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81. Arachne, The Price Of Weaver's Pride, Spinning And Weaving Story from Greek mythology about Arachne boasting of her yarn spinning and cloth weaving skills, resulting in Athena turning her into a spider for the remainder of her life. From the Apple Hollow Farm web site. http://www.applehollow.com/arachne.html | |
82. Mr. Dowling's Greek Mythology Page The ancient Greeks believed in a pantheon of gods. Discover Greek mythology in a lesson designed for middle school students. http://www.mrdowling.com/701-mythology.html | |
83. MetroActive Movies | The Brandon Teena Story Richard von Busack s article about the movie incorporates Greek mythology and Stanley Kubrick into the review. http://www.metroactive.com/papers/sfmetro/02.15.99/brandonteenstory-9905.html | |
84. Maldon Marbles - Traditional Marble Sculpture Inspired by Greek mythology, the artist carves classical bas-reliefs in Italian marble from his Australian studio. Features include photo gallery, biography and contact information. http://www.maldonmarbles.com/ | |
85. Greek Mythology - What To Expect David Sheppard s e-books exploring ancient Greek mythology and culture in the American experience. http://greek-myth.com/ | |
86. Apollodorus, Library, Book 1, Chapter 1, Section 1 Frazer s summary of Apollodorus handbook of Greek mythology all aspects of ancient texts, and including a superb image library. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Texts/apollod.summ.html |
87. Greek Mythology Student project comprising a library of Greek myths and deities, and outline of the Odyssey and Heracles Labours. http://library.thinkquest.org/C005321/tq/ | |
88. EUHEMERUS And The Greek Myths A new look at the myths of the Greek seen as portions of a much older, lost historical tradition. A detailed on-line book by William Harris, Professor Emeritus, Middlebury College. http://community.middlebury.edu/~harris/SubIndex/greekmyth.html | |
89. Greek Mythology Covers the Olympian gods and goddesses, heroes and major mythological stories. http://www.historylink102.com/greece2/index.htm | |
90. Greek Mythology Kidsafe site devoted to the heroes, gods and monsters of Greek mythology. http://www.mythweb.com/ | |
91. The Immortals * Greek Mythology: From The Iliad To The Fall Of The Last Tyrant List of gods, goddesses, and other creatures of Greek mythology. http://www.messagenet.com/myths/immortals.html | |
92. The Greek Mythology Link Moved Permanently Carlos Parada explains who each of the Greek leaders in the Trojan War were and lists the troops under their command. http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/ACHAEANLEADERS.html |
93. Hector Hector - a great character in Greek mythology, fearless fighter in the Trojan War, hero of Troy http://www.hector.com |
94. Hayami And Mutio: A Bridge Between Races Relationship shrine with images, arguments, counter-arguments, links, and a comparison between the series species and creatures from Greek mythology. http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/hayamimutio/ | |
95. Greek Mythology: Odysseus The Odyssey. The illustrated wanderings of the hero Odysseus after the Trojan War. Based on Homer s epic from Greek Mythology. http://www.mythweb.com/odyssey/ | |
96. Latchis Hotel & Theater One of only two Art Deco buildings in Vermont features a movie theater designed in a Greek-mythology motif and a full service boutique hotel. Includes current movies, live events and building history. http://www.latchis.com/ | |
97. Lovers Legends, The Gay Greek Myths, By Andrew Calimach Book on homosexual Greek mythology, illustrated with vase paintings, sculptures and frescoes. Story of Tantalus, Pelops and Poseidon on line. http://www.haidukpress.com/LoversLegends/ |
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