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         Glass Art:     more books (100)
  1. Glass Art by Peter Layton, 1996-11
  2. Glass Candlesticks of the Depression Era by Gene Florence, Cathy Florence, 2006-05-15
  3. Lark Studio Series: Art Tiles by Ray Hemachandra, 2010-10-05
  4. Beyond Basic Stained Glass Making: Techniques and Tools to Expand Your Abilities (Stackpole Beyong Basics)
  5. Techniques of Glass Engraving by Peter Dreiser, Jonathan Matcham, 2008-05-01
  6. Depression Era Art Deco Glass (Schiffer Book for Collectors) by Leslie Pina, Paula Ockner, 1999-01
  7. The Big Book of Fenton Glass by John Walk, 2004-02
  8. 390 Traditional Stained Glass Designs (Dover Pictorial Archive Series) by Hywel G. Harris, 1996-02-29
  9. Art Nouveau Windows Stained Glass Pattern Book (Dover Pictorial Archive Series) by Carolyn Relei, 2000-04-19
  10. Fifty Years of Collectible Glass 1920-1970: Easy Identification and Price Guide : Tableware, Kitchenware, Barware and Water Sets (Identification and Price Guide , Vol 1) by Tom Bredehoft, Neila Bredehoft, 1997-12
  11. Dichroics: Art Glass All Dressed Up by Jackie Paciello-Truty, 2002-11
  12. Paper Stained Glass: Color-by-Number Art for Your Windows (Klutz)
  13. Lamination (Glass Handbooks) by George Papadopoulos, 2011-03-15
  14. The Arts of Fire: Islamic Influences on Glass and Ceramics of the Italian Renaissance

61. Art Glass World - Free Stained Glass Patterns & Art Glass Directory
See our News Events section for the latest news and events in stained glass, glass fusing and glass art, including upcomming craft shows and art competitions.
... The World's Best Resource for Art Glass
sponsored by
Diamond Tech International
Art Glass World is the world’s best resource for information on stained glass, glass fusing and glass art. Whether you are looking for free stained glass patterns, an online art gallery, or a stained glass class or supply store near you, Art Glass World has everything you need.
FREE Patterns
Get links to dozens of Free Glass Patterns at Art Glass World. Find everything from easy beginner patterns to more difficult glass art designs. There are patterns for making suncatchers, box lids, windows and transoms, and even stained glass lamps. All patterns are courtesy of our sponsor and its partners. Please contact the original owner of the pattern for questions Free Fall Friends Votive Project Guide Free Hestia Necklace Project Guide Free Bella Dora Necklace Project Guide More Free Patterns... ...
Stained Glass News
See our section for the latest news and events in stained glass, glass fusing and glass art, including upcomming craft shows and art competitions.
Breaking News: New and Expanded College List
See our new and expanded list of College Programs . Find colleges and universities offering courses and even full degree programs in glass crafts. Our comprehensive list includes schools in America and abroad.
Artists Gallery
Visit the Glass Gallery to see what others are doing in stained glass or fusing! This site now features a live datafeed from Delphi's Artist Gallery which offers hundreds of projects from its online community of glass artists. Browse the gallery for inspiration for your next project, or join the community yourself. You can join the Delphi Artist Gallery completely free of charge, and share your artwork with the world!

62. S T A I N E D G L A S S A R T B Y K I N U K O
Stained glass gallery with tutorial and patterns.
March 22, 1929 - November 03, 2004
Vancouver BC Canada
Site design -

'the Hobby Rail'
Leslie Kenny
Director of Educational Research
Division of Lightspan, Inc. This Stained Glass Artists site
is owned by Kinuko Laskey Want to join the Stained Glass Artists Skip Prev Prev Next ... List Sites This Art Glass Gifts site owned by Kinuko Laskey Previous 5 Sites Previous Next Next 5 Sites ... List Sites src=";y=kinukolaskey;u=99574314710430220"> This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here GL'S Hot-GLASS Link Exchange

63. Fused Glass Supplies, Glass Decals,Stained Glass Supplies, Precut Glass, Free Pa
Glass Art Patterns, Glass Education Free Glass Patterns Projects,Fusible Glass Decals, Stained Glass Supplies, Fused Glass Supplies, Mosaic Supplies, precut glass
Precut Glass
Stained Glass Supplies
Fused Glass Supplies
Mosaic Glass Supplies
A Sanborn Corporation
PO Box 86747
Madeira Beach, FL 33738
Phone: (727) 397-3073
Fax: (866) 814-0525 Current Free Projects provide Art Glass education thru Free Glass Projects, Precut Glass, and FREE Glass patterns for the Glass Enthusiast, the Glass Instructor to a professional glass artist. Our goal: To make it fun and easy for you to make art glass projects and build your skills!

64. Artists In Stained Glass (AISG)
An online association promoting stained glass art, with photos, news, articles, events, a message board, and links.
Artists in Stained Glass
Featured Artist Sea Robin Glass Click here to find a stained glass artist or studio in your area
by Elizabeth Steinebach on September 20, 2010
Filed Under: NEWS

Permalink to this Article Contact Name : Dianna Gattone Contact Email : Message:
Change of Address
by Elizabeth Steinebach on September 20, 2010
Filed Under: NEWS

Permalink to this Article
DichroMagic has moved: Austin Thin Films, Inc. 16813 Radholme Ct. Bldg. B Round Rock, TX 78664
Exhibitor Insurance
by Elizabeth Steinebach on September 20, 2010
Filed Under: NEWS

Permalink to this Article
This came in as a email. for those of you out and about, or are just starting to go to markets, shows etc. Please contact Kim directly about exhibitor insurance. Kim Libenstein, R.I.B.(Ont.) Canfinse Group Inc. Your Insurance House 5000 Dufferin Street, Suite 215 Toronto, ON M3H5T5 Phone: 416-667-9177 Mobile: 416-219-9336 Fax: 1-866-591-5613 E-mail:

65. Masters Glass Art
I recently took pictures of some of my fused glass earrings for my website. These glass earrings are one of them. I bought the dichroic glass in this pattern, so I just cut
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Masters Glass Art

66. Stained Glass Guild Of Kansas - Home
A nonprofit organization of Kansas individuals interested in the understanding and appreciation of stained glass art.
Build your own FREE website at Share: Facebook Twitter Digg reddit document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard']); document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard2']); Stained Glass Guild of Kansas Home Membership Contact Us Calendar ... Links Welcome to our web site!
Join us as we enjoy the beauty of stained glass.
The Stained Glass Guild of Kansas is a organization of Kansas individuals interested in fostering greater understanding and appreciation of stained glass art in our state. The organization provides activities for membership participation in craft training and related information through sharing of new products, processes and techniques. It is open to all persons 16 years and older, whether a seasoned professional or the new comer who wants to know how to make a simple light catcher. Fan Project: Valerie's fabulous fish We invite you to visit us or attend an event. Our members are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the organization and how you can join. Click to see more meeting photos Please get in touch to ask questions or offer comments.

67. Family Memorials LLC - Home
A laser etching company for Memorials. Glass Art Laser Process Portraits Scenes Emblems Misc . If you are interested in receiving information regarding any aspect of the

68. Paul Radford, Glass Artist Specialising In Sand Etched Glass Panels, Mirrors, Wi
Showcases the etched and frosted commissioned glass art of Paul Radford.
Artistic Glass Frosting
Welcome, this site showcases some of the
etched glass art of Paul Radford
Click here to
view web presentation
or go direct to Gallery
Etched Glass Art is not new; but it is unique, unusual and rare. It could be described as a blend of the painter's imagery with the texture and shape of the sculptor.
See article in Sunday Times
12 Nov 2001
or here to view new
feature window
Every piece of etched glass is a unique, one-off design. The etching is achieved by sandblasting various glass panes; some of the art is sandblasted onto a single sheet of glass, whilst other images are sectioned onto multiple layers of glass to create a 3D effect.
Still other art is etched onto the front and/or rear of mirror panels. Some mirrors have clear etched panes in front resulting in glass panels that are up to 19mm (3/4") in thickness. All images are relief with effects such as "brilliant" cutting, bevelling and colouring. The results are quite stunning and can be used as a feature window or mirror in your home or office. Reproduction work on glass panels for existing cupboards and door sidelights can also be done. If you are looking for uniquely stunning and decorative artwork

69. Juno Glass Art And Jewelry
Gallery of fused glass art, functional art and jewelry produced by glass artist Jane Domke. Includes artist statement, process outline and gallery listings.
Jane Domke operates Juno Glass Art and Jewelry from her studio in Columbia, Missouri. Works created in the studio range from jewelry to functional objects like plates, bowls, and vessels. She has been producing glass art since 1996. Domke is a juried member of the Best of Missouri Hands . She is also a regular contributor to the Warm Glass Bulletin Board and the Glass Artists Photo Gallery The primary purpose of this website is to display the type of works created in Domke's studio. Since each piece is individually produced, what is available at any time varies. To purchase Domke's work, please visit the galleries and museum shops listed, or contact her directly
Glass Art
Jewelry New! ... About

70. École De Vitrail Et De Création - Stained-glass And Fine Arts College
Offers academic, technical, and artistic training as a stained glass artist. Features curriculum and details about internships. In Monthey, Switzerland.

71. Craft Site Directory - Glass Art
Craft Site Directory guide to finding glass arts and crafts and related web sites on the Internet.

Free Newsletter
Add/Update Website Main Page
Craft Site Directory: Glass Art - Remember to
In this category you can find informational sites about glass arts and crafts, supplies and tools for artists and crafters who work with glass, along with links to art galleries and craft shops with handcrafted glass items available. See also the glass art sub-categories below.
Glass Art Sub Categories: Glass Blowing Lampwork Mosaics Stained Glass ...
Newsletter Sign-Up Desk

= Information
= Art and Craft Supplies
= Finished, Handmade Goods
  • tms Studios Warehouse Offers a variety of kiln formed glass classes at affordable prices, including introduction to fused glass jewelry and kiln carving. Classes change all the time. The studio also offers a full range of glass, glass products and kilns so students can enjoy fusing at home.
  • Art of Glass Art of Glass offers translucent, beautifully handpainted, original art on glass vases, pitchers, stemware, bowls, tableware, and candleholders.
  • The International Guild of Glass Artists The International Guild of Glass Artists, Inc. is an international non-profit organization of artists, artisans and craftspeople who work with glass as a craft and art medium. Their mission: To facilitate communication among glass artists, to encourage education and promote excellence in the glass arts. Techniques and media used by members are diverse and include acid-etching, copper foil, fusing and slumping, glassblowing and casting, painting on glass, lampworking and flameworking, lead, zinc and copper came, glass mosaics, neon, sandblasting, and more.

72. East Falls Glassworks - Philadelphia Glass Blowing Studio And Gallery
Philadelphia glass blowing studio and gallery, offering classes, studio rentals and glass art for sale by local artists.

73. Art Glass At NJM Gallery. Glass Art Vases, Paperweights, Art Glass Gallery
Art Glass at NJM Gallery. Premier retailer of glass art vases, paperweights and more by America's finest glass artists.

74. Chicago Hot Glass
Glass arts center offering classes in glassblowing, kilnforming, flameworking, and casting. Includes class schedule and events calendar.
Chicago Hot Glass
  • CHICAGO HOT GLASS Chicago's largest Glass Studio
    You are here: Home
    Holiday Ornament / 1hr. Workshop
    Our #1 Hit class is back, Book your spots early! Have you ever wanted to make your own glass holiday ornaments? In this 1 hour introductory flameworking workshop you will blow at least 5 of your very own glass ornaments. You will be surprised at how easy it is to make these beautiful glass decorations. No experience required. Please be sure to wear all natural, non-synthetic fiber clothing (cotton, linen, silk, etc.), and closed toe shoes. Also if you have long hair be sure to tie it back or bring a cap. $65 per session To book a class please call the studio at 773 394 3252 to insure availability and reserve your spot.
    In addition to the regularly scheduled workshops we can schedule a private workshop for groups of 6 or more. Please call for details.

    To browse and sign up for classes, click on "Traditional Glassblowing" under the "Classes" menu at the top of the page.
    Chicago Hot glass on TV!

75. GLASS-ART Trial - Neuradiab�, Glioblastoma Multiforme, Brain Cancer Trials, GBM
GLASSART trial is a Phase III clinical study testing Neuradiab , an investigational drug for the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM)
About Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM)
About the GLASS-ART Trial
At the direction of Bradmer Pharmaceuticals, the trial sponsor, the Phase III GLASS-ART Trial has been closed to further patient enrollment. The company continues to support and track the progress of all patients currently enrolled in the GLASS-ART Trial. For more information, please consult resources available at the company website, , or send email to

About Neuradiab
Neuradiab is an investigational drug currently in the clinical testing process established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the evaluation of new drugs. The GLASS-ART Trial is a Phase III clinical trial testing Neuradiab . The acronym GLASS-ART stands for: G BM L ocoregional A gent S urvival S tudy -
A nti-tenascin R adiolabeled antibody T herapy. The purpose of the GLASS-ART Trial is to determine if adding the study drug Neuradiab to standard treatment regimen, which is composed of surgery followed by radiation and chemotherapy treatment, will be a better treatment than standard therapy alone. The content of this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a health care professional.

76. Glass Art | Just Glass Online
If you want to appreciate the craft of glass art, it helps to begin by knowing a little about the history of the medium and the studio glass art movement. Glass art developed
var AKPC_IDS = ""; @import url( ); Categories Just Glass Pages Top Ten Articles
  • Wine Glasses Glass Makers MarksIdentification Assistance Stained Glass Windows Glass Art ...
    Glass Art
    March 4th, 2008 by Just Glass Online Like it? Share it: Glass art evolved from techniques developed within the glassmaking industry and craftsmannship from the old art glass movement into the modern studio art glass movement. Art glass techniques include Lampwork (using torch flame to work glass), glass bead making, casting and fusing glass, stained glass and, perhaps best known in the studio glass genre; hand glass blowing. Forms in glass art range from stained glass panels and mosaics to vases, bowls and even intricate sculptures.
    The surreal creations of famed glass artist Dale Chihuly and his collaborative teams have been displayed around the world. Chiluly is perhaps best known for his floating glass globes. History of Art Glass As both a functional and decorative craft, glassmaking was practiced in ancient Egypt and Assyria, and further developed by the Romans, who invented the glassmaking method of glass blowing.

77. Glas Glass Artwork Fusing Glassfusing Spaceart/Bibbi Ahrnstedt Sweden Artwork Sw
Glass art inspired by planets and galaxies, crafted by Swedish artist Bibbi Ahrnstedt.
Art glass
Bibbi Ahrnstedt Sweden

78. Custom Glass; Hand Made Art Glass, Art Glass Mall, Buy Direct
Glass Art World Hand made custom Art Glass. Buy direct from Glass Artist’s shopping carts. Art Glass Gifts Stained Glass, Fused Glass, Hand Blown, Beads, Custom Jewelry
Sunday, November 14, 2010 HOME GO SHOP CART Features CART SIGNUP ... CONTACT US Glass Art World is an eCommerce Mall Community bringing together Glass Artists, Merchants and Art Glass Buyers. Our goal is to provide an Online Mall like environment where artists and suppliers can offer their custom art glass and glass products to: custom art glass buyers, collectors or even other Glass Artists who want to create their own handmade custom glass. Shoppers: As our Mall grows, you are sure to be pleased with a large selection of Art Glass products and supplies available directly from individual Glass Artist and Suppliers! From now on, will be your first and only stop to meet all your Art Glass needs. Glass Artists or Glass Art Suppliers: Interested in joining our online Mall Community? Get a minimum of 30 days FREE use of a Shopping Cart upon signup! Shopping Carts include unlimited inventory and an extensive list of features at only $20/month!

79. DecoVitro
Decorative and functional fused glass art.

80. Glass Art Chicago, Specializing In Unique Handmade Glass Vases, Bowls, Paperweig
Visit us to find an online store specializing in unique handmade glass, vases, bowls, figurines, votives, paperweights




... contact Glass Art Chicago, LTD is specializing in Unique Handmade Glass. We look for colorful one of a kind glass art pieces that are hard to find anywhere. The products we carry are Handmade glass bowls, handmade glass, hand made glass, hand made glass bowls, handmade glass vases, hand made glass vases, handmade exotic glass vases, hand made exotic glass vases, handmade glass paperweights, hand made glass paperweights, handmade glass paper weights, hand made glass paper weights, handmade glass figurines, hand made glass figurines, glass blown figurines, handmade figurines, glass seashells, glass sea shells, exotic vases, glass art, art glass, unique glass art, glass vases, glass bowls, glass paperweights, glass figurines, glass votives, one of a kind, exotic glass, Glass Eye Studio, Eickholt Glass, Nielsen-Nisley Artworks, Badash Crystal, Baijan Glass, Jozefina Glass, Polish Glass, Polish handmade glass, Russian Glass, Russian handmade glass, US Made Glass, American Made Glass, unique gifts.

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