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21. From Honduran Ally Organization: "Solidarity With The Haitian People" | Grassroo Crossborder Work; Global Partnerships; Haiti; Honduras; Indigenous Peoples; Movement Building; Rethinking Aid http://www.grassrootsonline.org/news/blog/honduran-ally-organization-solidarity- | |
22. Product Details - Library Video Company Honduras Indigenous Peoples Maya Mesoamerican Tribes Mexico Multiculturalism Native American Mythology Native American Religions Native Americans Pyramids http://www.libraryvideo.com/servlet/viajero/product/d6926 | |
23. MAR | Data | Minority Group Assessments For All Regions Honduras Indigenous Peoples indigenous Hungary Roma ethnoclass India Assamese indigenous India Bodos indigenous India Kashmiris ethnonationalist India Mizos indigenous http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/mar/assessments.asp?regionId=99 |
24. Honduras: Crisis Of Democracy & Human Rights | Grassroots International Honduran Coordinating Council of Campesino Organizations (COCOCH) Honduras; Indigenous Peoples; Land Rights; Mesoamerica; Resource Rights; United States http://www.grassrootsonline.org/news/blog/honduras-crisis-democracy-human-rights | |
25. Pech People | Ask.com Encyclopedia Categories Articles lacking sources from December 2009 Articles with invalid date parameter in template Ethnic groups in Honduras Indigenous peoples of Central America http://www.ask.com/wiki/Pech_people?qsrc=3044 |
26. GREZE, Catherine | MEP Watch Honduras Indigenous peoples of the Americas Ionizing radiation Politics Politics of Honduras Radioactive contamination Yury Bandazhevsky http://www.mepwatch.eu/mep/6273 |
27. Garifuna - Related Articles And Key Terms Arawakan languages Dangriga Languages of Belize Culture of Belize British Honduras Carib Tela Belizean Kriol people Demographics of Honduras Indigenous peoples of http://cwf.appspot.com/cwx/term/garifuna |
28. Tolupan People | Ask.com Encyclopedia Categories Ethnic groups in Honduras Indigenous peoples of Central America Mesoamerican cultures Honduras stubs Ethnic group stubs http://www.ask.com/wiki/Tolupan_people?qsrc=3044 |
29. Maya Peoples Photos On Fotopedia - The Photo Encyclopedia The Maya peoples constitute a diverse range of the Native American people of southern Mexico and northern Central America. The overarching term Maya is a convenient collective http://www.fotopedia.com/en/Maya_peoples |
30. A DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF THE TAWAHKA AMERINDIANS OF HONDURAS* - McSWEENEY - 2010 ABSTRACT. Latin America's lowland indigenous groups have been characterized in contradictory ways. Are populations shrinking or growing? Do groups face cultural extinction, or are http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1931-0846.2002.tb00150.x/abstract | |
31. Sailing Cielo The absolutely stunning islands are home to a settlement of Garifuna Indians, one of Honduras' indigenous peoples. The settlement is home to about 80 people whose lives, in many http://sailingcielo.com/ |
32. Come Sunday | Red Room Central America, conquistadores, Honduras, Indigenous Peoples, Latin America, New York. Genre General Novel, Historical Fiction. Type of Work Book http://www.redroom.com/publishedwork/come-sunday |
33. Strategic Environmental Assessment - Public Statements - Environment - CIDA ProMesas Program for Honduras; Indigenous Peoples Partnership Program for the Latin America and Caribbean Region; Rural Economic Development Project- REDEPRO http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/acdi-cida/acdi-cida.nsf/eng/FRA-430134513-NTT | |
34. Indigenous Portal - New - Amérique Centrale Et Latine Honduras (UCTP Taino News) While world watches events unfold around the recent political coup d'etat in Honduras, Indigenous Peoples of the country are calling for the return http://www.indigenousportal.com/fr/New/Central-and-South-America.html | |
35. France24 - Honduras Divided Over Presidential Election Honduras - indigenous peoples - South America - television - USA Honduras prepares for a tense presidential election; New York mayor, Michael http://www.france24.com/en/20091125-honduras-divided-over-presidential-election | |
36. Creative-i : New On Nacla.org U.S. “Democracy Promotion†In Honduras | 150 S Trying to make sense of things in this crazy, capitalist world and then Also tagged colombia, Honduras, Indigenous Peoples, US, Zelaya http://www.creative-i.info/tag/uribe/ | |
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