatures created the Basic Law, or constitution, in 1948 and 1949. It was approved by the state legislatures and by U.S., British, and French occupation authorities. The Basic Law established West Germany as a parliamentary democracy and a federation of states. It has been amended many times, most recently in the 1990s to help anchor the unification of East and West Germany in the constitution. At that point, Germany decided to reconstitute the five original states of East Germany and to admit them, one by one, into the federal union without changing the basic structure of the West German system. The Unity Treaty of 1990 permitted East Germany to retain some of its laws that conflicted with West German statutes until the all-German parliament could bring about a uniform settlement. Between 1991 and 1993 a joint legislative commission on constitutional reform worked on a series of proposals, some of which have since been approved. One was a series of amendments anticipating the Maastricht Treaty and other linkages with the EU. Another proposed the privatization of the federal railway and postal systems. There was also a lengthy list of additional constitutional rights and guarantees, such as rights to a place of work and adequate housing, and a guarantee of state protection of the environment. Most of these are quite controversial and have not yet been enacted. A two-thirds vote of both houses of the parliament is necessary to amend the Basic Law.

76. Botschaft Der Republik Jemen
Featuring a history of Yemen since the time of the Queen of Sheba, and also information for tourists. In English and German.
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Startseite Republik Jemen Jemen und Deutschland Konsulat ... Tourismus Sehr geehrte Besucher, ich begrüße Sie auf der Webseite der Botschaft der Republik Jemen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie wichtige Informationen über unser Land sowie über die deutsch-jemenitischen Beziehungen, die bis ins 17. Jahrhundert zurückreichen. Bereits Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts kannte der Westen den berühmten Mokka-Kaffee, der seinen Namen der jemenitischen Hafenstadt Mocca verdankt, von wo aus er nach Europa und in die ganze Welt verschifft wurde. Der Forschungsreisende Carsten Niebuhr gilt als der Erste, der die Deutschen nach seiner Orientreise im 18. Jahrhundert über den Jemen informierte. In der jüngeren Geschichte ist das Jahr 1990 hervorzuheben, in dem wie in Deutschland auch der Jemen nach jahrzehntelanger Teilung seine Wiedervereinigung erreichen konnte.
In diesem Jahr nun begehen wir den 40igsten Jahrestag der Wiederaufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Republik Jemen, aber auch 40 Jahre entwicklungspolitische Zusammenarbeit mit Deutschland.
Mit dieser Seite möchten wir Ihnen auch einen Überblick über die die historischen Stätten, die Kultur und die landschaftliche Schönheit unseres Landes vermitteln und Sie einladen, den Jemen einmal zu besuchen.

77. FEAST >> Germany >> Government
Germany is a federal, parliamentary, representative, democratic republic with over 82.5 million people (2005). The German political system operates under a framework laid out
Germany: Government
Germany is a federal, parliamentary, representative, democratic republic with over 82.5 million people (2005). The German political system operates under a framework laid out in the 1949 constitutional document known as the Grundgesetz (“Basic Lawâ€). Amendments to the Grundgesetz require a two-thirds majority of both chambers of parliament; the articles guaranteeing fundamental rights, a democratic state, and the right to resist attempts to overthrow the constitution are valid in perpetuity and cannot be amended. The Grundgesetz remained in effect, with minor amendments, after German reunification in 1990. As a result of the second world war Germany has developed to a federal republic, characterized through two chambers: The “Bundestag†on the one hand and the “Bundesrat†on the other. While the “Bundestag†is directly elected to form the national parliament, the “Bundesrat†represents the 16 state governments.

78. Embassy Of Bangladesh
Features general information about Bangladesh and its society, economy, government and tourism, as well as description of consular service provided and related links.

79. 1Up Travel > Germany Government - Facts On Government Of Germany Is Here.
Wanted to find out info about Government of Germany with respect to Country name, Data code, Dependency status, Government type, Capital, Administrative divisions, Dependent
Enter your search terms Submit search form Web You are here International Europe Germany
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Germany Government
Germany Government Top of Page Country name: conventional long form: Federal Republic of Germany
conventional short form: Germany local long form: Bundesrepublik Deutschland local short form: Deutschland former: German Empire, German Republic, German Reich Government type: federal republic Capital: Berlin Administrative divisions: 16 states (Laender, singular - Land); Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thueringen Independence: 18 January 1871 (German Empire unification); divided into four zones of occupation (UK, US, USSR, and later, France) in 1945 following World War II; Federal Republic of Germany (FRG or West Germany) proclaimed 23 May 1949 and included the former UK, US, and French zones; German Democratic Republic (GDR or East Germany) proclaimed 7 October 1949 and included the former USSR zone; unification of West Germany and East Germany took place 3 October 1990; all four powers formally relinquished rights 15 March 1991

80. Ägyptische Botschaft In Berlin
Includes facts about Egyptian-German relations, and about the Library of Alexandria.

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