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Iberian Peninsula Archaeology: more books (15) | |||
21. João Fonte | CSIC (Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Científicas-Spanish Nat Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Landscape Archaeology; Late Iron Age (Archaeology) LiDAR; Material Culture Studies; Political Anthropology; Political Economy http://csic.academia.edu/JoãoFonte | |
23. David González Álvarez | Complutense University Madrid - Academia.edu Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Landscape Archaeology; Late Bronze Age archaeology; Megalithic Monuments; Mobility (Archaeology) Nationalism and Archaeology http://ucm.academia.edu/DavidGonzalez | |
24. Meritxell Ferrer | Pompeu Fabra University - Academia.edu Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Material Culture Studies; Mediterranean archaeology; Mediterranean prehistory; Memory and materiality; Nationalism and Archaeology http://upf.academia.edu/MeritxellFerrer | |
25. Following - Academia.edu Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) Bronze And Iron Age In Mediterrarranean (Archaeology) Glass (Archaeology) Iron Age (Archaeology) Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) http://lisboa.academia.edu/CarlosFabião/Following | |
26. Electronic Books Spanish on line journal for the archaeology of the ancient Iberian peninsula. Archaeology An Official Publication of the Archaeological Institute of America http://www.ancienthistory.ugent.be/history/iahrg/ElectronicPublications.htm | |
27. Miguel Valério | Universidade Nova De Lisboa - Academia.edu Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Italic Languages; Language Variation and Change; Late Bronze Age archaeology; Latin Epigraphy; Latin Palaeography http://unl-pt.academia.edu/MiguelValério | |
28. Press Releases, Obermann Center For Advanced Studies, The University Of Iowa June 20, 1006 Obermann Seminar Compares American Southwest, Iberian Peninsula Archaeology; June 5, 2006 UI Vice President For Research Announces Three New Appointments http://www.uiowa.edu/obermann/about/press.html | |
29. Michael Dietler | University Of Chicago - Academia.edu Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Iron Age Ireland (Archaeology) Landscape Archaeology; Later prehistoric Britain and Europe; Material Culture http://chicago.academia.edu/MichaelDietler | |
30. Following - Academia.edu Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Landscape Archaeology; Religion and ritual in prehistory; Roman archaeology; Spanish archaeology; Symbolic Boundaries http://coruna.academia.edu/MarcialTenreiro/Following | |
31. Montaña Y Recursos. Aproximación Diacrónica Al Poblamiento En Las Loras (Burg Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Landscape Archaeology; Palaeoenvironment; Public Archaeology; Roman archaeology; Settlement Patterns; view all (14) http://unican.academia.edu/JesúsGarcíaSánchez/Papers/81530/Montaña-y-recurso | |
32. Followers - Academia.edu Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Landscape; Latin Epigraphy; Mediterranean archaeology; Method and Theory in the Study of Religion; Phoenician Punic Archaeology http://oxford.academia.edu/AnjaUlbrich/Followers | |
33. Followers - Academia.edu Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Landscape Archaeology; Late Iron Age (Archaeology) LiDAR; Material Culture Studies; Political Anthropology; Political Economy http://bham.academia.edu/VincentGaffney/Followers | |
34. Followers - Academia.edu Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Landscape; Latin Epigraphy; Mediterranean archaeology; Method and Theory in the Study of Religion; Phoenician Punic Archaeology http://cambridge.academia.edu/IsabelleVellaGregory/Followers | |
35. Followers - Academia.edu Geography; History; Indigenous Archaeololgy; Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Roman archaeology; Sustainability; Theoretical Archaeology http://uevora.academia.edu/AndreCarneiro/Followers | |
36. Michael Toffolo | CV - Academia.edu Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Landscape Archaeology; Late Antique Archaeology; Levantine Archaeology; Medieval Archaeology; Mineralogy; Near Eastern Archaeology http://biu.academia.edu/MichaelToffolo/CurriculumVitae | |
37. Followers - Academia.edu Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Law; Legal History; Liminality; Medieval Studies; Military Prehistory (Archaeology) Oral Traditions; Prehistoric weapons http://uam.academia.edu/AngelFuentes/Followers | |
38. E-Keltoi: Volume 6, The Celts In Portugal, By Teresa Jdice Gamito The Celts in the Iberian Peninsula Archaeology, history, language. In K.H. Schmidt, R. K dderitzsch and A. Tovar (eds), Geschichte und Kultur der Kelten, pp. 68101. http://www4.uwm.edu/celtic/ekeltoi/volumes/vol6/6_11/gamito_6_11.html | |
39. Michael Toffolo Bar-Ilan University Read Papers - Academia.edu Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Landscape Archaeology; Late Antique Archaeology; Levantine Archaeology; Medieval Archaeology; Mineralogy; Near Eastern Archaeology http://biu.academia.edu/MichaelToffolo/ReadPapers |
40. Followers - Academia.edu Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) Landscape; Latin Epigraphy; Mediterranean archaeology; Method and Theory in the Study of Religion; Phoenician Punic Archaeology http://independent.academia.edu/ThomasADowson/Followers | |
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