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21. CPGB: History Of The Communist Party Of Great Britain The Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) was established in August 1920 and rapidly grew to a membership of 2,500. Prior to its formation, attempts were made to establish a http://marxists.org/history/international/comintern/sections/britain/history.htm | |
22. Billy Bray Memorial Trust Memorial at Baldhu, Cornwall to the Cornish tin mining Methodist evangelist. Biography, forthcoming events, history of Three Eyes chapel, visitor information and souvenirs. http://www.aandfmeredith.talktalk.net/BillyBray/ |
23. GREAT BRITAIN: History's Revenge - TIME Apr 03, 1950 Winston Churchill went to Manchester one day in 1906 to attend to some politicking. While there, Churchill was entertained by the local Liberal Party campaign chairman http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,934881,00.html |
24. FL Great Britain - History FL Selenia develops, produces and distributes a range of lubricants and functional fluids for autotraction and industry, and its storical cooperation with the constructors warrants http://www.flselenia.co.uk/content/view/16/21/ | |
25. The North Lancashire Wesley Historical Society Provides information about the society and its meetings together with some facts regarding the history of Methodism in North Lancashire. http://web.ukonline.co.uk/whsnl/ | |
26. Browse Subject: Women -- Education -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th Century - Browsing subject area Women Education Great Britain History 19th century Sources (Include extended shelves) http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/browse?type=lcsubc&key=Wome |
27. 1841 - Royal Pharmaceutical Society Of Great Britain = History Of Scholarly Soci Year Authority / Notes; 1841 According to its website, the Society was founded on 1841, April 15. According to a record in the British Lib. cat., the Pharmaceutical Journal and http://www.scholarly-societies.org/history/1841rpsgb.html | |
28. Mount Zion Chapel, Ogden, Halifax Bradshaw, Halifax. Oldest surviving New Connexion chapel which houses the Horace Hird Collection of Methodist Ceramics. History, news open days and service times plus a search for grave and burial details. http://www.mountzionhalifax.org.uk/ | |
29. BiblioVault - Uneven Developments: The Ideological Work Of Gender In Mid-Victori Divorce Great Britain History 19th century. Sex role in literature. Anesthesia in obstetrics History 19th century. Sex role Great Britain History 19th century. http://www.bibliovault.org/BV.book.epl?ISBN=9780226675305 |
30. Methodism In The Isle Of Man History of and links to Manx Methodism. http://www.isle-of-man.com/manxnotebook/methdism/ | |
31. CSU Libraries: Elizabethan/Stuart History Great Britain History Elizabeth 1558 1603 ; Great Britain History James I 1603 1625; Great Britain History Tudors 1485 1603 ; Great Britain History Stuarts 1603 1714 http://lib.colostate.edu/research/english/Elizhist.html |
32. Methodist Heritage Provides a guide to the main locations in Britain with buildings or sites of particular Methodist historic interest. UK events, UK map, research centre and visitor information. http://www.forsaith-oxon.demon.co.uk/methodist-heritage/ |
33. REWLACH Welcome North Staffordshire Methodism heritage archive centre. Introduction, map, various articles including genealogy and church historical notes, notice board and contact. http://www.rewlach.org.uk/ | |
34. Great Britain › History, Naval › 19th Century › Fiction | LibraryThing Books under subject heading Great Britain History, Naval 19th century Fiction http://www.librarything.com/subject.php?subject=Great Britain History, Naval 19t |
35. The Wesley Historical Society Dedicated to the study of the history and literature of early Methodism, research into the Wesleys and development of the Methodist movement. Overview, events, genealogy, membership and library. http://www.wesleyhistoricalsociety.org.uk/ |
36. WPS - Great Britain History The Gunpowder Plot Parliament Treason 1605 http//www.gunpowderplot.parliament.uk Britain's parliament has created this site to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Guy http://www.wrentham.k12.ma.us/C9/C1/Great Britain History/default.aspx | |
37. Methodist Missionary Society History Project - Homepage Concerned with the effects world wide of missionary activity of British and Irish Methodism. Offers events, mail list, research, papers and projects. http://www2.div.ed.ac.uk/other/mms/ | |
38. Marriages Of Royalty And Nobility › Great Britain › History › 16th Century Books under subject heading Marriages of royalty and nobility Great Britain History 16th century http://www.librarything.com/subject/Marriages of royalty and nobility Great Brit |
39. Primitive Methodism An account of the origins of Primitive Methodism in this village. Includes history, Hugh Bourne, William Clowes, churches and centenary. http://www.mowcop.info/htm/church/primitive2.htm | |
40. Wesley Cottage At Trewint Near Launceston In Cornwall Where John Wesley, The Fou Trewint, Cornwall. The story of this national monument of rooms built for John Wesley to stay in when he preached in the area. Events and opening times. http://www.lamc.org.uk/wesleycottage/ |
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