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         Hepatitis:     more books (100)
  1. Hepatitis C: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
  2. Viral Hepatitis
  3. Models Of Viral Hepatitis (Monographs in Virology)
  4. Understanding Hepatitis by M.D.James L. Achord, 2002-07-15
  5. Viral Hepatitis by E.A. Fagan and T.J. Harrison, 2000-03-01
  6. Immunization Safety Review: Hepatitis B Vaccine and Demyelinating Neurological Disorders by Immunization Safety Review Committee, 2002-10-17
  7. Hepatitis: Webster's Timeline History, 1718 - 1985 by Icon Group International, 2009-02-20
  8. Hepatitis B (STD Briefs) by Waln K. Brown, 2008-01-28
  9. Hepatitis C Virus Disease: Immunobiology and Clinical Applications
  10. Living With Hepatitis C: A Survivor's Guide by Gregory T. Everson, Hedy Weinberg, 1999-03
  11. A Book of Love for those with Hepatitis C 1a by Sheryl Ann Hedrick, 2006-07-06
  12. Hepatitis C, Other Liver Disorders and Liver Health: A Practical Guide by G.C. Farrell, 2002-01-01
  13. When Your Doctor is Wrong, Hepatitis B Vaccine and Autism by Judy Converse, 2002-06-11
  14. 100 Questions&Answers About Hepatitis C: A Lahey Clinic Guide (100 Questions & Answers about) by Stephen C. Fabry, R. Anand Narasimhan, 2006-10-04

61. Hepatitis
Overview of hepatitis, and how to treat it in a natural way. hepatitis. The disease known by the name hepatitis often develops from a virus infectionthe main symptoms of




The disease known by the name hepatitis often develops from a virus infection -the main symptoms of the condition is severe inflammation in the liver. There are two forms of the condition, an acute form and a chronic form; the acute form of the condition responds better to treatment with conventional remedies. As a condition, hepatitis is brought about in the body by a group of six viruses, often classified as A, B, C, D, E, F, and G forms. The most common infection occurs from the hepatitis A, which is also highly contagious and is rapidly transmitted. This form of the condition does not cause long lasting damage but it does produce very acute flu like symptoms in the body of the affected individual. Very few or no symptoms at all are produced during hepatitis B and C, though the infection itself often lingers for years at a stretch. However, these forms of the condition can in some cases cause irreversible liver scarring or cirrhosis and even bring about liver cancer in the affected individual. The occurrence of the types D, E, and G hepatitis is rare and these forms do not cause as much damage due to their rarity. The most serious consequence of any form of hepatitis is felt by the liver, the disease impairs the livers ability to process

62. Hepatitis A -
Features signs, risk factors, diagnosis, complications, prevention, and treatment.

63. Viral Hepatitis: EMedicine Emergency Medicine
Overview hepatitis is a general term that refers to inflammation of the liver. This condition may result from various infectious and noninfectious etiologies. Infectious

64. What I Need To Know About Hepatitis A
Explains the prevention, causes, symptoms, modes of transmission, and treatment of the disease.

65. Hepatitis
hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver and can result in liver cell damage and destruction.

66. Hepatitis A: MedlinePlus
Directory of articles, factsheets, and news releases.
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Hepatitis A
URL of this page: Also called: HAV Hepatitis A is one type of hepatitis - a liver disease - caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). The disease is spread primarily through food or water contaminated by stool from an infected person. You can get HAV from
  • Eating food prepared by someone with HAV who did not wash their hands after using the bathroom Having anal/oral sex with someone with HAV Not washing your hands after changing a diaper Drinking contaminated water
HAV can cause swelling of the liver, but it rarely causes lasting damage. You may feel as if you have the flu, or you may have no symptoms at all. It usually gets better on its own after several weeks. The hepatitis A vaccine can prevent HAV. Healthy habits also make a difference. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing food, after using the toilet or after changing a diaper. International travelers should be careful about drinking tap water. NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Hepatitis A is one type of hepatitis - a liver disease - caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). The disease is spread primarily through food or water contaminated by stool from an infected person. You can get HAV from

67. Disease Information Hepatitis A - Travel Medicine Program
Features cause, symptoms, prevention, vaccination, treatment, and transmission.

68. Food Safety Research Information Office Hepatitis A
Directory of factsheets, reports, press releases, and resources on the disease.

69. Hepatitis - Simple English Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
hepatitis is a disease of the liver. There are several kinds of hepatitis, the most common are hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Most cases of hepatitis are caused by
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Hepatitis is a disease of the liver . There are several kinds of hepatitis, the most common are Hepatitis A Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C . Most cases of Hepatitis are caused by viruses Hepatitis can also be caused by alcohol . About one in four people who drink more than three alcoholic drinks a day, (over a period of 10-15 days) will have some form of hepatitis caused by alcohol. Various drugs and chemicals can also cause Hepatitis, most notably Paracetamol overdose ), yellow phosphorous , and others. Hepatitis may also be caused by other diseases.
change Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A can be transmitted through infected food . The patient's immune system makes antibodies against hepatitis A. This will make the patient immune against future infection. People with hepatitis A should rest, drink a lot of water and avoid alcohol. A vaccine is available. It will protect against infection from hepatitis A for life. Hepatitis A can be spread through personal contact, consumption of raw sea food or by drinking contaminated water. This occurs primarily in third world countries. Strict personal

70. Hepatitis Education Project Has Moved To
Non-profit organization in Seattle, Washington offering information and support for hepatitis patients and their families. Includes newsletter, support group locations, and links to additional resources. Newsletter requires free membership.
Hepatitis Education Project has a new website!
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71. Hepatitis Neighborhood
A site providing information and support for those coping with infection by hepatitis C and other forms of viral and nonviral hepatitis. The website offers information about
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Aug. 21, 8 PM ET
Common Liver Lab Tests/Open Forum

Donna Fanelli, MSN, NPC Sep. 4, 8 PM ET Pediatric Hepatitis/Open Forum Philip Rosenthal, MD Talk to experts, and find information and support. Join today. It's free!

72. Greenview Foundation - Hepatitis C Research Fund
The Greenview Foundation s hepatitis C Research Fund is a charity raising money for medical research to help find a cure or better treatment for hepatitis C. Find information about the disease, an event schedule, and details about the organization.
Hepatitis C Research Fund
The Greenview Foundation's Hepatitis C Research Fund is a charity raising money for medical research at the University of Michigan and to improve the diagnosis and education of Hepatitis C patients worldwide. Hepatitis C is a serious, often chronic and potentially fatal disease that afflicts approximately 4-5 million Americans and is the #1 reason for liver transplants. The yearly death rate in the U.S. is estimated to be 8,000 - 12,000. Many of these Americans are health care workers that were exposed to infected patients. Many others are unfortunate people that received blood transfusions as medical patients in the 1980's before hepatitis C was detectable. Worldwide, more than 170 million people are estimated to have hepatitis C, most without yet knowing it.
Despite the vast number of people with hepatitis C, the seriousness of the disease and the alarming number of deaths, research for a cure or better treatment receives very little funding. Our mission is to save lives by raising awareness of hepatitis C and existing treatment options, providing seed money for research grants, and, in a very modest way, directly raise money for research. With the University of Michigan hospitals located just a few miles away and well known as a top-20 medical research center, money raised by this fund will be donated to the University, earmarked for research and education on hepatitis C.

73. Viral Hepatitis: A Through E And Beyond
Provides information about the symptoms, modes of transmission, atrisk populations, prevention, and treatment of hepatitis A through E. Includes a list of additional resources.

74. All About Hepatitis C
Patient information, including causes, symptoms, testing, and treatments. From Schering Corporation.

75. Hepatitis Overview - RightHealth
Learn more about hepatitis. Find the Web's best health guides, medical reports, news, videos and tools for hepatitis. Share hepatitis experiences and get advice from experts.
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "https://sb" : "http://b") + "' %3E%3C/script%3E")); RightHealth in partnership with Integrated Solutions in partnership with Integrated Solutions One sec... we're building your guide for Hepatitis document.k_start_apptier = "Nov 14 14:22:23.45945"; kapp.assignCol($('ads_banner_top'), 'topnav_container');
kapp.assignCol($('refine_nav'), 'topnav_container'); kapp.assignCol($('uc_kosmixarticles_shadow'), 'right_container'); Doctor-reviewed article from RightHealth and A.D.A.M. Hepatitis A Guide
Hepatitis A is inflammation (irritation and swelling) of the liver caused by the hepatitis A virus. See also:
Alternative Names
Viral hepatitis
Causes, Incidence, And Risk Factors
The hepatitis A virus is found mostly in the stools and blood of an infected person about 15 - 45 days before symptoms occur and during the first week of illness. Review Date: 10/18/2009
Hepatitis A is inflammation (irritation and swelling) of the liver caused by the hepatitis A virus.

76. Hepatitis C - Alternative Hope For Hep C
Information about hepatitis C including nutrition, diet and supplement information and a personal story of hope.


Loving Words



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77. ID Associates: Hepatitis
hepatitis. There are several forms of viral hepatitis, each caused by its own virus, bacteria, or parasite. They are (A, B, C, D, E)
Avian Flu
C. Diff. Colitis

Chronic Fatigue



HIV Care

ID Care Infusion Suites

Lyme Disease
There are several forms of viral hepatitis, each caused by its own virus, bacteria, or parasite. They are (A, B, C, D, E) Hepatitis B
transmitted by infected blood or blood products, or sexually. Hepatitis C transmitted by blood from asymptomatic donors and may result in chronic disease. Hepatitis disease is either acute (starts and ends quickly) or chronic (long-term progression). Hepatitis B One out of 20 people in the United States will get infected with Hepatitis B Virus some time during their lives. The risk is increased through sexual contact with an infected individual, intravenous drug use, living in direct proximity of a lifelong HBV infected individual, or travel to areas where the infection is common. Hepatitis B is contracted through direct contact with blood or bodily fluids of an infected individual. Symptoms of the infection include eyes or skin turning yellow; loss of appetite; nausea, vomiting, fever, stomach or joint pain; extreme fatigue.

78. Hepatitis C Class Actions Settlement - Canada / H�patite C R�glement Des Recours
Important information for Canadians infected through the blood system. Includes definitions, eligibility, procedures, documents, forms, news updates, and FAQs. English and French

79. Log In Problems
Collection of presentations for clinicians on public health considerations related to diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Requires free registration.

80. Hepatitis
hepatitis. Author Frank W. Jackson, M.D. Prebiotics in your diet or in a supplement naturally restore digestive balance and health. Learn more . . .

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