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81. Wisconsin Bankruptcy Help Information concerning state bankruptcy practice and courts. http://www.wisconsinbankruptcyhelp.com | |
82. Wisconsin Department Of Corrections Offers information and news about facilities, services, and inmates. http://www.wi-doc.com/ | |
83. Government Law Firms - - Naturalization Facts Selecting a government law attorney for your legal case is a very important decision. Please enter a zip code to find an attorney that serves your area http://www.governmentlawfirms.com/ | |
84. Connecticut State Library Law Legislative Reference Unit Information on holdings at the Connecticut State Library in Hartford. http://www.cslib.org/llru.htm | |
85. Research Databases For Government & Law, Carnegie Library Of Pittsburgh Logging on from home or work? You can log into almost all of the databases listed below from outside the library using your library barcode number. http://www.clpgh.org/research/government/databases.html | |
86. A Public Defender « Discussing recent developments in criminal law, with a focus on the state of Connecticut. http://apublicdefender.com/ |
87. Government Law Search Engine Directory Government Law Search Engine Directory find government law information faster by searching multiple government law search engines from one place. http://www.isleuth.com/lega.html | |
88. Tulumaksuseadus (terviktekst Mai 2004) A translation into English of the entire Estonian income tax law (consolidated text May 2004). http://www.legaltext.ee/text/en/X40007K9.htm | |
89. Features - An Overview Of Estonian Law And Web Resources | LLRX.com An overview of Estonian laws and legal system. Includes pointers to relevant web resources. http://www.llrx.com/features/estonian.htm | |
90. Juridica An interactive database of juridical information about Estonia, primarily for lawyers. Estonian, English http://www.juridica.ee/ | |
91. Constitution Of The Republic Of Estonia Translation into English of the nation s constitution, 15 chapters in all. http://www.president.ee/en/estonia/constitution.php | |
92. Estonian Legislation In English Translations of Estonian legislation into English made available online. Estonian, English http://www.legaltext.ee/indexen.htm |
93. MGA Statutes Text Page 1 Current statute text from the Maryland General Assembly. http://mlis.state.md.us/asp/web_statutes.asp | |
94. Taxation.ch Information on Swiss Tax Law, corporate and individual income taxes, withholding taxes, stamp duties, VAT, international tax law of Switzerland and Tax News. http://www.taxation.ch/ |
95. Features - Introduction To The Swiss Legal System: A Guide For Foreign Researche Article and additional links by Fridolin M.R. Walther about many aspects. http://www.llrx.com/features/swiss.htm | |
96. Korkein Hallinto-oikeus - Etusivu Activities, organization and annual reports of the highest court in administrative cases. http://www.kho.fi/ | |
97. FINLEX Data Bank Database of laws, decrees, international treaties and precedents. English translations available for some laws. http://www.finlex.fi/english/index.html | |
98. Ministry Of Justice, Finland - Constitution Information on the new constitution and the development of the Finnish constitutional system. http://www.om.fi/en/Etusivu/Perussaannoksia/Perustuslaki | |
99. Übersetzer - Englisch - Bonn Words-Worth GbR Muttersprachliche Übersetzer List of links in alphabetical order by German language to German laws available in English translation. http://www.words-worth.de/ | |
100. Rechtsanwälte Tigges German law firm with information about the team, the fields of activity, the locations and news. http://www.tigges-info.de/ | |
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