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81. How To Look After Your Guinea Pigs Teeth Having experienced the hard end of the topic, I have learnt a few ways to deal Guinea Pigs (Pet Care) http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-look-after-your-guineapigs-teeth |
82. Guinea Pig Information An opinion on the approach to care of guinea pigs. http://www.galensgarden.co.uk/herbivores/cavy/index.php | |
83. Ãëàâíàÿ :: Òóðû â Êàëüêóòòó A rescue located in Southwestern Michigan. http://www.sweetpigsrescue.com/ |
84. LA Guinea Pig Rescue Organization located in Chatsworth, California. Lists adoptable animals and general care information. http://www.laguineapigrescue.com | |
85. CT Guinea Pig Rescue Dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of abandoned and neglected guinea pigs. Located in Connecticut. http://www.ctguineapigrescue.org |
86. Database Error Guinea pig community with forums, FAQs, games, and chat. http://www.cavycompendium.com/ |
87. Guinea Pigs Rock - Home Forum featuring a variety of information and stories about guinea pigs. http://cuddlycavies.proboards27.com |
88. Cavy Corner - Home Features a guinea pigs forum. http://cavycorners.proboards106.com |
89. Secret Garden Cavies Located in Philadelphia, PA. Breeds several different types of guinea pig. http://secretgardencavies.tripod.com/ | |
90. HOME PAGE Breeder of Teddy, American, and Skinny guinea pigs. Located in Fort Worth, Texas. http://www.nosacrificepigsandbuns.freeservers.com/ | |
91. Main Page @ Piggielandcambs.bravehost.com - A Bravenet.com Hosted Site Guinea Pig breeder and keeper - Includes care, information on buying, photos and availability. http://piggielandcambs.bravehost.com | |
92. Mackenders Stud - A Bravenet.com Hosted Site Caring for guinea pigs / cavies. Feeding, showing, breeding, housing. http://www.mackendersstud.bravehost.com | |
93. Cavy Clan Homepage Includes a forum, picture of guinea pigs, poems, and a medical section. http://www.angelfire.com/pe2/cavyclan/ | |
94. Guineahut A site about Guinea pigs. http://dessie.20megsfree.com/ | |
95. GUINEA PIG GALORE Care, breeding, links, and pictures. http://www.angelfire.com/super2/aussiecav/ | |
96. The Crazy Cavy Personal experiences with guinea pigs, recipes and photo gallery. http://www.freewebs.com/thecrazycavy/ |
97. Cavies Galore - A Guinea Pig Community Message boards, games, polls, and a cavy FAQ. http://www.caviesgalore.com/ | |
98. BeanMakers: Guinea Pig And Cavy Everything! Guinea Pigs Love BeanMakers.com! Advice on care, pictures, and noises. http://beanmakers.com/ |
99. Cavy Corner Contains photographs and care advice. http://www.cavy-corner.0catch.com/ |
100. Guinea Pig Cages, Your Cavy At Home Information about cages and accessories, including suppliers. http://www.guineapigcages.com/ | |
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