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41. Maryland Indian Restaurants, India Rasoi, Madras Palace, Mango Grove, Minerva, W Listing of Indian associations, grocery stores, restaurants, and other businesses and services in Maryland http://www.mdindia.us/ | |
42. Ogle Duff - Ogle Duff - Emeritus Faculty - Emeritus Associate Professor - Emerit Expanding the secondary literature curriculum Annotated bibliographies of American Indian, Asian Americans and Hispanic American literature. In Daniel Sheridan Longmen (Ed http://www.education.pitt.edu/people/OgleDuff/index.aspx?page=publications |
43. America India Links and information for Indians residing in America. http://www.americaindia.com/ | |
44. Www.ddindia.com | Homepage Real video broadcast by a leading Indian television network. http://www.ddindia.gov.in/ | |
45. Rediff On The NeT: Saying Sayonara To Asian America What Indian Asian Americans (even the term sounds awkward) need to understand is that political power and cultural recognition are never won by getting others to fight your http://www.rediff.com/news/1999/may/17us.htm | |
46. Kerala Express Malayalam Newspaper | Online Malayalam News | Kerala Matrimonial Weekly English and Malayalam newspaper published from Chicago. Requires downloadable fonts. http://www.keralax.com/ |
47. Diabetes On The Incline | Hope Warshaw Associates the number of people from ethnic groups with a high incidence of diabetes symptoms is growing (African American, Hispanic American, Native American/American Indian, Asian Americans http://www.hopewarshaw.com/faq/diabetes_general/diabetes_on_the_incline | |
48. Bollywood: Bollywood News, Bollywood Hindi Movies, Bollywood Films. India's Prem Offers news, music, picture gallery, screensavers, and song lyrics. http://www.indiafm.com |
49. INDOlink Humor Daily dose of jokes, cartoons, comic-strips, fun and entertainment for the whole family http://www.indolink.com/Humor/index.html |
50. TRINITY VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE identify basic information about Puerto Rican, Indian, Asian Americans, Mexican Americans and AfroAmericans. Upon completion of the last unit the student should be able 1. to http://www.tvcc.edu/instruction/syllabi/Social Science/soci2361.pdf |
51. Breaking News, Latest Indian News, Social Network, Videos, Reviews And Videos A collection of links to Bollywood websites, games, music, sports. http://chalo.net/ |
52. U. Of Washington Will End Race-Conscious Admissions - New York Times Nov 07, 1998 Nearly 4 percent of undergraduates are Hispanic and 1.5 percent are American Indian. AsianAmericans, who make up 19 percent of the students, are not considered http://www.nytimes.com/1998/11/07/us/u-of-washington-will-end-race-conscious-adm |
53. TiE Global - Fostering Entrepreneurship Globally A non-profit global network of entrepreneurs and professionals, established to foster entrepreneurship and nurture entrepreneurs. http://www.tie.org |
54. Bling H2o - Morgan Walker International, Inc. The Diversity Signature Series sparkling cider, wine and champagne labels with gold etching celebrates AmericanIndian, Asian-Americans, Women, African-American, and Hispanic http://www.casinovendors.com/Vendor/Bling-h2o-Morgan-Walker-International-Inc | |
55. NetIP | Network Of Indian Professionals (NetIP) To foster professional development and education, community service, political awareness. http://www.netip.org/ | |
56. NIKKEI VIEW: The Asian American Blog — Gil Asakawa’s Japanese American Persp Hispanic evolves into Latino; Negro to Black to African American; Native American to American Indian. Asian Americans are sometimes called Asian Pacific Americans, sometimes Asian http://nikkeiview.com/ |
57. India Together: The News In Proportion - Home Page A public awareness and solidarity campaign dedicated to spreading good news and positive opinions related to India. http://www.indiatogether.org/index.htm | |
58. TABLE: ONLINE ORIGINAL: A Dearth Of Minority Faculty who are tenured, tenuretracked, adjunct, and other **Minority faculty defined as U.S. citizens who are African American, Hispanic American, and American Indian. Asian Americans http://www.businessweek.com/1999/99_25/b3634130.htm | |
59. AZIndia - Home Resource links for Indian communities and businesses from Arizona. http://www.azindia.com/ |
60. Study Of Minority Business Contracts Draws Barbs For Methodology Flaws. | Compan The results showed a significant underutilization of American Indian/Asian-Americans/other businesses and Hispanic-owned businesses when it came to awarding prime construction http://www.allbusiness.com/legal/contracts-agreements/335517-1.html |
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