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1. Gulf War - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a U.N.authorized coalition force from thirty-four http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_War | |
2. GWVRP Forums - Error Posting in Category Gulf War History http://www.gulfweb.org/fusetalk/messagepost.cfm?catid=8&postaction=post |
3. Veterans Memorial Museum Of Branson Art and exhibits honoring those who fought in World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf, with history of the museum and online ticket sales. http://veteransmemorialbranson.com |
4. The Gulf War An in depth summary of the Gulf War. Gulf War. The Gulf War was perhaps the most efficient war in American History, at least when considering the cost in American lives. http://www.indepthinfo.com/iraq/ | |
5. The Gulf War, History Other, Free Essays @ ChuckIII College Resources Free essays term papers The Gulf War, History Other http://www.chuckiii.com/Reports/History_Other/The_Gulf_War.shtml | |
6. The History Of The Gulf War (1990-91) Hartford Web Publishing is not the author of the documents in World History Archives and does not presume to validate their accuracy or authenticity nor to release http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/27c/index-bea.html | |
7. Memorial Main Page With the historian it is an article of faith that knowledge of the past is a key to understanding the present. Kenneth Stampp http://isite.lps.org/rconradt/Roll of Honor/MP at burmell/Memorial Page Final/Wo | |
8. United States History - The Gulf War United States History. The euphoria caused by the drawing down of the Cold War was dramatically overshadowed by the August 2, 1990, invasion of Kuwait by Iraq http://countrystudies.us/united-states/history-145.htm | |
9. 3rd Brigade - 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized) The 3rd Brigade, one of three in the Army's 3rd Infantry Division, has about 3,600 soldiers overall. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/army/3id-3bde.htm | |
10. Gulf War History Resources Comprehensive Gulf War History Resources. This History resource page is intended to ease the search for quality sites. http://www.snowcrest.net/jmike/gulfwarmil.html | |
11. Gulf War, History_Other, College Term Papers.com Free term papers essays gulf war, History_Other http://www.collegetermpapers.com/TermPapers/History_Other/gulf_war.shtml | |
12. Frontline: The Gulf War | PBS Marking the fifth anniversary of the war with Iraq, FRONTLINE investigates what really happened during the invasion of Kuwait, the months of diplomatic maneuvering, the air war and http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/gulf/ | |
13. Desert Storm The role of Desert Storm in the history of the United States of America. http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h2020.html | |
14. Frontline: The Gulf War: Oral History Examining the Gulf War through the eyes and in the words of those who played major roles. The exclusive FRONTLINE/BBC interviews. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/gulf/oral/ | |
15. USS Missouri Frequently Asked Questions Gulf War History? (Operation Desert Storm) How many Tomahawk missiles did Missouri fire during Operation Desert Storm? 28. Did we use the big guns in the Gulf War? http://www.factplace.com/mightymo.htm | |
16. Gulf War Gulf War In August of 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, for reasons which remain unclear to this day. With the close of decade of war against Iran, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein found http://www.rotten.com/library/history/war/gulf-war/ | |
17. Gulf War History Books - Browse Books Magazines At Bizrate Compare prices on Gulf war History Books with bizrate. Buy Books Magazines from top rated stores. Comparison shopping for Gulf war History Books. http://www.bizrate.com/history-books/gulf-war/ | |
18. Today In Gulf War History Today in Gulf War History. Important events, famous birthdays and historical deaths from our searchable today in history archives. http://www.historyorb.com/war/gulf-war | |
19. Persian Gulf Wars — Infoplease.com Encyclopedia Persian Gulf Wars. Persian Gulf Wars or Gulf Wars, two conflicts involving Iraq and U.S.led coalitions in the late 20th and early 21st cent. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/history/A0838511.html |
20. GWVRP Forums - Gulf War History The Persian Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991)0 Hawk Sat March 14, 2009 233 AM by Hawk The Gulf War A line in the sand 0 Hawk http://www.gulfweb.org/fusetalk/categories.cfm?catid=8 |
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