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         Immigration Law:     more books (101)
  1. Immigration and American Democracy: Subverting the Rule of Law by Robert Koulish, 2009-12-16
  2. The Insider for US Immigration by USGCRS Organization, 2010-05-12
  3. Refugee Law and Policy: A Comparative and International Approach by Karen Musalo, 2006-12-30
  4. International Refugee Law by B Chimni, 2000-07-27
  5. The Collective Responsibility of States to Protect Refugees (Oxford Monographs in International Law) by Agnès Hurwitz, 2009-11-02
  6. Aila's Asylum Primer: A Practical Guide to U.s. Asylum Law and Procedure by Regina Germain, 2007-12-30
  7. The Limits of Transnational Law: Refugee Law, Policy Harmonization and Judicial Dialogue in the European Union
  8. International Migration Law: Developing Paradigms and Key Challenges
  9. Refugee Law and Policy: Cases and Materials (Carolina Academic Press Law Casebook Series) by Karen Musalo, Jennifer Moore, et all 1997-08
  10. Making People Illegal: What Globalization Means for Migration and Law (Law in Context) by Catherine Dauvergne, 2009-06-08
  11. Justice in Immigration (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law)
  12. Immigration Nationality Act
  13. Understanding Immigration Law: How to Enter, Work and Live in the United States by Nancy-Jo Merritt, 1994-02
  14. Immigration: The Law and Practice (Longman Practitioner Series) by Michael Supperstone, Elizabeth Laing, et all 1994-10

101. Houston Immigration Lawyer, Houston Immigration Attorney, Immigration Lawyer In
Focusing on immigration law. Includes attorney profile and weblog.
Houston Immigration Lawyer
Houston immigration attorney, Annie Banerjee graduated third highest in her law school class at South Texas College of Law, in 1996 with a full academic scholarship.
Houston Immigration Attorney Representing Individuals and Employers
We represent employers and individuals with their business and family immigration needs. Our clients are Fortune 500 oil companies, publicly traded oil and bio tech companies, multinational manufacturing companies, IT Companies, as well as individuals and small businesses. We also offer basic Family Law services to individuals. Our commitment is to serve you with complete dedication, in a fast efficient manner emphasizing individual attention for each client and utmost quality. As an immigrant Annie empathizes with her clients and takes the business of immigration seriously as a Houston Immigration Lawyer. Located in Sugar Land, near Houston, Texas, we represent clients in immigration matters throughout the United States and in Family Law in Texas State Courts. Annie Banerjee is a member of the State Bar of Texas, College of the State Bar of Texas, American Immigration Lawyers Association, American Bar Association, Indian Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston. Annie also co-founded the Indian American Lawyers of Houston.

102. DALMA - Immigrer Au Canada Immigration - Canadian Citizenship - Citoyennete Cana
Provides clients with guidance and information about Canadian immigration law, regulations and programs. Outlines services, answers FAQs and lists links to related resources.
The definitive source of information for successful immigration to Canada.
La meilleure source d'information pour r�ussir une demande d'immigration au Canada.
DALMA IMMIGRATION has but one goal:
To obtain Canadian immigrant visas for its clients
We help our clients reach their immigration goals by providing guidance and accurate information concerning Canadian immigration laws. Our service is professional, forthright and confidentia l. Welcome to Canada! DALMA IMMIGRATION n'a qu'une mission :
Obtenir le visa d'immigration canadien pour ses clients.
Nous aidons nos clients � r�aliser leurs objectifs d'immigration en les guidant et en les informant des lois canadiennes r�gissant l'immigration, le tout par le biais d'un processus professionnel, transparent et confidentiel Bienvenue au Canada!

103. Horizons Immigration Canada Inc. - Secure Bridge To Canada -
A legal office offering professional services and expertise in immigration law. Lists information about documentation requirements and offers assessment services online.
Canada is the envy of the world and the best place to call home. It is a country built on the dreams and hard work of immigrant and refugees. Horizons Immigration Canada inc. makes anyone able to reach his goals. The professional team working helped thousands of people by applying online thru the FREE ASSESSMENT FORM , easy to be filled, to come to Canada and fulfill their dreams. Horizons Immigration Canada, your next step to a brighter future

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