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41. The Grammar Slammer Family Of Grammar & Spelling Programs Grammar reference in Windows Help file format. Shareware. http://englishplus.com/gramslam.htm | |
42. Learning Grammar - From Teacher To Teacher Grammar practice for ESL students. I have produced these grammar notes and testing materials for ESL students at Frankfurt International School (FIS). http://esl.fis.edu/grammar/general/about1.htm | |
43. Guide To Grammar And Writing Contains scores of digital handouts on grammar and English usage, computer-graded quizzes, and recommendations on writing in various issues. Acrobat Reader, sound card, and PowerPoint recommended but not required. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/ | |
44. Canberra Grammar School - Scholarships Click here to download more information about a Canberra Grammar General Diocesan Scholarship. Click here to download an application form for a Canberra Grammar General Diocesan http://www.cgs.act.edu.au/scholarships.html |
45. Schoolhouse Rock - Grammar Rock Offers lyrics to songs that aid with grammar and parts of speech. http://www.postdiluvian.org/~gilly/Schoolhouse_Rock/HTML/grammar/grammar.html | |
46. Boost! Grammar | English Raven EFL/ESL Resources Boost! Grammar General Approach and Priorities. The Boost! Integrated Skills Series encompasses 4 levels and 5 separate strands http://www.englishraven.com/Grammar_Boost.html | |
47. [Grammar] General.2 - UsingEnglish.com ESL Forum I,ll kill you if you won’t tell me the truth. What will you do if he stops crying? Where do we go if you win the game? What will happen if you talk to him? How will you http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/ask-teacher/129417-general-2-a.html | |
48. LINGUIST List 14.709: Generative Grammar/General Linguistics LINGUIST List 14.709 Tue Mar 11 2003 Calls Generative Grammar/General Linguistics. Editor for this issue Marie Klopfenstein marie linguistlist.org http://linguistlist.org/issues/14/14-709.html | |
49. Introduction To Traditional Grammar Explains the basics of modern English grammar and Old English grammar, using the traditional grammatical terms found in dictionaries, glossaries, and textbooks. http://www.soton.ac.uk/~wpwt/notes/grammar.htm | |
50. Clerical And Office Skills - Grammar - General Examinees are asked to select grammatically correct sentences. Course Overview Examinees are asked to select grammatically correct sentences. http://coursesnow.com.au/course/clerical-and-office-skills-grammar-general/ |
51. English Teaching Short Introductory Grammar/general Knowledge Quiz a short 20 question powerpoint quiz that combines simple grammar/vocab questions with general knowledge http://www.topenglishteaching.com/english_teaching.asp?id=10077 |
52. Sanskrit Grammar/General Index - Wikisource aaorist (simple aorist, 2), 824, 846–54 in the later language, 846; roots forming it in the older language, 847; inflection, 848; modes, 849–51; participles, 852 http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Sanskrit_Grammar/General_Index |
53. 50 Years Of Stupid Grammar Advice - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle Of High An essay criticizing the grammar rules in, and grammar of, Strunk and White s The Elements of Style. http://chronicle.com/free/v55/i32/32b01501.htm | |
54. LINGUIST List 11.1236: Cognitive Grammar, General Theoretical Ling LINGUIST List 11.1236 Fri Jun 2 2000 Books Cognitive Grammar, General Theoretical Ling. Editor for this issue Scott Fults scott linguistlist.org http://linguistlist.org/issues/11/11-1236.html | |
55. Old English Language Grammar By Cyril Babaev An online Old English grammar that covers nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, auxiliary words, phonetics, dialects, and other grammatical topics. By Cyril Babaev. http://members.tripod.com/babaev/archive/grammar41.html | |
56. Lecture Notes About Grammar(general) • Every writer has their own unique style • The way they put words together, the words that they use, all denote the individual • At the same time, there are common rules http://kosmicki.com/101/grammarppt.htm | |
57. King Alfred Grammar A complete Old English grammar by Michael Drout. http://acunix.wheatonma.edu/mdrout/GrammarBook2005/KAGrammar.html | |
58. PC-based SkillCheck Grammar – General Letter Setup Math – General Office Manager Skills Proofreading Receptionist Skills Secretarial Skills Shorthand (Audio) Spelling – Business http://www.waldentesting.com/admintests/skillcheck.htm | |
59. CSLI Center For The Study Of Language And Information -- Stanford University Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) research at Stanford University. People, research, publications, mailing list, links. http://www-csli.stanford.edu/ | |
60. IRIDIA Projects Project description. http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/Projects/phras.html | |
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