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81. Hepatitis C Patient Information Resource for anyone wanting to learn more about this virus. Personal experiences and medical abstracts. http://www.hepcprimer.com | |
82. Hepatitis B - Vaccine, Virus, Symptoms & Treatment hepatitis B at a Glance. A kind of liver infection ; Often has no symptoms ; No cure, but the infection often goes away on its own ; Many states require the hepatitis B vaccine for school http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/stds-hiv-safer-sex/hepatitis-b-42 | |
83. Hepatitis C The Silent Killer Links to medical information, social security, insurance, alternative medications, the authors personal experience and funding. Also a message board. http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/rec/hep.html | |
84. Hepatitis - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment Of Hepatitis - NY Times Health Inform Free articles and multimedia from The NY Times, including information on symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, tests, and surgical procedures, as well as current news and interviews http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/hepatitis/overview.html |
85. Hepatitis C And Hep C Information From The Hep C Connection. Also HCV, Co-infect A newsletter for people interested in or suffering from hepatitis C. http://www.hepc-connection.org/ | |
86. Hepatitis C: MedlinePlus Directory of factsheets, articles, and news. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/hepatitisc.html | |
87. Hepatitis C Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, And Prevention Information O Consumer health resource center providing an overview, the causes, symptoms, and treatment. Includes self-care, medications, support groups, and counseling. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/11365-1.asp | |
88. Current And Future Medications For Hepatitis C Information on the causes, symptoms, risk factors, and treatment options. Includes a section on drug research. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/44129-1.asp | |
89. BeInCharge Free program for newly-diagnosed and those in treatment. Includes 24/7 phone support in 150 languages, hepatitis C basics, newsletter, and educational materials. Sponsored by Schering Corporation. http://www.beincharge.com/ |
90. Roche Health Kiosk > Infections > Hepatitis C Provides information on symptoms, treatment options, reasons to get tested, and a newsletter sign up. From Roche Pharmaceuticals. http://www.health-kiosk.ch/start_hepa.htm |
91. Hepatitis C Council Of SA Diet Lifestyle Explains dietary needs and restrictions for people with this disease. Includes helpful and harmful herbs, alcohol, and caffeine information. http://www.hepccouncilsa.asn.au/factsheets/lifestyle.html | |
92. National Hepatitis C Coalition, Inc. - Offering Hope For Hepatitis C Patients and families offering support and information. Includes chat, therapies, stories, event pictures, memorial wall, and general health. http://nationalhepatitis-c.org | |
93. Hepatitis C :: Home Discusses basic facts about viruses, the liver, and HCV. Includes risk assessment test, personal stories, issues, and forum. Sponsored by the C. Everett Koop Institute at Dartmouth College. http://www.epidemic.org | |
94. Chronic Hepatitis C: Current Disease Management An introduction, risk factors and transmission, clinical symptoms and signs, testing, biopsy, diagnosis and treatment are some of the topics discussed. http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/chronichepc/ |
95. Hep C Discussion Forum Forum set up by sufferers and post treatment survivors of hepatitis C. Aims to help and support, offer guidance, research and on-line community for all. http://hepcfriends.activeboard.com/ | |
96. Special Issue On Virology And Clinical Advances Of HCV Infection A special issue of articles covering aspects of hepatitis C virology, natural history, epidemiology, molecular diagnosis, treatment of chronic HCV infection, co-infection and transplantation. http://www.medsci.org/hepatitisc.html | |
97. HCV University Educates providers about Hep C treatments, information and symptoms by offering lectures, key literature, and mentoring to address HCV in the most challenging patients. Find a core curriculum, facility, educational tools and HCVU fellowship. http://www.hcvu.org/ |
98. Den Danske Hepatitis C-hjemmeside Om hepatitis og andre leversygdomme. Information, r dgivning og f lgesygdomme. http://www.hepatitis.dk/ |
99. Hepatitis In Der Schweiz Umfangreiche Informationen ber Ursachen, Symptome und Behandlung der hepatitis C Ben tigt Flash. http://www.hepatitis-info.ch |
100. HCV-KA - ICQ-Liste/Diskussionsforum/Homepage Die lokale Selbsthilfegruppe m chte mit ihren Seiten und allen, die auch von hepatitis C betroffen sind, Mut machen. Auch eine Linksammlung steht zur Verf gung. http://www.hepatitis-c-selbsthilfe-karlsruhe.de/ | |
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